Survival Common Sense
Survival Common Sense

Survival Common Sense



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Survival Common Sense
75 Views · 21 days ago

This mini waterfall is deep in the Oregon backcountry. #oregonliving #oregon #oregonwilderness

Survival Common Sense
621 Views · 21 days ago

This hunting knife was designed by hunters, and I checked it out by partially skinning an alligator. The gator hide is thick and tough, and a real test of a knife design and blade steel. ...

Survival Common Sense
147 Views · 22 days ago

I test a lot of products, and got a question about how I test socks. Answer: Any product is field tested by using it for its intended purpose. There is little point of testing anything to...

Survival Common Sense
744 Views · 22 days ago

The Midwestern droughts have severely impacted the water levels in our rivers. The Mississippi is really low, causing delays in river shipping and transportation. I took a hike on the river...

Survival Common Sense
0 Views · 6 months ago

Wearing tactical-looking clothing and shoes during a disaster may be an invitation for someone to rob you. Or for predators or other unsavory types to give you a closer look! These Norris sneakers look like what they are - casual footwear. But they have several attributes that place them squarely in the tactical category. Read the complete Norris sneakers review: Please subscribe to this Youtube Channel: / survivalcommonsense And to the website: And we would really appreciate it if you would check out my book: "Bushcraft Basics: A Common Sense Wilderness Survival Handbook." It is available on Amazon, at Barnes and Noble and your local independent bookstore. Get a signed copy of "Bushcraft Basics" here: #tactical #tacticalfootwear #tacticalknife #Norris #511Norris #511

Survival Common Sense
3,621 Views · 6 months ago

The Casstrom Forest Knife is an inexpensive, quality hunting/bushcraft that can handle a multitude of outdoor tasks. I took it deer hunting last season, and it performed really well. The knife fits that "do-it-all" category. While such a knife doesn t exist, the Forest Knife does very, very well. It s big enough to handle large knife jobs, but small and nimble enough to work well on more meticulous tasks. Please subscribe to this Youtube Channel: And to the website: And we would really appreciate it if you would check out my book: "Bushcraft Basics: A Common Sense Wilderness Survival Handbook." It is available on Amazon, at Barnes and Noble and your local independent bookstore. Get a signed copy of "Bushcraft Basics" here:

Survival Common Sense
1 Views · 7 months ago

There is something about a one-of-a-kind, and that is what this Blockbuster store in Bend, Oregon is. In 2004, Blockbuster had 9,094 stores. At the end of March, 2019 only the Bend location remained. #blockbuster #lastblockbuster #video #videostore Please subscribe to this Youtube Channel: / survivalcommonsense And to the website: And we would really appreciate it if you would check out my book: "Bushcraft Basics: A Common Sense Wilderness Survival Handbook." It is available on Amazon, at Barnes and Noble and your local independent bookstore. Get a signed copy of "Bushcraft Basics" here: Please subscribe to this Youtube Channel: / survivalcommonsense

Survival Common Sense
3,953 Views · 7 months ago

This Bravo 1.25 was used hard for a couple hours breaking beef and trimming meat. The knife was never sharpened at all during the work, and this demonstration shows the blade after it was washed...

Survival Common Sense
1,387 Views · 7 months ago

In wilderness and urban survival being able to make a fire is paramount. The ability to make a fire can save your life. The inability can cost it. Survival gear must be reliable, durable and easy to use. When it comes to survival fire making, the Zippo has a lengthy history of reliability. A Zippo deserves a place in your survival fire making gear. Learn how to make a complete survival firemaking system: Learn five tips to make your Zippo a better survival tool: Please subscribe to the website: And this Youtube channel:… You can also order my book: “Bushcraft Basics: A Common Sense Wilderness Survival Handbook” at your local independent book store: or on Amazon: or at Barnes and Noble: or at Books a Million:!

Survival Common Sense
545 Views · 8 months ago

During an emergency, the ability to purify water could be critical. This improved brick rocket stove could be built for about $10, if you have to buy the materials. It s possible to salvage all of them. This is an improved design from the previous SurvivalCommonSense rocket stove post that has received more than one million views. You use any biomass stove at your own risk, since a variety of unforeseen circumstances and/or materials could affect the safety of the stove. Please order my book: "Bushcraft Basics: A Common Sense Wilderness Survival Handbook" at your local independent book store: or on Amazon: or at Barnes and Noble: Thanks! Stay safe and go outside!

Survival Common Sense
0 Views · 8 months ago

An Every Day Carry knife is one that is used a lot, simply because it is carried every day. Bark River s UP (for Upper Peninsula) EDC is already a superb EDC knife for most people. But I wanted a bigger, thicker handle. And I also integrated some nostalgia into the design. The whitetail buck antler in the handle came from a shed I picked up. It was dropped a few yards from where I killed my first deer in 1981. The area in south Warren County, Mississippi is one I have hunted extensively for many years, and the area is full of wonderful memories. Read the complete review: Please subscribe to this Youtube Channel: / survivalcommonsense And to the website: And we would really appreciate it if you would check out my book: "Bushcraft Basics: A Common Sense Wilderness Survival Handbook." It is available on Amazon, at Barnes and Noble and your local independent bookstore. Get a signed copy of "Bushcraft Basics" here: Please subscribe to this Youtube Channel: / survivalcommonsense #hunting #huntingknife #huntingknives #barkriver #barkriverknives #bestedc #bestedcknives

Survival Common Sense
0 Views · 8 months ago

The Bark River Cub EDC is a scaled down version of the popular Cub that came out several years ago. The blade is shortened to 3.8 inches, but the EDC s handle appears to be about the same size...

