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309,634 Views · 7 months ago

Make faster gains with this - Subscribe to this channel here - Are you ready to get in shape this year? Do the words “Happy New Year” spark that motivation you have been lacking to get you fired up to finally start reaching your goals? If so, then we have to talk. This mindset is not going to be conducive to long term success for one very big reason. That is, it is driven by external motivation and factors that tend to have a short lifespan. Think about it. Everyone will be making resolutions to get in shape on January first because it is a good starting point, a new fresh start if you will. What happens when the calendar turns to February however? Are you still going to be thinking about January first? Probably not. It was too much of a temporary external motivator to get you excited for the entire year. That is where internal motivators have to be identified if you ever want to achieve your physique goals this year and any year for that matter. You have to look within to the reasons why you want to achieve your identified goals to really get to the heart of what needs to be in place to keep you motivated. For instance, lets say that you want to lose your belly and get in shape fast. You ask yourself why and determine it is because you feel you have not only become unattractive (to yourself and others) but dangerously unhealthy. This is important because suddenly your health isn’t just about you anymore. It is about those around you and the impact that your bad health could have on them if at some point you weren’t here anymore. Think about your kids and your family if you have one. What would happen if your reluctance to keep yourself fit led to an early death. Would they miss you? Would you miss all the things you should have been around to see had you kept your end of the bargain and done what you said you were going to do multiple times, yet never did. I’m not trying to scare you. I am trying to get you to look inside however and face the reasons for your inconsistency. We all want better for ourselves. We may even take steps to get in shape. The problem is, these are the easy things. These are the things like getting your new pair of sneakers and getting the new set of gym clothes. You may even find the time to put them on. Did you find the time to actually wear them to the gym and then do a full workout in them? Even then, did you get the motivation to string together a year of wearing them to the gym? Stop relying on external motivations and look to the reasons for what it is you want to achieve and you will find, perhaps for the first time ever, that reaching your goals is easier than ever before. Happy New Year from me to you and your entire family. I wish you nothing but the best of health and happiness in 2017. I’m looking forward to you getting locked in, fired up, and in the best shape of your life starting from the minute this video ends. If you are looking for a program that puts the science back in strength and the truth back in training and leads you step by step through every workout and meal, head to and get the ATHLEAN-X Training System. Start training like an athlete and be amazed at just how simple it can be to be in your best shape ever by getting smart about your training. For more videos on how to get in shape and lose fat fast, be sure to subscribe to our channel here on youtube at

228,158 Views · 7 months ago

Dare to be your best here - Subscribe to this channel here - I want to start by recognizing the milestone of crossing the three million subscriber mark. That said, this is not my achievement. It’s yours. This channel is about you the viewers and the support you provide by believing in me and trusting in the quality of the content that I strive to create for you in every video. With that said, I humbly thank you and appreciate you for providing me with the incentive to settle for nothing less than my best. On to 4 million subscribers and beyond. The theme of this video was to share with you, a peak inside my childhood. I grew up in Stratford Connecticut. As a young boy my thoughts were filled of three things; my favorite baseball team the Mets, WWF wrestling and my childhood icon (and his movies) Sylvester Stallone. It was in these latter two that I initially found the spark to one day want to change my body and perhaps even influence others through that transformation one day. To that end, I knew that the only thing separating me from reaching this goal was hard work and consistent effort. No, I was not the biggest kid on the block. Obviously, I still am not. But that didn’t stop me from working and giving my all every time I hit the gym to try and become the biggest strongest version that I could be. You see, it’s ok to dream big. Don’t let anyone tell you what you should or can be. Dream big and live big in the pursuit of those dreams and you just may shock yourself (and those that doubted you) as to what you can achieve. Fast forward 30 years and I wound up not only working for the New York Mets (as their head physical therapist and assistant strength coach) but I also wound up training one of the biggest icons in professional wrestling (Sting) and just recently receiving an incredible honor in having Stallone say some high praise in my direction. I also went from reading fitness magazines to one day writing for them as well as taking my hobby and love of science to much more than that…it is now my career. I guess what I’m trying to say is, don’t be afraid to dream. When you do, you open the door to wonderful possibilities. Will you achieve them all? I cannot say. None of us can really say for sure. But what I can say is that you can guarantee that you will miss out on every dream that you never dream! Know what I mean? So rather than do that, dare to dream and you might just achieve them. Thank you again for helping me fulfill a lifelong dream of having the chance to help you in your pursuit of fitness and better health. You have my vow to never compromise the quality in which I deliver this to you and my commitment to doing this for as long as I can. We are heading towards 4 million subscribers but I can tell you this…we are just getting warmed up! For a complete training program that represents the culmination of my dreams when it comes to creating the most comprehensive training plan around, head to and get the ATHLEAN-X Training System. Start training like a pro athlete and you can start looking like one. Dream what you will look like and then start making it happen. For more motivational workout videos and fitness videos that inspire you to change your body, be sure to subscribe to our channel here on youtube at

