
The Seasoned Palate
1,263 Views · 13 years ago "godeungeo jorim," which is braised mackerel and radish in soy sauce based broth. Along with grilled mackerel, this is the most popular way of cooking mackerel in Korean cuisine. For 4 servings Cooking time: 50-60 minutes Ingredients: Mackerel, soy sauce, sugar, hot pepper flakes, garlic, ginger, white radish (or daikon), onion, green onions, green and red chili peppers. Directions: Prepare 2 medium sized fresh or frozen mackerel (750 grams, or 1.7 pounds). Thaw them out if frozen. Cut off the fins and heads. Make a slit from the top to the vent and clean the guts. Cut the fish across into 2 inch pieces, rinse in cold water, drain, and set aside Prepare your vegetables: Peel a large, heavy Korean radish. Cut 1 kilogram (2.2 pounds) worth of radish into pieces 2 inch wide, 2 ½ inch long, and 1 inch thick. Add the radish pieces to a large thick bottomed pot with. Spread them out evenly, by hand. 1 large onion or 2 medium sized onions (about 400 grams , or 2 cups worth), cut into ¼ inch thick slices and place over the radish. Cut 3 stalks of green onions into pieces 1 inch long, and chop 2 green chili peppers and 1 red chili pepper. Set aside Let s make godeungeo jorim: Place the mackerel on top of the pieces of radish. Make seasoning sauce in a bowl by mixing ½ cup soy sauce, ¼ cup hot pepper flakes, 2 tbs sugar, ⅓ cup garlic cloves minced (12 cloves), and 1 tbs of minced ginger. Pour the seasoning sauce over the fish. Pour in 1 cup of water along the edges of the pot. Close the lid and bring to a boil over high heat for 20 minutes. Open the lid, tilt the pot, and use a spoon to push aside the mackerel and radish to make empty spot for the broth to well. Scoop some broth from the empty spot and pour it over top of the fish and radish. Repeat several times. Add the chopped green onion, green and red chili peppers. Close the lid and lower the heat to a simmer for 30-40 minutes, until the radish is cooked thoroughly. The radish will absorb the soy sauce based broth, so it will look brownish and a little translucent when cooked nicely. Open the lid and turn up the heat to boil off excess broth. Tilt the pot and use a spoon to push aside the mackerel and radish to make empty spot for the broth to well. Scoop some broth from the empty spot and pour it over top of the fish and radish. Repeat it off and on for about 5-7 minutes. Turn off the heat and transfer to a serving plate. Serve with rice, kimchi, soup, lettuce, and a few more side dishes.

Gourmet Gurus
1,333 Views · 13 years ago

To get this complete recipe with instructions and measurements, check out my website: Official Facebook Page: ...

Gourmet Gurus
2,532 Views · 13 years ago

To get this complete recipe with instructions and measurements, check out my website: Official Facebook Page: ...

Gourmet Gurus
2,910 Views · 13 years ago

To get this complete recipe with instructions and measurements, check out my website: Official Facebook Page: ...

Gourmet Gurus
641 Views · 13 years ago

To get this complete recipe with instructions and measurements, check out my website: Official Facebook Page: ...

Gourmet Gurus
4,383 Views · 13 years ago

To get this complete recipe with instructions and measurements, check out my website: Official Facebook Page: ...

Gourmet Gurus
4,630 Views · 13 years ago

To get this complete recipe with instructions and measurements, check out my website: Official Facebook Page: ...

Gourmet Gurus
660 Views · 13 years ago

To get this complete recipe with instructions and measurements, check out my website: Official Facebook Page: ...

Gourmet Gurus
457 Views · 13 years ago

To get this complete recipe with instructions and measurements, check out my website: Official Facebook Page: ...

