
698 Views · 12 years ago

full recipe: My newest cookbook, Maangchi s Big Book of Korean Cooking: My 1st cookbook, Real Korean Cooking: Get my letter on the first day of every month! Stories, photos, recipes, highlights and upcoming events: My Instagram, where I post photos: My Facebook for updates: Twitter where we share photos of Korean food we all made: My TikTok for short videos:

2,166 Views · 12 years ago

The recipe is here: I am introducing Ssamjang to you today, a kind of Korean dipping sauce. I ve posted ssamjang recipes in the past, always as a side dish for things like grilled beef (soegogi gui) and grilled pork belly (samgyeopsal gui), but the ratio can vary depending on your personal preference and mood. This is a special ratio for ssamjang that I think the most delicious so far. But it s your choice. If you don t want to make your ssamjang sweet, you can skip sugar, honey, or syrup or use less of it. You can also buy premade ssamjang in Korean grocery stores, but I guarantee this will be fresher and more delicious. It s best just after you make it, but you can store it in the fridge about 10 days, if you need to. As I show in the video, you can make a simple, light meal with ssamjang, lettuce, and rice. Wrapping some rice and ssamjang in a lettuce leaf and pop it into your mouth. Enjoy! : ) Ingredients: (4 servings) ¼ cup doenjang (fermented soy bean paste) 1 tbs gochujang (hot pepper paste) 1 stalk of minced green onion ¼ cup chopped onion 2 ts honey 2 ts toasted sesame seeds 2 ts sesame oil Directions: Use a spoon to mix all the ingredients in a large bowl. Transfer it to a small bowl, and serve with rice and lettuce, or with meat BBQ.

Eugenie Kitchen
463 Views · 12 years ago

Learn how to make souffle. Here goes a simple and easy recipe. "See more" for the ingredients. Subscribe: Find all the recipes: Soufflé a la vanille – Vanilla Soufflé Recipe For 2 1-cup-ramekins or 4 1/2-cup-ramekins Ingredients 1 tablespoon softened unsalted butter (14g) 1 tablespoon all-purpose flour (10g) 1/2 cup milk, hot (120 ml) 1/2 teaspoon pure vanilla extract 2 tablespoons caster sugar (30g) 2 eggs, medium-sized, seperated Pinch salt Confectioners’ sugar, to serve Additional butter and sugar to prepare the ramekins Blog --------------------- 바닐라 수플레 만들기 2인분 재료 •무염 버터 14g •밀가루 10g •우유 120ml •바닐라 엑스트렉 2.5ml •설탕 30g •달걀 2개 •약간의 소금 --------------------------- Receta de Soufflé Ingredientes 14 g de mantequilla sin sal 10 g de harina 120 ml de leche 2.5ml vainilla Trek 30 g de azúcar 2 huevos un poco de sal --------------------------- Recette Soufflé ingrédients 14 g de beurre non salé 10 g de farine 120ml lait 2,5 ml de essence de vanille 30g de sucre en poudre 2 oeufs un peu du sel ~ STAY CONNECTED ~ Find All My Recipes Subscribe to My Blog Facebook Instagram Twitter Pinterest Google+ Feedly BlogLovin 유지니키친 Food by Eugenie

3,157 Views · 12 years ago FACEBOOK PAGE: How to lose weight teenagers? help me lose weight? How to lose weight fast for teenagers .Teenagers have a lot of energy ,and can very easily lose a lot of weight in a relatively short period of time. Even though, teens are always surrounded by unhealthy food choices.In this video I will be sharing: - weight loss diet - ways to lose weight fast for teens - teenagers Weight Loss Ideas - best weight loss diet. 1.Start eating breakfast. Some teens think skipping breakfast is a quick way to shed pounds. However, eating breakfast will jump start your metabolism and prevent overeating during the day. Chose a meal that has protein for staying power, such as an egg white omelette with mozzarella cheese, fruit and milk. High-fiber foods, such as whole wheat toast or whole wheat cereal are also good options. 2 Watching your drinks Too many sodas, juices and sports drinks can really add up. Replace them with water. You should have at least 8 glasses of water a day! Water rinses out unwanted toxins from your body and keeps your brain sharp. It keeps you hydrated. 3.Filling up on fruits and veggies Most fruits and vegetables are high in fiber and nutrients while low in calories. That means you ll fill up faster and eat less. Try having fruit as snacks or before meals to cut calories without feeling hungry. 4.Avoid fast food There s nothing wrong with having an occasional burger and fries, but avoid having those types of foods every day. Make them a treat that you only have every now and then. 5.Avoiding mindless snacking If you get hungry in the afternoon, keep your snacks healthy by avoiding candy, cookies, and other tempting sweets. Also, pay attention to other reasons you may eat, like being bored, tired, or feeling blue. Emotional eating only makes things worse and doesn t make your problems go away. 7.exercise every day Get at least 1 hour of exercise every day, even if it is just taking a long walk. Chose activities that you enjoy. An easy way to lose weight quickly and meet the daily physical activity requirement is by joining an after school athletic team. Basketball, tennis, track and other organized activities will assist in burning calories and losing weight quickly. Enlist your friends to join you on your journey to weight loss. If you re embarrassed about asking them to help you out, just ask if they want to go to the gym with you. And don t spend your days sitting on the couch watching TV! Fast weight loss will only be achieved with diet and exercise. fitness,