627,923 Views · 7 months ago

Hanging ab exercises can be very challenging. Not necessarily in doing enough reps of them but rather doing enough quality reps of them. In order to do the hanging leg raise effectively, you’re going to first have to teach your body how to stop swinging. Far too many people allow momentum to carry them through the exercise and they mistake the act of completing a rep with the action of completing a meaningful rep. 60% off all AX programs - Subscribe to this channel here - In this video, I’m going to show you a simple tip that you can employ on the very next set of hanging leg raises (or any other hanging ab exercise for that matter) that will help you to gain full control of your body and prevent unwanted swinging on every rep. The key to minimizing the momentum is to not let the body be at the mercy of momentum. How do we do that? We can do this by engaging the muscles that are at our disposal that are capable of stabilizing us when the only two points of contact we have are our hands on the bar. Some will try and squeeze the bar to gain support and stability however this will only cause the forearms to fatigue faster than your abs or lats if you are attempting to do a pullup or chinup. Instead, you want to look a bit further down the kinetic chain to your shoulder blades. If you can control the scapula and prevent unwanted motion there, then you are going to be able to impact the hands through their connection to the humerus. So here is what you want to do. Before you start your next repetition of a hanging ab raise or leg raise, first engage the lower traps by pulling the shoulder blades down. You should be sure to keep your arms straight the entire time. If you bend your elbows when pulling the shoulder blades down you are likely just using your biceps to do the work. This is not going to accomplish what we are trying to do. Instead, keep the arms straight and pull the arms down to engage the lower traps and set up the stability in the shoulder blades. If you don’t have the requisite strength in your shoulder blades to perform this exercise tweak when hanging that is ok. Instead, start by performing this in a captains chair with your back pressed into the back pad. The additional surface area that you are pushing through will give you a better chance at stabilizing your body to prevent swinging while doing the hanging ab exercises. Progress to moving out to the dip bars and make sure to depress the scapula when doing the leg raises from here. Obviously, you don’t have the support of your back here so this is going to be more difficult. Once you’ve mastered this, get up on the bar and do your hanging ab exercises with just the tweak the lower trap and scapular depression. You’ll stop the swinging and start noticing better results from these exercises in no time at all. For a complete program that tells you not just what exercises to do but how to do them to get more out of everything you do, head to and get the ATHLEAN-X Training System. Start training like an athlete and see how that can quickly translate into looking like an athlete. For more videos on how to improve your pullups as well as hundreds of ab exercises to help you carve up your six pack, be sure to subscribe to our channel here on youtube at