The Seasoned Palate
4,733 Views · 13 years ago Ingredients: Sweet rice flour (glutinous rice flour), salt, sugar, roasted soybean powder (and mugwort powder for ssuk injeolmi) Directions: 1. Place 1 cup of sweet rice flour, ¼ ts salt, 1 tbs sugar, and ¾ cup of water in a microwavable bowl. Mix it well to make rice cake dough.
 2. Cover it with Saran wrap, and cook it in a microwave oven for 3 minutes. 3. Mix the hot dough with a wooden spoon for about 20 seconds. Put the Saran wrap back on and cook 1 more minute in the microwave. 4. Transfer the rice cake dough into a mortar and pound it for about 1 minute (pound 50 times). You ll make bubbles and then hear the bubbles popping out while you pound, which mean the consistency of the rice cake is just right: chewy and elastic.
*tip: Put a little cold water on your hands when you want to touch the dough so that it won t stick to your fingers and will keep you from burning yourself.
 5. Spread 1/2 cup roasted soybean powder on the cutting board and transfer the pounded rice cake over the soy bean powder on the cutting board so that the rice cake would stick to the cutting board. 6. Cut into bite size pieces. 7. Coat each piece of the rice cake with the roasted soy bean powder and transfer to a serving plate Sprinkle with  sugar when you serve. Ssuk injeolmi Same directions as above, and add 1 tbs ssukgaru (mugwort powder) and 1 tbs water to the dough water you mix it. Injeolmi is rice cake made with sweet rice (glutinous rice). It s one of the most popular and common Korean rice cakes and it s made on special occasions and Festival days. The rice cake is chewy and sticky, so traditionally it was given to newly wedded couples to wish that they get along and stick together forever. The bride s mother also makes this rice cake for the groom s family in the hopes that her daughter will get along with the  groom s family. When the newly wedded couple share the rice cake, they say, "let s stick to each other forever, just like this injeolmi" : )

Traditionally it s made with a mortar and pestle. Soaked sweet rice is steamed and pounded until all the cooked rice grains are mashed. Then it s  coated in roasted soy bean powder or other things like black sesame seed powder, mashed red beans, chopped pine nuts, chestnuts, and jujubes. It s most commonly made with soybean powder; yes, I mean roasted soybean powder, or konggaru (kong means beans and garu means powder). I remember my grandmother used to make injeolmi at home and usually all adult family members (especially male members) helped. "Ok, let me help you!" "It s my turn, take a rest!" I was always excited to see them making rice cake, and so happy when I ate the freshly made rice cake, coated with lots of delicious soybean powder.These days almost everybody buys or ordersinjeolmi from a rice cake store rather than making it at home with a mortar and pestle. I ve often been told by my readers that they cook together with their children. I think cooking together with your mom is fun and a great experience. Children will keep those good memories in their hearts forever. I used to make my own injeolmi without pounding, but the taste always lacked something. It wasn t chewy enough and I didn t like the taste at all. So a few years ago when I lived in Canada, I did an experiment to make this rice cake by pounding, like I saw my grandmothers in Korea do it. It turned out so delicious! I took my injeolmi to work and shared it with my coworkers, and they said it was awesome. Instead of sweet rice, I use sweet rice flour, cook it in a microwave oven, and pound the dough with my small mortar and pestle. It works perfectly! What makes this rice cake perfect is that it s super chewy just like my grandmother s homemade injeolmi! Enjoy the recipe!

The Seasoned Palate
3,003 Views · 13 years ago

Full recipe: My newest cookbook, Maangchi s Big Book of Korean Cooking: My 1st cookbook, Real Korean Cooking: Get my letter on the first day of every month! Stories, photos, recipes, highlights and upcoming events: My Instagram, where I post photos: My Facebook for updates: Twitter where we share photos of Korean food we all made: My TikTok for short videos:

The Seasoned Palate
1,592 Views · 13 years ago Ingredients: Kkwarigochu (shishito peppers), flour, garlic, sesame oil, sesame seeds, green onions, dried anchovies, soy sauce, honey, and hot pepper flakes. Directions: Prepare 300 grams (about 10 ounce : 0.7 pound) of kkwarigochu and remove the stems from each pepper. Wash the peppers and strain them. Place the strained peppers in a large bowl and add 3 tbs flour (use 1 tbs flour for every 100 grams of kkwarigochu). Mix it up with your hands until the peppers are coated in flour. Put 1 cup of water in a steamer pot and boil it over high heat. After the water boils for a few minutes, put the peppers into the steamer and steam for 5 minutes over high heat. *tip: Don t overcook them, otherwise they ll turn out mushy Turn off the heat, take off the lid, and set aside. Put a pan on the stove over medium heat. Add 1 ts sesame oil and 2 cloves of minced garlic to the heated pan. Stir for a few seconds with a wooden spoon. Add 6 large dried anchovies with the heads and guts removed and stir for 10 seconds. Add ¼ cup water, 3 tbs soy sauce, and 1 ts honey (or sugar) and stir. Lower the heat and simmer the sauce for 1-2 minutes. Add 3 ts hot pepper flakes and mix it up with a wooden spoon. *tip: The amount of hot pepper flakes you use depends on your taste. Use 1 to 3 ts to make it spicy, or none at all for a non-spicy version Add the steamed peppers to the sauce and mix it up well with a wooden spoon. Mix for about 1 minute. Turn off the heat and add 2 chopped green onions and 1 ts sesame oil. Mix it together. Transfer some to a plate and sprinkle roasted sesame seeds on top before serving. Serve with rice. The leftover can be stored in the fridge up to 2-3 days.

The Seasoned Palate
4,326 Views · 13 years ago Ingredients (for 8 manju):
 1 cup lima beans, ½ cup sugar, ½ ts salt, ¾ cup flour and ½ cup extra flour, 2 eggs, ¼ cup sesame seeds, ¼ cup sweetened condensed milk, 2 ts of vanilla extract Directions: 
Let s make sweet filling first! 1. Soak 1 cup of lima beans in cold water overnight (for about 10-12 hours).
 2. Pop the beans out of the skins with your fingers. 3. Place the beans in a heavy bottomed pot with water and bring to a boil over medium high heat for 10 minutes. 4. Lower the heat and  simmer for about 35-50 minutes until the beans are very soft and spongy. 5. Mash the beans with a wooden spoon until they have the consistency and look of mashed potatoes.
*tip: If you need to make a large quantity, using a food processor will be faster 6. Add ½ cup sugar, ¼ ts salt, and 1 ts vanilla extract and keep stirring for about 1 -2 minutes with a wooden spoon. The filling should get stickier. Keep stirring so the filling doesn t burn or stick to the bottom of the pot.
 7. Turn the heat off and cool down. Make dough: 1. Add ¾ cup flour, 1 egg, ¼ ts salt, ¼ cup sweetened condensed milk, and 1 ts vanilla extract to a mixing bowl. 2. Mix it well  with a wooden spoon until smooth
 Make 8 manju: 1. Divide the dough and the filling into 8 same-sized balls on a floured cutting board.
 2. Flatten out each dough ball by pressing it down with the palm of your hand. 3. Place a filling ball into the center of a flattened dough ball. Wrap the dough around the filling 4. Seal the edges of the wrapped dough and form into the shape of an egg or chestnut. 5. Dip the side of egg shaped manju into water first, and then dip into sesame seeds so the seeds stick to side. For chestnut shaped manju, dip the top into water, and then dip the top into seeds. 6. Brush the sesame seeds with egg yolk. 7. Repeat for each pastry, and place the manju on a cookie pan lined with baking sheet, with the sealed part of the manju on the bottom. 8. Bake in the oven at 350°F on the middle rack for about 20 minutes. 9. If you make chestnut shaped manju, bake them a little longer for a deep, rich color. 10. Serve as dessert or snack.

The Seasoned Palate
1,121 Views · 13 years ago You can make delicious pancakes with a can of tuna! Serve with rice or noodles! Happy cooking! ^^ Check out Reinier s response video! Ingredients (for 2-3 servings): 1 can of tuna (5 oz: 142 grams), onion, garlic, salt, ground black pepper, sesame oil, egg, flour, and canola oil. Directions: 1. Strain out the liquid from a can of tuna and place it in a bowl. *tip: You can use cheesecloth, paper towel, or just squeeze with your hands to get the excess liquid out 2. Add ¼ cup chopped onion, 1 minced garlic, 1ts salt, ¼ ts ground black pepper, 1 egg, 1 ts sesame oil, and 1 tbs flour to the tuna and mix it well. 3. Heat up a non-stick pan and spread 1-2 tbs canola oil. 4. Scoop a spoonful of the tuna mixture with a spoon and place it on the heated pan. 5. Press slightly and round the edges with the spoon. 6. Make 6 small size pancakes with the tuna mixture. 7. When the bottom is cooked golden brown, turn it over and cook until both sides of the pancakes are golden brown. Total cooking time is 3-5 minutes. 8. Transfer the cooked pancakes to a serving plate and serve with rice.