4,236 Views · 12 years ago Koreans often make baekseolgiddeok to celebrate a baby s 3 week birthday (saei rye in Korean) or any child s birthday, but it s most often traditionally prepared to celebrate a baby s 100 day birthday (baek il in Korean). The white cake represents purity and perfection and is attained by using fluffy steamed white rice flour and few other ingredients: sugar, salt, and water. The whole family gives the baby good wishes on his or her 100 day birthday. They might say: "I hope you grow up to be always healthy, pure, and happy!" This rice cake was meant to be shared with many people because it s believed that the more people who share it, the longer life the baby will have. If you ve already made my mujigaeddeok (rainbow rice cake), I think making baekdeolgiddeok may be too simple for you. I added some dried fruits and sliced almonds to this rice cake to make it more tasty and colorful, but if you want to make it in the traditional Korean style, leave them out. Let me know if you make this for your lovely family members, friends, babies, your parents, or even your co-workers! Impress me and my other readers. Ingredients: 4 cups and 1 TBS rice flour (made from short grain rice) 1 ts salt ¼ cup water ¼ cup sugar dried colorful fruits and nuts if desired : raisins, golden raisins, papaya or apricot (sliced), cranberries, and almonds (sliced or chopped) Cooking utensils: Steamer, sifter, 8 inch (20 cm) cake ring Directions: Thaw out the package of frozen rice flour and put it into a large bowl. Add water and salt. Mix it all up and press out any wet lumps by rubbing the lumps gently between your palms. Repeat until all the lumps are broken and the rice flour is uniformly wet. Sift the rice flour twice, then add sugar and sift once more. Add 10 cups of water to the bottom of a steamer and bring to a boil. When the water boils, place a wet cloth or cheese cloth over the rack and put the cake ring on top. Put the sifted rice flour into the ring and flatten it out so the mixture sits level. *tip: a business card works well for this Add colorful dried fruits and nuts on top, if you want them. The traditional Korean style doesn t use them, but you can add them if you like. Cover the cake with the cloth and steam over high heat for 30 minutes. Turn off the heat and open the lid. Uncover the cake and carefully lift it out using the sides of the cloth. Place it on a plate or cakeboard. Wait a few minutes for it to cool down before gently pulling the cloth out and removing the cake ring from the cake. Serve with tea, coffee, or milk. Freeze any leftover rice cake: if you freeze it when it s still fresh and fluffy, it will still be chewy and fluffy when it s thawed out. Cut the rice cake into individual servings and wrap each piece in plastic wrap. Put the pieces into a plastic bag and keep that the freezer. Thaw it out at room temperature before serving, or reheat it in a steamer or microwave oven. If you can t find frozen rice flour in a Korean grocery store, you can make rice flour it at home: Rinse and drain some short grain rice a couple of times and soak overnight (10-12 hours). Drain the water and grind the rice very finely. Use it right away, or immediately store in the freezer.

Clean & Delicious
1,873 Views · 12 years ago

Follow & support the Be The Gold campaign!! Check out Elizabeth s Blog & Facebook page: Official Facebook Page: Twitter: @DaniSpies Pinterest:

525 Views · 12 years ago FACEBOOK PAGE: 12 Tips How to Lose Weight Fast Naturally,In this video you re going to learn natural weight loss methods , diets and kind of food you have to eat for fat loss and what kind of exercices to do for losing weight fast and natruly How to lose weight fast for teenage girls and women, what is the fastest way to lose weight, how many calories should I eat to lose weight ,what workout should i do?. Discover effective tips to lose weight fast and best weight loss diet. ways to lose weight fast? Is it possible to lose weight fast at home naturally? Losing weight is something that is really challenging , however you can lose weight fast if you know the secrets to it so watch this video to know how. Video Transcription: 1. Make up Your Mind. This is very important. If you make half-hearted efforts to lose weight, you are never really going to succeed. So develop a strong determination, that is what you want and you will do anything it takes to achieve your goal. 2.Stop eating all simple carbs. such as flour, sugar, starchy vegetables like potatoes, and most grains. These foods cause blood sugar to spike and the pancreas to release insulin to turn all that excess sugar into fat. This is very important do to for losing weight. 3.Increase your water intake. Eliminate soda, sweet teas, highly sugared coffee drinks, processed fruit juices and alcohol. Instead, drink water. It can help flush toxins from your system. Several studies recommend that women consume 2.8 quarts of water and men consume 3.9 quarts every day. 4.Increase your fiber intake. Fiber helps you to cut your food cravings and act as natural appetite suppressant. Also most of the fiber rich foods are low on the fat content Try to eat at least 5 serving of fruits and vegetables per day. Fruits that are high in fiber include apples, bananas, strawberries, citrus fruits, prunes, pears and tangerines. Switch to whole grain or whole wheat bread. White bread is low in fiber. Switch to a high fiber cereal or oatmeal for breakfast. Some cereals that are high in fiber include Raisin Bran, Cracklin Oat Bran, Grape-Nuts, All-Bran and Fiber One. Make sure to include peas, beans and legumes in your diet. Foods that will help you add these to your meal plan include: lentil soup, bean burritos, chili with beans, split pea soup, 3-bean salsa, and refried beans. Switch from regular pasta to whole wheat pasta, and from white rice to brown rice. Choose high fiber snacks, such as popcorn or whole grain crackers, instead of candy bars or other high-fat, sugary foods. 5.Increase Your Metabolism -- Eat 5-6 small meals every 2-3 hours daily. It has been scientifically proven that by eating frequently, you will raise your body s natural metabolism. That means your body will burn more fat naturally. And You become a fat burning machine all day long. 6.Eliminate processed foods. Such as burgers and Pizza, cakes, pastas, and get more good carbohydrates such as oats, brown rice and jacket potatoes to ensure that your blood sugar levels are kept even and you have plenty of energy. 7.Don t eat at nights. At nights the body prepares itself for sleep and it naturally begins to slow down. So you are more likely to gain weight when you eat at nights because your metabolic rate slows down and you are no longer active so you don t burn many calories. So avoid eating food after 9 pm. 8.Exercise Everyday. Do aerobic exercise four to five days a week. Several studies show that aerobic activities cause your metabolism to stay at an elevated level for a period of time after you have finished exercising. 9.Running (link) running Every day is best, but try to run at least 3-4 times a week. If you are lacking motivation, join a running group or ask your friend. 10.Bicycling Get out and ride a bike, but remember to pedal fast. Riding your bike around the track, or on a dirt track in your neighborhood, can burn as much as 500 to 1,000 calories an hour. 11.Squats. Do about 2-3 sets of 20-30 repetitions. These are important because they target the buttocks and leg muscles. These are the largest muscles in our bodies. 12.Jumping rope. can be a fun exercise and extremely efficient in not only helping you to lose weight, but to give you coordination, build your leg muscles, and help your cardiovascular system. 13 and finaly .Stay Motivated. And Measure Body Fat. Every 2 weeks using a fat caliper Shoot pictures of yourself every 2 weeks: front, back & side. The side pictures will show the most change.

2,979 Views · 12 years ago

Full recipe: Ingredients (for 2-3 servings): 1 cup of short grain rice 1 pound (453 grams) of sweet potato Water For seasoning sauce: ½ cup of chopped Asian chives (can be replaced with green onions) 1 clove of minced garlic ¼ cup soy sauce 1 ts honey or sugar 2 Tbs of vinegar 1 ts of hot pepper flakes 1 Tbs of toasted sesame seeds Directions: Put 1 cup of short grain rice in a heavy bottomed pot or stone pot. Rinse in cold water and drain. Scrub the wet rice with your hand, and rinse and drain until the drained water runs clear. Drain the last of the water by tilting the pot as much as you can. The rice should still be wet. Add 1 cup of water and soak in the pot for 30 minutes with the lid closed. Peel the sweet potatoes and rinse in cold water. Cut them into ½ inch cubes. Add the sweet potato cubes over the rice in the pot. Bring it to a boil over medium heat and let it cook for about 15 minutes in a stone pot (or 10 minutes in the regular pot). Open the lid and turn over the rice and the sweet potato with a wooden spoon. Close the lid and let it simmer for another 15-20 minutes in a stone pot (or 10-15 minutes in a regular pot) until the sweet potato and rice are cooked fully. Open the lid and use a wooden spoon to turn over the rice and sweet potato so they mix well. Transfer some to serving bowls and serve with seasoning sauce. For the seasoning sauce: Combine the soy sauce, chopped chives, garlic, honey, hot pepper flakes, vinegar, and toasted sesame seeds in a small bowl.