445,808 Views · 7 months ago

If your triceps are not as big as you would like them, then you are going to want to watch this video. Here I am going to show you how the development of the long head of the triceps is key to the overall growth of the tricep muscle. The long head accounts for almost two thirds of the overall size of the triceps and needs to be made sure that it is getting adequately targeted in your workouts. 60% off all AX programs - Subscribe to this channel here - One of the problems that comes in is that many of the compound movements done for the triceps like the bench press or even the close grip bench are not sufficiently targeting the long head. This is because when in the finished contraction, your arms are out in front of the body and the elbows are not behind the torso. In order to maximally contract the triceps long head you will need to have your elbows behind your body into extension. This can be achieved with another compound move like the dip, however many times people will complain that they feel this exercise more in their chest and shoulders than they do in the back of their arms. This actually has more to do with the position of the body in space during the exercise. Lean too far forward and you will feel it in your chest and delts. Maintain a more upright posture and you will more effectively hit the triceps. In any event, here I wanted to give you two more tricep exercise options that could help you to get better growth in this area of your arms. The first of these is called the drag pushdown. Similar to the drag curl being done for the long head of the biceps, this variation of a popular tricep exercise is going to hit the head of the triceps on the back and inside portion of your arms the best. It does this by forcing you to keep your elbows tight to your sides and back behind your body throughout the movement. The key is to keep the hands close to your body at all times and literally let them ride up the front of your torso throughout the movement. Note that you will likely have to decrease the weight that you are using to perform this tricep exercise. This is due to something called active insufficiency. When you shorten a muscle across one of the two joints that it crosses you decrease the ability of that muscle to produce force when shortened over the other. While this leads to lighter weights being used it should not stop you from doing the exercise since this combination of shortening allows for the most contraction you can experience for a given muscle (in this case the long head of the triceps). Next we have the barbell lift aways. This exercise can be performed with a single barbell stripped of all plates. Again, you will not be able to use very heavy weights here at all, but the contraction that you will feel by performing this is incredible. Hold the bar back behind your knees with your hands spaced just outside of your shoulders. Lift it up behind you making sure to keep the elbows straight and pause at the top for an added triceps contraction. These two tricep exercises are a great addition to any program, but will work especially well if you are having trouble developing this thick inner portion of the back of the arm. If you are looking for a complete program that builds your arms and helps you to get triceps that fill your shirt sleeves, head to and get the ATHLEAN-X Training System. Start training like an athlete and watch how much more quickly the results come. For more science based videos on how to build bigger arms and the best exercises for triceps, be sure to subscribe to our channel here on youtube at