The Seasoned Palate
3,993 Views · 13 years ago ooh la la~~ I m Maangchi! : ) I m living in NYC. I have been posting authentic Korean recipes (sometimes fusion) on YouTube since 2007! I always think homemade food is the best. And if you make something delicious for your friends and family, it will make everybody happy! Enjoy this recipe! Ingredients (for 2-4 servings): Mung bean sprouts, salt, garlic, green onion, cucumber, sesame seeds, and sesame oil Directions: 1. Wash and drain 12 oz (340 grams: about 3½ cups worth) of mung bean sprouts in cold water a couple of times until they re clean. Pick out any brownish rotten beans. 2. Put them in a pot and add ½ cup water and ¼ ts salt. 3. Cover the pot and bring to a boil over high heat for 5 mins. 4. Rinse in cold water, strain, and set aside. 5. Cut about 1 cup s worth of seedless cucumbers into matchsticks and put into a bowl. 6. Add ½ ts salt to the cucumbers. Mix and set aside for a few minutes. 7. Squeeze any excess water out of the cooked mung bean sprouts and put them into a mixing bowl. 8. Squeeze any excess water out of the cucumber strips and add them to the sprouts in the mixing bowl. 9. Add 1 clove of minced garlic, 1 chopped green onion, ½ ts salt, 1 ts sesame oil, and 1 ts sesame seeds to the mixing bowl. 10. Mix well by hand. 11. Transfer to a serving bowl and serve with rice.

The Seasoned Palate
2,007 Views · 13 years ago I picked some wild green onions in Inwood Hill Park and made this pancake. You can use any type of green onions for this. Enjoy the recipe! Ingredients (for 1 rectangular pancake about 6×7 inches): Green onions, flour, water, soybean paste, sugar, and vegetable oil. Directions: 1. Clean, wash, and drain a handful of wild green onions (or about 10 stalks of normal green onion). 2. Cut them into 5 inch long pieces. 3. Make batter by mixing ½ cup flour, ½ cup water, 1 ts soybean paste, and ½ ts sugar in a bowl. Mix well until the batter is smooth. 4. Place a non-stick pan on the stove and heat it up. 5. Add about 3 tbs vegetable oil to the heated pan. 6. Put the green onion on the pan parallel to each other, in the shape of a rectangle. 7. Pour the batter over the green onion evenly. *tip: If you want some seafood (chopped squid, mussels or fresh oysters) in your pancake add it on top of the green onion before pouring the batter. 8. While the pancake is being cooked, keep patting it, pressing it slightly, and keeping it in a nice shape with your spatula. 9. A few minutes later, when the bottom of the pancake turns crispy and golden brown, turn it over. 10. Cook a few more minutes until the bottom of the pancake turns crispy and golden brown again, and flip it or turn it over. 11. Cook another minute and transfer it to a serving plate. 12. Serve hot with sauce. For the sauce, mix these ingredients in a small bowl: 2 tbs soy sauce, 1 tbs vinegar, 1 ts sugar or honey, chopped onion, chopped green or red chili peppers, and 1 ts roasted sesame seeds.

