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14,566 Views · 12 days ago

Councils are leaving anti-social behaviour unchecked, a watchdog has found. In a report it says it has upheld nearly three-quarters (74%) of the cases it has investigated in the past year - ranging from low-level issues such as dog fouling and inconsiderate parking to more serious sustained harassment and intimidation. Thomas Skinner says: “Police look like they don’t care.” Mike Graham replies: “They don’t even look like police anymore.” Click here for more from TalkTV If you need any help visit:

492 Views · 12 days ago

As income takes an upward turn, the markets are now expecting another interest rate rise. Critics of the Bank of England blame them for negatively reacting to Liz Truss and causing long term damage. Although wages have grown, in real terms they’ve have actually fallen due to inflation and people are continually feeling the pinch. JJ Anisiobi says: “It's been a rocking two years for the Bank of England, unprecedented.” Click here for more from TalkTV If you need any help visit:

2,020 Views · 12 days ago

Mike Graham is joined by columnist for The Sun and The Times Rod Liddle to discuss people's perception of President Joe Biden compared to what they think he is really like. The pair also speak about Labour Party leader Keir Starmer and his ‘flip-flop’ approach to issues and politics. Mike suggests that many like to label Joe as a friendly ‘grandfather’ type of figure, which he says is not the case. Rod agrees, adding that he feels the President is actually quite "malevolent" and brings up his son Hunter Biden’s laptop scandal and its lack of coverage being the only reason he won his election. Click here for more from TalkTV If you need any help visit: #mikegraham #biden #joebiden #debate #interview #talktv

70 Views · 12 days ago

Mr Ingram says: "This conflict isn't going to be over anytime soon. This is going to be a slow slog and it's unlikely Ukranians will exploit opportunities this year". Click here for more from TalkTV If you need any help visit:

2,983 Views · 13 days ago

Ex-adviser to the Clinton and Bush administrations Steve Gill says prosecutors will "grow to regret" indicting Donald Trump. The former president is charged with conspiracy to defraud the United States, trying to prevent Congress from certifying Joe Biden's election victory, and attempting to deprive voters of their right to a fair election. Mr Gill says: "They've opened Pandora's Box... Donald Trump can subpoena and put people under oath to ask people about the electoral result." #donaldtrump #indictment #joebiden Click here for more from TalkTV If you need any help visit:

3,131 Views · 13 days ago

The King and Queen are expected to mark the first anniversary of Queen Elizabeth II’s death privately, it is understood. Charles and Camilla, who are on their traditional summer break, will not hold a private family gathering at their Balmoral estate to commemorate the passing of the late monarch and no public event is planned. It is understood the King and Queen are not expected to attend any public engagements during the week of the anniversary. The late Queen used to mark the passing of her father King George VI, who died on February 6 1952, privately at Sandringham. TalkTV’s Penny Smith is joined by royal commentator Sarah-Louise Robertson. #thequeen #royalfamily #royals #talktv #talkradio

14,466 Views · 13 days ago

Soap actress Catherine Tyldesley made headlines after she was accused of trying to blag free birthday cakes from a small bakery. The PR company organising the party reached out to Rebecca Severs who owns the Three Little Birds bakery in West Yorkshire asking for two birthday cakes and 100 cupcakes in exchange for social media exposure. Catherine Tyldesley posted on instagram insisting she knew nothing about the request and hit back at the bakery. Cristo speaks with showbiz editor for The Sun on Sunday, Hannah Hope to discuss the story as well as news about S Club 7 star Paul Cattermole.

6,690 Views · 13 days ago

Harry and Meghan, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, have made another move in their Hollywood business venture by securing the rights to turn a book into a Netflix film. The book, titled "Meet Me at the Lake," tells the story of a couple who fall in love in their 30s, with one of them having experienced personal struggles similar to those of the royal couple. While Harry and Meghan will not be starring in the film, they will be involved in producing and bringing the story to life on screen. The couple reportedly purchased the rights to the book for around £3.8 million, a significant sum that is part of their overall £100 million deal with Netflix. "Meet Me at the Lake" is said to be a perfect fit for the streaming platform, whether it becomes a drama series or a Sunday afternoon film. The release date, however, remains uncertain due to ongoing writer's and actor's strikes in the United States. Some critics argue that Harry and Meghan should focus on being the headline stars that Netflix paid for, rather than producing projects behind the scenes. They believe that the couple's star power and presence are essential for driving Netflix's success. However, others argue that Netflix recognizes the value of the couple's connections and their ability to bring people together as producers. #princeharry #meghanmarkle #princeharryandmeghanmarkle #meetmeatthelake #royalfamily #princessdiana

2,857 Views · 13 days ago

"According to the BBC if you're straight not gay, white and male or female, you're stuffed!" Jeremy Kyle slams the BBC for omitting 'Heterosexual' as an option for sexual orientation in their annual diversity survey. The state broadcaster circulated a survey where under the question 'What is your sexual orientation?', the options included 'bi/bisexual', 'lesbian/gay woman', 'gay man', 'other sexual orientation' and 'prefer not to say'. A BBC spokesperson said: 'The BBC carries out an annual diversity survey for local democracy reporters and this year there was an omission in the sexual orientation section due to an admin error. 'As such we won’t include sexual orientation data in our results this year and everyone who received the survey has been made aware.' Click here for more from TalkTV If you need any help visit:

751 Views · 13 days ago

Activist group Just Stop Oil has announced plans to disrupt Premier League games every weekend of the upcoming season. Their goal is to slow march in front of fan traffic, invade pitches, and even glue themselves to goalposts. However, their actions have sparked controversy and outrage, with many calling for their arrest and condemning their disruptive tactics. Even Labour Party members, including Keir Starmer, have expressed their disapproval of Just Stop Oil's message. The police chief has suggested that these activists should be locked up without bail, citing public frustration with their antics. This new co-group, known for their stunts that disrupted events like the Ashes and the Snooker World Championship, has faced widespread criticism for their disruptive behaviour. However, some argue that their actions only serve to draw attention to themselves rather than addressing the issue of climate change and finding sustainable energy solutions. Many football fans are particularly angered by Just Stop Oil's plans to disrupt their beloved sport. One fan expressed their frustration, stating that if these activists dare to disrupt their enjoyment of the game, they will face severe consequences. The fan also mentioned a recent incident where a motorist attacked an activist in the street, highlighting the potential dangers these disruptions may bring. #juststopoil #premierleague

2,832 Views · 13 days ago

Top bosses in banks, energy firms and supermarkets – have raked in more than £100 million in pay and perks, according to reports. This is despite the ongoing cost of living crisis which is impacting millions of Britons. TalkTV’s Kevin O’Sullivan is joined by the Free Speech Union’s Sam Armstrong who roasts top earning executives. Sam: “This is woke washing of corporate greed.” #talktv #talkradio #banks

8,596 Views · 13 days ago

Join Mike Graham and Kevin O'Sullivan every weekday morning at 09:30 for a half-hour of hijinks before Mike's show at 10:00. Click here for more from TalkTV If you need any help visit:

3,190 Views · 13 days ago

Jeremy Kyle covers all the stories you need to know to start your day. Political heavy-weights, no-nonsense interviews, and the only safe space for fierce opinions.

12,078 Views · 13 days ago

Barges would be used by a Labour government to house asylum seekers for a “very short” period while the cases backlog is tackled, the shadow immigration minister has said. Stephen Kinnock said former military bases would also continue to be used for a period of possibly around six months during work to bring down claims delays from a record high. Shadow home secretary Yvette Cooper has previously indicated she would not be able to immediately shut down the sites but declined to be explicit about the policy. TalkTV’s Kevin O’Sullivan hits out at the Labour party policy U-turn with Tory MP Jonathan Gullis. Kevin: “That is hypocrisy on an epic level.” Conservative MP Jonathan Gullis says: "We can clearly send a very firm signal: if you come here illegally you will not be in a five-star hotel... you will be sent somewhere else because ultimately you came here illegally." #talkradio #talktv #migration

5,790 Views · 13 days ago

Watch the fiery clash between Mike Graham and former 2020 Republican presidential candidate Joe Walsh over Donald Trump’s indictment. The former president pleaded not guilty on Thursday to federal charges that he orchestrated a plot to try to overturn his 2020 election loss. #donaldtrump #indictment #trump #talktv #talkradio

6,965 Views · 13 days ago

Watch the moment TalkTV Presenter Andre Walker destroys a Costa Coffee cup on live TV in protest at their recent cartoon advert which showed a trans man with a double mastectomy. He told viewers that he was "disgusted" and he thought Costa "is an absolute waste of time" before going to rip up a cup live on air. Andre Walker was joined by That Was The Woke That Was team captain Lois Perry, fellow presenter Danielle Nicholls, and political commentator Mat Blinsky.

1,031 Views · 13 days ago

TalkTV's flagship evening news programme takes an energetic look at tomorrow's news, tonight, through the lens of the newspaper first editions.

1,222 Views · 13 days ago

Home Secretary Suella Braverman has said immigration lawyers who coach small boat migrants to lie in order to claim asylum could face life imprisonment under a crackdown. Mike Graham clashes with James Max over whether life imprisonment should be imposed for 'crooked' migrant lawyers. "These lawyers are clearly acting against the interests of the British public... it's a major part of the problem!" Click here for more from TalkTV If you need any help visit:

12,293 Views · 13 days ago

Sadiq Khan has claimed that the expansion of London’s ultra-low emission zone (ULEZ) will result in tradespeople taking fewer days off due to better health. Mike Buckley and James Whale clash over the Mayor of London's "ridiculously stupid" comments. James: "Is Sadiq Khan the stupidest man in the UK?" Mike: "What I don't get is why you want to breathe dirty air!" Click here for more from TalkTV If you need any help visit:

2,683 Views · 13 days ago

Join a panel of opinionated famous faces from the worlds of politics, showbiz, business and current affairs to debate the hot topics everybody's talking about.

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