289,482 Views · 7 months ago

Have you ever wanted to train like Bruce Lee? In this video, I am going to show you five core principles pertaining to the Bruce Lee workout and diet plan that helped to make him a lasting fitness icon so that you can implement them into your own workouts and meal plan. 60% off all AX programs - Subscribe to this channel here - The first principle of training like Bruce Lee is to lift what can be lifted. What this means is that you should have command and control of the weight through space. How can this command and control be displayed? Easily, actually. If you cannot stop the weight from moving at any point through the range of motion, then the weight is too heavy. For example, can you stop a dumbbell at point during a front raise? Or is the dumbbell so heavy that momentum is carrying it through the range of motion? Bruce Lee was a master of this and translated this demand of command and control into his martial arts practices as well. The second principle to train like the legendary Bruce Lee is contraction creates command. By contracting the muscles following an exercise, there is an opportunity to create a greater mind-muscle connection. With a greater link between the two, you will have greater command over the muscles themselves in their pursuit of growth. Bruce Lee famously did this with pushups where, following a set, he would cross his arms and flex his chest. The good thing is that this can be done with almost any exercise and corresponding muscle group. For example, following a set of curls you would flex your biceps, or lat pulldowns; you would be flexing your back. Apply this technique to your training and see for yourself how you create a better mind-muscle connection to lead to further muscle growth than you previously thought. Bruce Lee’s third training principle was to create strength by not losing strength. You’ve likely heard me say in the past that to improve performance on an exercise, you have to plug the energy leaks. Bruce Lee had a very similar approach to his training and workouts. This was displayed with his famous fingertip pushups - without creating rigidity and stability throughout the body, the exercise would be near impossible to perform. But this principle applies to more than just fingertip pushups; plugging the energy leaks can be done on so many exercises in so many forms. Another application of creating strength was Bruce Lee’s inclusion of overcoming isometrics. He commonly did this on the bench press and the squat by pressing the bar against the pins of the rack so that the bar would move no further. Overcoming isometrics is a time-tested lifting technique that has helped to produce great strength results and is something you should look to include in your workouts as well. To train like Bruce Lee, you have to understand his philosophy on food; being that you are what you eat. Bruce Lee was very conscious of the food that he put in his body and took great care to make sure that he was putting high quality, nutritious food into his system. He famously had an industrial juicer in his home, something unheard of at the time, to help prepare his meals. Bruce also understood the importance of including high quality protein in his meal diet as well. Taking care of what he ate and what he put into his body helped create the body that he sported and the performance to go along with it. I, myself, can’t stress the importance of high quality nutrition if you want to achieve the body you are looking for. Aesthetics or performance, it doesn’t matter; they are going too heavily rely on the food you eat. The last principle of Bruce Lee’s training and workouts is that your abs should be like steel. While some might focus on their abs solely for appearance, Bruce Lee felt that the core was important for his martial arts performance as well. Thus, he focused on resilience and rigidity in his ab training. One ab exercise that Bruce Lee was famous for performing was the dragon flag, but if that move is too advanced, you can achieve similar results with exercises like the step out and plate drags. In this training principle, it’s important to take note of the obliques, but being able to train them with overload is even better. This can be done easily by hanging from a bar and performing oblique focused exercises there. If you are looking for a program that will get you looking ripped and athletic like Bruce Lee and puts his training principles into effect, then head on over to via the link below and be sure to check out instant access to all 42 workout programs. For more videos on workouts and diets like Bruce Lee’s, be sure to subscribe to this channel here on YouTube using the link below and make sure to turn to turn on your notifications so that you never miss a new video when it’s published.

