
4,832 Ansichten · 15 Jahre vor

John Wall Hoopmixtape Volume 1: Wall s Senior Campaign at Word of God.

1,388 Ansichten · 15 Jahre vor

Here is "Born Ready" dunking on Cousins. Both were trying to block each others dunks at the last 09 McDonald s Allstar Game practice.

1,119 Ansichten · 15 Jahre vor

Here is Peyton Siva fooling around in the first McDonald s All Star practice today. Peyton is not known as a dunker as much as he is a playmaker. Siva has committed to play college ball Louisville.

1,508 Ansichten · 15 Jahre vor

Here is 6 4 John Wall going against Ravenscroft (Ryan Kelly). This was their second game against each other. Wall finished with 28 points. Word of God won 82-64.

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