The Seasoned Palate
278 Views · 13 years ago

Full recipe: My newest cookbook, Maangchi s Big Book of Korean Cooking: My 1st cookbook, Real Korean Cooking: Get my letter on the first day of every month! Stories, photos, recipes, highlights and upcoming events: My Instagram, where I post photos: My Facebook for updates: Twitter where we share photos of Korean food we all made: My TikTok for short videos:

The Seasoned Palate
576 Views · 13 years ago Authentic Korean south sea ("Namhae") pancake made with green chili peppers and served with rice. Gochujeon 1 Ingredients (for 2- 4 servings): Green chili peppers, onion, fish sauce, flour, water, vegetable oil See ingredients pictures on my website: Directions: 1. Place 1 cup of chopped green chili pepper and 2 tbs chopped onion into a bowl. 2. Add ½ cup flour, ½ cup water, and 1 tbs fish sauce. 3. Mix well. 4. Heat up a non-stick pan and add some vegetable oil or olive oil. 5. Add the mixture to the heated pan and spread it thinly. 6. Cook a few minutes until the bottom of the pancake turns golden brown and crispy. 7. Turn it over with spatula or flip it. Add more oil to make it even crispier if you want. If you add more oil, shake the pan and tilt it so that the oil spreads underneath the pancake. 8. A few minutes later, when the bottom of the pancake is crispy and golden brown, flip or turn it over again. 9. Transfer it to a cutting board and cool it down. 10. Cut into bite size pieces and put it on a plate. 11. Serve with rice. Gochujeon 2 Ingredients (for 2-4 servings): chicken breast, garlic, salt, green chili peppers, onions, fish sauce, flour, water, vegetable oil See ingredients pictures on my website: Directions: 1. Boil chicken breast (about ½ cup s worth), 3 cloves of garlic, ¼ of a medium onion, and 1 tbs salt in 5 cups of water until the chicken is cooked well. 2. Drain the chicken and squeeze out any excess water. 3. Tear it into little strips and set aside. 4. Place 1 cup of chopped green chili pepper and 2 tbs chopped onion into a bowl. 5. Add ½ cup flour, ½ cup water, 1 tbs fish sauce, and the cooked chicken. 6. Mix well. 7. Heat up a non-stick pan and add some vegetable oil or olive oil. 8. Add the mixture to the heated pan and spread it thinly. 9. Cook a few minutes until the bottom of the pancake turns golden brown and crispy. 10. Turn it over with spatula or flip it. Add more oil to make it even crispier if you want. If you add more oil, shake the pan and tilt it so that the oil spreads underneath the pancake. 11. A few minutes later, when the bottom of the pancake is crispy and golden brown, flip or turn it over again. 12. Transfer it to a serving plate. 13. Serve with rice.

The Seasoned Palate
876 Views · 14 years ago Music: Windy city s Elnino Prodigo Ox bone soup is very popular all year round in Korea, but especially in the winter. Ingredients (for 6 servings): 2.5 pounds of ox bones, 2 pounds beef flank (or brisket or round), water, Korean radish (or Daikon radish), onion, green onions, salt, black ground pepper, sesame oil. See my site for pictures and descriptions of ingredients: Directions: 1. Soak the ox bones and the beef in cold water for 20 minutes to remove any blood. 2. Rinse bones in cold water a couple of times to remove any bone chips. Drain the water. 3. Boil 14 cups water (3 ½ quarts) in a large pot 4. Put the bones and beef into the pot of boiling water. Boil for about 10 minutes. 5. Turn off the heat and take out the bones and beef. Get rid of the water. 6. Rinse and drain the meat in cold water to remove the excess fat. 7. If you only have one pot to use, clean it thoroughly with kitchen soap. 8. Put the bones and the beef back into the pot 9. Add about 12 cups of water (3 quarts), 1 medium size onion, and 1½ pounds of peeled radish to the pot. Bring to a boil over medium heat. 10. When it starts boiling about 20-30 minutes later, lower the heat to simmer for 3 hours 11. Turn off the heat and take the beef and radish out of the pot. Put them into a bowl or container. There may be some white milky broth left in the pot. If so, pour it into a large bowl. Over time we re going to boil the bones and collect the milky broth in this bowl. *tip: Use your chopstick to check the beef and radish are cooked well. Poke the meat with the stainless chopstick or fork. When it is smoothly going through the meat, the meat is tender enough. If it s still tough, add more water and boil it until tender. 12. Fill the pot with water (about 3 quarts) and boil over medium high heat for about 20 minutes. When it starts boiling, lower the heat to simmer for about 2 ½-3 hours. 13. Turn off the heat and open the lid. Pour any white milky broth to the large bowl from step 11. 14. Fill your pot with more water and boil another 2-3 hours. Then pour any milky broth into the bowl. 15. Cool down the bone soup and cover it with plastic wrap. Keep it in the refrigerator for several hours until all the fat floats to the top and gets solid. Let s serve! 1. Take the bone soup out of the fridge. Remove the solid fat from the top with a spoon or strainer. 2. Slice the cooked beef thinly, about 1/8 inch thick. Cut radish into ¼ inch thick slices 3. Reheat the bone soup and ladle the soup into a serving bowl. 4. Add a few slices of the beef and radish to the soup. Serve with warm rice and kimchi, along with chopped green onions, minced garlic, salt, and black ground pepper. 5. Add some salt, chopped green onion, and black ground pepper to the soup. Mix it well with your spoon. You can add warm rice to the soup and enjoy! *tip: The amount of salt you put in depends on your taste, but I suggest starting with 1 ts and adding more if it s too bland. Spicy version: 1. Tear about 1 cup worth of cooked beef into thin strips. Put them in a mixing bowl. 2. Add 2 tbs chopped green onion, 2 ts soy sauce, 2 ts hot pepper flakes, a pinch of black ground pepper, and 2 ts sesame oil. Mix it well with a spoon. 3. Ladle the boiling soup into a serving bowl and add a few slices of radish and the mixture of seasoned beef. 4. Serve with warm rice, salt, and kimchi.