Survival Common Sense
0 Views · 8 months ago

A pair of rugged, sturdy boots should be the foundation of your western big game hunting trip. But not just any boots will do. These Irish Setter Elk Tracker XD boots may be what you ve been looking for. Read the complete review: Please subscribe to this Youtube Channel: And to the website: And we would really appreciate it if you would check out my book: "Bushcraft Basics: A Common Sense Wilderness Survival Handbook." It is available on Amazon, at Barnes and Noble and your local independent bookstore. Get a signed copy of "Bushcraft Basics" here:

Survival Common Sense
0 Views · 8 months ago

The most useful knives aren t always the biggest or most elaborate. There is room in every kitchen - and probably in every daypack - for a small, nimble knife that can peel a potato, whittle...

Survival Common Sense
0 Views · 8 months ago

A saw is a really handy tool in any survival kit. But what if space and weight are limited? This small, lightweight saw cuts big logs very efficiently and it is also convenient to carry Please subscribe to this Youtube Channel: / survivalcommonsense And to the website: And we would really appreciate it if you would check out my book: "Bushcraft Basics: A Common Sense Wilderness Survival Handbook." It is available on Amazon, at Barnes and Noble and your local independent bookstore. Get a signed copy of "Bushcraft Basics" here: #survivalgear #bestsurvivalknife #saws #survivalkit #survivalkits

Survival Common Sense
0 Views · 8 months ago

Every preparedness kit/Bug Out bag/survival cache etc. needs a tool for processing firewood. Ax or saw, take your pick. Or get both. The Gerber Freescape folding saw is a solid wood working tool that is compact, easy and safe to use, and efficient. Please subscribe to this Youtube Channel: / survivalcommonsense And to the website: And we would really appreciate it if you would check out my book: "Bushcraft Basics: A Common Sense Wilderness Survival Handbook." It is available on Amazon, at Barnes and Noble and your local independent bookstore. Get a signed copy of "Bushcraft Basics" here: #saws #survivalgear #survivalkit #gerber #gerberfoldingsaws #saws

Survival Common Sense
0 Views · 8 months ago

The only survival equipment you have is what you have with you. Your only supplies may be what is on your person. But staying adequately hydrated is not an option - dehydration can kill you. Here is a simple, compact method to assure you always have water with you. #survivalgear #water #waterfilters #waterfilters #rovingblue #ozonewaterpurification #dehydration Read more about creating personal hydration systems: Please subscribe to this Youtube Channel: / survivalcommonsense And to the website: And we would really appreciate it if you would check out my book: "Bushcraft Basics: A Common Sense Wilderness Survival Handbook." It is available on Amazon, at Barnes and Noble and your local independent bookstore. Get a signed copy of "Bushcraft Basics" here: Please subscribe to this Youtube Channel: / survivalcommonsense And to the website: And we would really appreciate it if you would check out my book: "Bushcraft Basics: A Common Sense Wilderness Survival Handbook." It is available on Amazon, at Barnes and Noble and your local independent bookstore. Get a signed copy of "Bushcraft Basics" here:

Survival Common Sense
207 Views · 8 months ago

The Leatherman WAVE was named in the top 25 knives ever invented by Field and Stream magazine. It has a place in your gear. I got this one, I think about, 2005(?), and that makes it the third generation or an Old, Old WAVE. It still does everything I need a multi-tool for, and IMHO, is leaner and less bulky than the newer versions. New or old, the WAVE is a fine piece of survival equipment. Mine goes with me everywhere. Please subscribe to this Youtube Channel:​​... And to the website:​​ And we would really appreciate it if you would check out my book: "Bushcraft Basics: A Common Sense Wilderness Survival Handbook." It is available on Amazon, at Barnes and Noble and your local independent bookstore. Get your signed copy of "Bushcraft Basics" here: We have some great sponsors and affiliates - please support them. Quality knives: has been associated with these two knife dealers for several years, and both are great, locally-owned American businesses that employ people from their communities. Both come very highly recommended, and you can order with complete confidence. Knivesshipfree: DLT Trading:

Survival Common Sense
4,105 Views · 8 months ago

Hunting and bushcraft knives don t necessarily have to be big to be useful. In fact, a small, nimble knife is often the best choice when field dressing and skinning a big game animal. The Casstrom Safari is a great knife for hunters, fisherpeople or backpackers. Read the complete Casstrom Safari review: Please subscribe to this Youtube Channel: And to the website: And we would really appreciate it if you would check out my book: "Bushcraft Basics: A Common Sense Wilderness Survival Handbook." It is available on Amazon, at Barnes and Noble and your local independent bookstore. Get a signed copy of "Bushcraft Basics" here:

Survival Common Sense
0 Views · 8 months ago

Please subscribe to this Youtube Channel: And to the website: And we would really appreciate it if you would check out my book: "Bushcraft Basics: A Common Sense Wilderness Survival Handbook." It is available on Amazon, at Barnes and Noble and your local independent bookstore. Get a signed copy of "Bushcraft Basics" here:

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