412,706 Views · 7 months ago

The hundred ab workout requires all out effort, but the results are nothing short of amazing if you follow the ab exercises and protocols shown here. As always a solid ab workout should consist of exercises for your upper abs, lower abs and obliques. That said, even that doesn’t make this workout for abs complete. In order to round out your abdominal development with a well rounded workout you need to spend more time focusing on the reps that actually count to help you get a ripped six pack. That is what we do in this workout. 60% off all AX programs - Subscribe to this channel here - If you look at the main ab exercises that people do in their ab workouts you will see that they often don’t train them hard enough. Sure, they may create a bit of a burn, but if you are stopping when this happens you may be ending your ab workout right before it actually starts to work. Here, the 100 ab workout ensures that you are focusing on only the reps that are going to wind up being most effective. In order to do that, you need to seek out the discomfort in your abdominal muscles and maintain it for one hundred grueling but rewarding reps. The ab exercises that you choose can make all the difference in this pursuit. If you are doing only the exercises for abs that you can do for high reps and never think about introducing weight or overload into them, you likely won’t be able to experience what high intensity effective reps feel like. The best part is, you can do this and I’m going to show you exactly how to get a 6 pack by doing them. When it comes to training in the effective rep range, you should start by asking yourself an honest question. When you perform a set of any ab exercise, do you take it to failure or close to failure? Likely, the only reps you feel that are challenging are the final 1 to 3 reps. If you do not experience some type of tension overload, eccentric overload or metabolic damage during a set - it can be pretty well accepted that you have not done enough to create the need for your body to help you develop your abs to their fullest potential. With the abs workout technique shown here and in this series, you’re going to more quickly tap into these strategies more quickly so that you can start to see your abs pop a lot sooner. The workout works as follows: Perform a set of the ab exercises shown below to 12 rep failure. Choose a weight that will cause you to fail at or close to the 12 rep mark or use the variation of the hanging ab exercises shown that corresponds to the number of reps you were able to perform of the base exercise during your ignition set. After taking the ignition set to failure, the real work begins. Rest for just 15 seconds as part of a somewhat prolonged rest/pause. As soon as these 15 seconds are up, get back into another set. You will instantly recognize that the reps will be challenging more quickly due to the decreased recovery time allowed. You are still using the same load however, therefore your abs are still being subjected to the same external load. However many reps you get after each of these rest/pause increments are all deemed to be effective reps. Each bout should be taken to failure. Accumulate 20 effective reps, even if you’re getting just 1 out at a time at some point, and your work on that six pack ab exercise is complete. If for some reason you are unable to complete any more reps on your way to 20, end your set and aim to complete all 20 the next time you perform this workout. Here is how to construct the 100 ab workout with that in mind. 1. Hanging Leg Raise Variation (see video) - Ignition Set into 20 Effective Reps as a Rest/Pause 2. Eccentric Power Ups - Ignition Set into 20 Effective Reps as a Rest/Pause 3. Hanging Leg Twist Variation (see video) - Ignition Set into 20 Effective Reps as a Rest/Pause 4. Russian Twist and Press - Ignition Set into 20 Effective Reps as a Rest/Pause 5. DB Drag Planks - Ignition Set into 20 Effective Reps as a Rest/Pause Optional: Hands Back Knee Tucks x 100 (static hold ladder - 5 reps with 5 second hold as a Rest/Pause All totaled, this will amount to 100 effective reps in this intense ab workout. Being that this is a weighted ab workout that uses some eccentric overload in addition to a stimulus that you may not be accustomed to, you will want to perform this only one or two times a week. This is just one example of how to apply science to your ab workouts. If you want to train like an athlete you want to put science back in every workout you do. You can do that with the ATHLEAN-X Training Programs available at and get started right away on building a ripped, muscular, athletic body. For more ab workout videos for the upper abs, lower abs and obliques, be sure to subscribe to our channel here on youtube at the link above and don’t forget to turn on notifications so you never miss one when it’s published.

386,784 Views · 7 months ago

I promise that if you do this within 10 minutes of waking up, you will feel amazing. In this video, I am going to show you a short series of stretches that you should do within 10 minutes of waking up that will help your body feel and perform better throughout the day. Get 60% off all AX programs - Subscribe to this channel here - The reason I want you to perform these lower body stretches within 10 minutes of waking up is because after about 10 minutes, you will likely forget to do it. I understand that our mornings are busy and we have a limited amount of time to get things done. However, this routine will take just 4 minutes to complete and your hips and legs will absolutely thank you for getting it done. The stretching routine begins with a simple frog stretch for thirty seconds. Make sure you sit your hips back towards your heels in order to get the greatest stretch possible on your groin. By sitting back you are putting the muscles in your groin on stretch and sitting further back on your feels will increase this stretch. This is often an area that we ignore when it comes to working on mobility, but by unlocking these muscles, you will not only feel better physically, but your performance in the gym will be improved as well. This is a great move when preparing for any leg workout. Next, in a single flowing movement we are going to adopt a yoga maneuver called downward dog. Now, most people, when performing the downward dog, are lazy with it. What do I mean by this? They stay on their toes but do not let their heels come down to the ground. By getting your heels to the ground, you are increasing the stretch on the calves, hamstrings, and hips as well. If you are having trouble getting your heels down to maximize the stretch, then you can walk your hands back so that your torso is at a steeper angle. This move should be performed for thirty seconds as well. From the downward dog position, you are going to perform a step through. This is taking one leg and stepping it through to the opposite side. When you are in this position, I want you to slide your body a bit towards the foot that is stepping through to the opposite side. Allow your foot to rest on its side. This stretch feels amazing on your lower legs, specifically the peroneals because they are often chronically tight. These muscles rarely get targeted with our stretching routines, but I promise that if you start to focus on them, your legs will feel looser and ready to go for the day. Hold this stretch for thirty seconds on one leg and then thirty seconds on the other. In our stretching flow, your next move is to perform a 90/90 stretch on one side in order to stretch out the glutes and hips. With the glutes and hip muscles often not being stretched either, you will likely feel a deep stretch but I promise, when it’s over with, your legs will be feeling nice and loose. To get a more intense stretch on these muscles, lean forward more. You can even try touching your torso to the ground, but if you can’t, don’t worry - the more you perform these moves, the better you will get at doing them and the more range of motion you will achieve over time. Perform this 90/90 stretch on one side for thirty seconds. Once your thirty second 90/90 stretch is completed, raise your torso up tall. This will help to target the hip flexors on the opposite leg. Often, when we perform a move that we think is stretching the hip flexors, the reality is that we are getting a quad stretch which is easily confused for the area we are trying to target with our stretches. It’s important to stretch the hip flexors due to the amount of sitting we do all day which causes problems with our anatomy - specifically with anterior pelvic tilt. Perform this stretch for thirty seconds. After you have completed the hip flexor stretch, you will go back to the 90/90 stretch, but this time on the other side and complete the flow with your hip flexor stretch on the other leg for thirty seconds again. This short, 4 minute stretching routine will have your legs feeling amazing which will in turn have the rest of your body feeling great as well. This mobility flow is not one to overlook because by unlocking our hips and the rest of the muscles in our legs, we will be ready to perform lower body movements with greater efficiency. If you are looking for a complete step-by-step training program that will take your workout to the next level without overlooking the importance of mobility and flexibility, be sure to head over to and find the workout program that matches your goals. For more videos on how to feel amazing every day and stretches to help you do so, make sure that you subscribe to this channel here on YouTube and remember to turn on your notifications so that you never miss a video when it’s published.