The Seasoned Palate
1,988 Views · 14 years ago Music: Witches Chocolate Ver.2 Salty fermented squid called ojingeojeot is a side dish that you can keep it in your fridge for months and months, and enjoy it right until it runs out. Ingredients: Small squid (fresh or frozen) 1 pound 10 oz (750 grams), 5 Tbs salt, fish sauce, hot pepper flakes, green chili pepper, red chili pepper, ginger, garlic, sesame seeds, sesame oil, mulyeot (either corn syrup or rice syrup) See my site for pictures and descriptions of ingredients: Directions: 1. If you buy frozen small squids, thaw them out in the refrigerator. 2. Clean the squid: o Slice right below the triangle of the torso and cut crosswise. o Then put your knife right below eyes, cut crosswise, and discard the eye part. o Slit the torso open lengthwise and remove the innards and the plastic looking bone. o Put the cleaned squid flesh into a bowl. o Repeat this until all squids are cleaned. 3. Scrub the squid to remove some any bubbles or foam. 4. Rinse the squid in cold water a couple of times and drain it. 5. Mix 1 pound 10 oz (750 grams) of squid with ¼ cup salt. Put it into a glass jar and sprinkle another 1 tbs salt on top (total 5 tbs). *tip: For about 150 grams (5 ounces) of squid you ll need to use 1 tbs kosher salt (or plain salt) 6. Press it down to minimize exposure to the air. Close the lid and keep it in the refrigerator for 1 month. 7. 1 month later, wash, rinse, and strain the fermented squid. 8. Make seasoning paste. In a large bowl mix: o ½ cup hot pepper flakes o ½ cup corn syrup (or rice syrup) o 1 tbs fish sauce o 2 chopped green onions o 5 cloves of chopped or sliced garlic o 1 tbs chopped ginger o 2 chopped green chili peppers o 2 chopped red chili peppers o 2 tbs roasted sesame seeds o 1 tbs sesame oil 9. Dry the squid with a cotton cloth or paper towels. 10. Chop the squid into small pieces and put them into the red paste and mix well. 11. Transfer it into a container or jar and keep it in the refrigerator. 12. Serve with rice as a side dish. You could add more fish sauce, hot pepper flakes, and green chili peppers if you want. As you saw in the video, I made jeot but I also cooked some squid to eat: 1. Put some cleaned squid into boiling water, cook for about 20 or 30 seconds and drain. 2. Serve with dipping sauce or tabasco sauce. How to make chojang (dipping sauce): Mix 2 tbs hot pepper paste, 1 tbs vinegar, 1 ts sugar, and 1 clove of minced garlic

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