Clean & Delicious
1,016 Views · 12 years ago

Homemade Pumpkin Puree is easy to make from scratch and is a delicious, fresh alternative to canned pumpkins. ✳︎SUBSCRIBE: PRINT RECIPE HERE: JOIN MY NEWSLETTER: ❤︎ PRE-ORDER MY C&D COOKBOOK ❤︎ ▶︎ As a thank-you for pre-ordering the book, I am gifting you my two e-books (Banana Nice Cream and Easy & Yummy Salad Recipes). Here s all you have to do: 1. PRE-ORDER YOUR COOKBOOK HERE: 2. EMAIL Proof of Purchase to 3. That s all! You will receive your ebooks within 5 business days. ❤︎ THE DON’T DIET ❤︎ Join me for a six-week, mind-body workshop in kind, sustainable weight loss ➡️ ⬅️ Learn to love your body, enjoy your food, and lose weight! FAVORITE FOODS + KITCHEN TOOLS: 4-Cup Mini Food Processor: Rimmed Baking Pan: Silpat Mat: MORE PUMPKIN RECIPES: How-To Roast Pumpkin Seeds: Baked Pumpkin Oatmeal Cups: Pumpkin Energy Bites: Pumpkin Hummus: Turkey + Pumpkin Chili: SHOP MY EBOOKS: 15 Yummy Healthy Salads: Nice Cream Banana Ice Cream: FOLLOW CLEAN & DELICIOUS ON SOCIAL: Facebook: Snapchat: CleanDelicious Twitter: Instagram: Pinterest: FOOD FOR THOUGHT: Physical vs. Emotional Hunger: Most Important Step for Weight Loss: How-To STOP Hating Your Body: HOW TO MAKE HOMEMADE PUMPKIN PUREE 1 sugar pumpkin (about 2.5 pounds) DIRECTIONS: Preheat oven to 400 F. Cut off the top of the pumpkin and then slice the pumpkin in half lengthwise. Scoop out all the seeds and any of the stringy pumpkin membranes (be sure to save those seeds!) and then lay pumpkin skin side UP on a rimmed baking sheet that has been lined with parchment paper or a Silpat mat. Roast for 35-40 minutes or until fork tender. Once the pumpkin has cooled a bit, peel off the skin and pop the pumpkin into a food processor. Blend until you have nice creamy delicious, pumpkin puree. Store in the fridge for up to two weeks. 1/2 cup puree: Calories: 50; Total Fat: 0g; Saturated Fat: 0g; Cholesterol: 0mg; Carbohydrate: 11g; Dietary Fiber: 3g; Sugars: 4g Protein: 2g Clean & Delicious is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to This does not cost you a thing! Shopping through our links is an easy way to support Clean & Delicious and we appreciate and are super grateful for your support! Photo credit: Gamzova Olga

Laura in the Kitchen
1,980 Views · 12 years ago

To get this complete recipe with instructions and measurements, check out my website: Official Facebook Page: Twitter: @Lauraskitchen

Laura in the Kitchen
2,703 Views · 12 years ago

To get this complete recipe with instructions and measurements, check out my website: Official Facebook Page: Twitter: @Lauraskitchen

Laura in the Kitchen
4,917 Views · 12 years ago

To get this complete recipe with instructions and measurements, check out my website: Official Facebook Page: Twitter: @Lauraskitchen

Food Wishes
654 Views · 12 years ago

Learn how to make a Beef Borscht Recipe! Go to for the ingredient amounts, more information, and over 750 more video recipes! Enjoy this easy Beef Borscht Recipe!

2,232 Views · 12 years ago

Full recipe: My newest cookbook, Maangchi s Big Book of Korean Cooking: My 1st cookbook, Real Korean Cooking: Get my letter on the first day of every month! Stories, photos, recipes, highlights and upcoming events: My Instagram, where I post photos: My Facebook for updates: Twitter where we share photos of Korean food we all made: My TikTok for short videos:

Food Wishes
1,948 Views · 12 years ago

Learn how to make a Israeli Couscous & Cheese Recipe! Go to for the ingredient amounts, more information, and over 750 more video recipes! Enjoy this easy Israeli Couscous & Cheese Recipe!

Laura in the Kitchen
4,738 Views · 12 years ago

To get this complete recipe with instructions and measurements, check out my website: Official Facebook Page: ...

Laura in the Kitchen
3,632 Views · 12 years ago

To get this complete recipe with instructions and measurements, check out my website: Official Facebook Page: ...

Laura in the Kitchen
4,181 Views · 12 years ago

To get this complete recipe with instructions and measurements, check out my website: Official Facebook Page: ...

Laura in the Kitchen
4,834 Views · 12 years ago

To get this complete recipe with instructions and measurements, check out my website: Official Facebook Page: ...

Laura in the Kitchen
2,561 Views · 12 years ago

To get this complete recipe with instructions and measurements, check out my website: Official Facebook Page: ...

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