468,963 Views · 7 months ago

Real science gets unreal results here - Subscribe to this channel here - The bench press is one of the most popular upper body exercises that you can do. That said, there are many different ways to perform the movement and many different theories on the best way to do the lift for best strength and chest size gains. In this video, I’m kicking off a new series where we look at the broscience and advice you have been given or overheard at the gym to see if there is any merit to what it commonly accepted as fact. We start by looking at the bench press exercise done with your feet off the ground and either held up in the air or supported on the surface of the bench. Those that perform this variation will argue that doing the bench this way will increase the instability of the exercise in the effort of making your core stronger (in order to stabilize your body on the bench). Next, they will say that this is a safer way to bench as it will flatten your lower back and help you to avoid overarching which can damage the back. Finally, they will say that performing the bench press this way you will see more activation of your chest and get a bigger chest from doing this. Let’s look at them one by one shall we. The first claim that doing the exercise this way will create instability and more of a demand on your core to maintain your position on the bench is actually one hundred percent true! This does happen. That said, it’s also one hundred and fifty percent stupid! The bench press is not an exercise in which you should be interested in testing the limits of your core stability. If you are under the bar and trying to press serious weight, making yourself more likely to tip over is not very wise and something that should be saved for more specific core exercises that will do a better job anyway. The next thing is that by flattening the lower back (by putting your legs up in the air), you are helping to increase the safety of your low back during the bench press. This is actually opposite of what is true. Lumbar stability comes from having the back in a slightly arched position (as in performing deadlifts and bent over rows). Ignoring this when benching is the fastest way to either ruin your back or more likely, your shoulder. By pressing with a flat back and your feet up or on the bench, you are anteriorly tilting your shoulders at the same time. This creates a bad angle for pressing and can easily damage your AC joint in your shoulder on even one bad repetition. Instead, you want to keep those feet on the floor and learn to press with them to create a counter force for your press. You also want to learn how to pinch the shoulders back and down while you arch to create a counter pressing surface for your chest. This only becomes possible when you keep your feet on the ground and arch your chest. Finally, the bench press performed this way does not engage the chest more. In fact, it likely hits it less. Without the pre stretch afforded to you by proper positioning of the shoulders in the feet on the ground press, you simply won’t activate as many chest muscle fibers and create the overload necessary to safely stimulate more pec growth. It’s tips like these that can wind up starting out helpful but hurting you in the long run. This new series was created for the sole purpose of looking through each of the most popular bro-science tips to see what is truth and what is fiction. For a complete workout program based in nothing but science, head to and get your ATHLEAN-X Training System. For more videos on the best ways to build muscle and how to build muscle fast, be sure to subscribe to our channel here on youtube at

259 Views · 1 year ago

60% off all AX programs - Subscribe to this channel here - Did you know that your cardio machines are lying to you? In this video, I am going to show you how the cardio machines you are using are incorrectly displaying the number of calories you are burning. In fact, the number of calories displayed may be grossly overestimated. I am also going to show you which machines are the worst at doing this, and which ones you might want to spend your time on instead. First thing is first, if you are using cardio as your main method of creating a caloric deficit to lose weight, you are making a big mistake. The fact of the matter is that nothing is going to be as effective of creating a caloric deficit as keeping your nutrition in check. I talk about it all the time; you can’t outrun a bad diet. Make your caloric cuts through your diet to get the best results when trying to lose weight. Where do the inaccuracies sit when it comes to the caloric display? Well, if the machine is not asking you for your weight, it’s already off to a bad start. The cardio machine is calculating the caloric burn based on something called a MET. This unit is multiplied based on the activity, but is calculated using a standard number for weight input; 154 lbs. If your weight is different, then your caloric readout is inaccurate! The next way that your cardio machines are lying to you is by fudging the math a little bit. How so? Well, the number displayed is based on including something called the REE; the amount of calories you burn at rest. By including this number, the machine is inflating the number of calories burned. This will make you think that you are burning more calories and doing more work than you actually are. How else is are they lying to you? Well, this one comes from something you are likely doing that the machine can’t account for and that is your posture. By leaning over and resting on the handles of a bike or a treadmill, then you are actually unweighting yourself and doing less work. This can actually lead to a 50% difference in the calories you think you are burning. The fix is easy; stand up straight and perform the exercise with good posture. Next, you have to pay attention to the range of motion when you are performing the work on the cardio machine. You would obviously be performing more work by taking the exercise through the full range of motion as opposed to an abbreviated one. It’s no different when it comes to cardio. On a step mill: taking short, choppy steps instead of driving the foot down and getting to full hip extension. Look at an elliptical machine; it is likely locking you into an abbreviated range of motion based on the design of the machine itself. When it comes to a bike, standing up is how you would be achieving full range of motion while further weighting yourself to perform more work meaning more calories burnt. So, what cardio machines are lying to you the least? The stationary bike is the most accurate, overestimating the calories burnt by only 7%. The mathematical equations used to measure force output (watts) in combination with a weight input leads to a more accurate reading. Next up, is the stair master with a 12% overestimation on the calories burnt. Second to last is the treadmill, off by 13-20% which is compounded by the poor posture often included with this machine. Lastly, the most inaccurate of all these machines is the elliptical - a whopping 42%! Some of this is due to discrepancies in the range of motion from machine to machine. What can we do to nullify the inaccuracies of the machines? Well, for starters, we can look to other cardio machines. Which ones we should be focusing our efforts on is based simply on the amount of effort you need to perform them. For example; using an air-bike, a rowing machine, or ski-ERG. They may require more work, but the more work done, the more calories burnt, so these are the best cardio machine options. If you want to stick to the machines you are using right now but want to make it more accurate; try to find a machine that asks for you to input your weight to give a reading that is closer to the truth. You can also gauge the work you are doing by your heart rate (the higher it is, the more effort you are expending). Finally, you can take the output the display is reading and cut it in half and use that in your caloric intake guidelines. Don’t think that your wearable calorie counters are all that accurate either with a 20-96% inaccuracy range! If you are looking for a step-by-step training plan that has you burning fat and building muscle at the same time, check out the ATHLEAN-X Training System by clicking on the link below. If you are looking for more videos on the best way to burn fat and lose weight, be sure to subscribe to this channel here via the link below and don’t forget to turn on your notifications so you never a miss a video when it’s published.

3,847 Views · 1 year ago

60% off all AX programs - Subscribe to this channel here - If you want to get wider forearms you have to train the muscles in the forearm that are most responsible for their size. Often times, people fill their forearm workouts with nothing more than wrist curls and reverse wrist curls. This is just not going to cut it when it comes to building wide, muscular forearms. The biggest reason is, this approach doesn’t even account for the muscles of the forearm that have no impact on the motion of the wrist. In this video, I’m going to show you the best forearm exercises to build thicker, wider forearms. Most of all, I’ll show you how to focus on the muscles of the forearm that are most easily able to add size and width due to their orientation in the lower arm. But first, it’s important that you measure your forearms accurately. In other words, before you look at your skinny wrists and deem your ability to build big forearms as compromised, realize that the muscles of the lower arm become largely just tendons as you get close to the wrist. This means, even if you did all the right things with your workout for forearms, if you had small bones you wouldn’t have large wrists.The good news however is that if you do the right exercises for forearms you will see thicker, wider forearms. That said, it’s time to build big forearms the right way. If you want to build up the extensor component of the lower arm you need to perform the exercises that work both the ECR or extensor carpi radialis, and the brachioradialis. The irony behind these muscles is that the latter isn’t even technically a forearm muscle. Even more ironic is the fact that the brachioradialis is responsible for the majority of the size of the forearm in the extensor component. It traditionally is viewed as an elbow flexor muscle that works well with the brachialis and biceps. So in order to accomplish growth here, you’re going to want to perform an exercise that involves elbow flexion. Ideally, you’ll want to do this from a pronated forearm position. This leads us to the reverse barbell curl. With the pronated arm position, the biceps is most diminished in the exercise, leaving the brachioradialis and brachialis to do more of the work. The issue with this exercise is that it can be a tough position for some to get into due to limited wrist mobility. In this case, the EZ bar variation is ideal. It places the forearm into a less pronated, but still not supinated position that keeps the focus on the brachioradialis. But just doing this exercise for forearms isn’t enough since we can easily incorporate the ECR by just extending the wrists at the top of the rep. As far as the range of motion of the reverse curl, there is something you want to consider here as well. First, in the fully lengthened position, the brachioradialis does not have as effective a line of pull as it does when the elbow is partially flexed. So, if you want to target this forearm muscle better, you’ll want to initiate each rep from a partially flexed elbow position. The best way to do this is with the bar starting at the waistline and dragging it up the body as if doing a drag curl. This is going to produce an intense contraction in the brachioradialis and ECR all the way through the limited, but more effective range of motion of the rep. In order to hit the underside of the forearm and get wider forearms from side to side you’re going to want to also perform another exercise. One of my favorites to do this is with the top down wrist curl. Here you let the cable handle (or band if you’re doing this at home) drift into the ends of your fingers. Start by clenching your hand and making a fist against the resistance of the weight. From here, continue the downward motion by performing a wrist curl. You’ll find that by performing this in this way, you get an even more intense contraction than you would from the standard dumbbell wrist curls performed with the forearm resting on a bench. If you want to build bigger forearms, the key is knowing which forearm exercises do the best job of targeting the most “space occupying” muscles of the lower arm. With these two moves you have a quick but effective combination that will help you get wider forearms and say goodbye to skinny arms once and for all. For a complete program that puts the science into every exercise selection so you can build muscle and burn fat faster, be sure to visit via the link below. For more forearm workouts and exercises for bigger forearms, be sure to subscribe to our channel via the link below and remember to turn on your notifications so you never miss a new video when it’s published.

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