Jaw-Dropping Facts
Jaw-Dropping Facts

Jaw-Dropping Facts



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Jaw-Dropping Facts
1,250 Views · 17 days ago

This sad video was created at the dog shelter by the staff. The dog called AJ is lying on a bed and he feels really sad. He breathes heavily, shakes, and his eyes are teary and full of sadness....

Jaw-Dropping Facts
216 Views · 6 months ago

Cuddling up with your dog feels good, but it’s not without its problems. Although many viruses or bacteria don’t spread from animals to humans, there are some infections that can spread between people and animals. In this video, we will talk about 10 diseases your dog can pass to you, and guide you on reducing any risks to ensure that you and your pets stay healthy. Ticks Ticks carry many diseases contagious to humans, a few of the more notable being Lyme disease, Anaplasmosis, and Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever. Salmonella Salmonella infection can lead to diarrhea and fever in dogs and humans. People usually contract Salmonella poisoning by eating contaminated or undercooked food. Just like their human counterparts, dogs can get Salmonella infection from contaminated food, contaminated water, or a raw diet that is not stored at the correct temperature. The bad news is that Salmonella can be transmitted from dogs to humans. Mites Mites are small, eight-legged bugs. These creatures often feed off your dogs’ skin oils and ear wax. Close contact with other dogs is typically what causes mites to be transmitted to your pet. I These tiny little bugs are transmissible to humans on close contact. The most common is the mange mite, causing human scabies, which as the name implies is very contagious to people. Infected humans usually present with severe itching, skin rash, and red bumps on areas where the mites bite. Rabies In dogs, rabies is a fatal disease, and it is transmitted when one infected animal bites another. It can also be transmitted to humans. Rabies is 100% preventable with vaccination. Campylobacter Some people call it food poisoning. Campylobacter is one of the most common illnesses that cause diarrhea in the United States and Europe. It is an infection often caused by bacteria you can get from contaminated food, contaminated water, or raw or undercooked poultry. Dogs can also be infected. People can get infected through contact with feces from an ill dog. If you become infected, signs and symptoms may include diarrhea, belly pain, and fever. Allergies and Asthma If you re already allergic to dogs or have asthma, you shouldn t allow your pet to sleep in your bed or even in your room. Pet dander circulates in the air of a home that has animals, travels throughout the house, and accumulates on surfaces. Ringworm Ringworm is not a worm, it is a fungus that causes a ring-shaped infection on the skin. It is very contagious and can transmit from dogs to humans. Dogs can catch ringworm either through direct contact with an affected animal or from the environment. Infected dogs usually have scaly patches of skin with hair loss. People and kids can get ringworm simply from touching infected dogs. It looks like a circular, red rash on the skin, and can be quite itchy. Hookworms and roundworms Hookworm and roundworm eggs can be passed in a dog’s stool and infect humans. Hookworms can enter through people’s skin—for example, a person who walks barefoot in sand contaminated with dog feces. Roundworms on the other hand are transmitted by accidental ingestion of fecal matter. To prevent canine hookworm and roundworm infection, deworm your dogs regularly and do not allow children to place dirty objects in their mouths. Can Dogs Spread COVID-19? the World Health Organization states that there is no evidence that a dog, cat or any pet can transmit COVID-19 to humans. Leptospirosis Leptospirosis is a bacteria that is found in the urine of infected animals. Our dogs can contract this infection from puddles or bodies of water that is contaminated by infected wildlife. These bacteria can survive in water or soil for weeks to months. Leptospira enters your body through broken skin, ingestion, or your eyes, nose or mouth. Infection in people can cause flu-like symptoms. Tapeworm The risk of infection with tapeworm in humans is very low. For a person to become infected with tapeworm, he or she must accidentally swallow an infected flea. In short, the chance of contracting a disease from your dog is very low if your dog doesn t go outside. If your pet does go outside, the risk increases as they have a better chance of becoming infected with a virus, parasite, or bacteria from another animal from being in a fight, eating the feces of an infected animal, eating a prey animal, or walking in a contaminated area. Most physicians won t tell you to not sleep with your pet unless you re part of the population at the greatest risk, which includes those who have a weak immune system, elderly, or pregnant women. The best way to reduce or eliminated your risk of contracting diseases from your dog is through good hygiene and cleanliness practices. Make sure your dog has no fleas, ticks, illnesses, or parasites, and that he has up-to-date vaccinations.

Jaw-Dropping Facts
4,846 Views · 6 months ago

In this video, we will delve into canine science and tell you why dogs tilt their head, why they cry, and why they are so indecisive, persistently asking to go out and come back in again. Why dogs tilt their heads when you talk to them One of the more endearing things dogs do is to tilt their heads when they listen to you. We humans think it s cute—but why do dogs do it? Scientists have finally discovered why our best friends tilt their heads when we talk to them. A new study published in the journal Animal Cognition found that dogs tilt their head when they process something meaningful, or when they expect to be told something important. The adorable gesture is a signal that the dog is intently listening. Head-tilts are related to increased attention. Your dog is trying to concentrate and pay more attention to messages from its human companions. As part of the study, the researchers observed 40 dogs during object-label knowledge tests and analyzed head-tilts while listening to humans. The scientists found that there was a strong correlation between head-tilting and following complex verbal commands. The results of this study indicate head tilting is associated with processing information and an attempt to better understand humans. Interestingly enough, the scientists found that dog breeds that are better at learning the names of objects — such as border collies or German Shepherds — would tilt their heads more. The so-called “gifted learners” tilted their heads 41 percent more frequently during the experiments compare to other dogs. The animals even had a favored side when titling their head, just like humans favor their left or right hand. Dogs also have a favorite paw and even a favorite nostril. For example, most dogs are right-handed when it comes to reaching for food, walking down stairs, or retrieving toys. Tilting the head is yet another asymmetrical movement in dogs. So, when your dog looks at you attentively while tilting their heads, they are probably trying to absorb every word. Why dogs are so indecisive, persistently asking to go out and come back in again? If you have a yard, you may have wondered why your dog wants to go out, and then a minute later is standing in front of the door and suddenly wants to come back in. Dogs are curious and want to know what is happening in their territory at all times. In the wild, there are simply no doors that constantly block their way. Your dog may want to go out for a change of pace, to go to the bathroom, or check whether everything is still in order and no intruders are hanging around in their area. Dogs want to come in because they miss you, they are not comfortable with the weather, or they want to check what you are doing. Dogs can be indecisive animals as well. Remember, if you are not spending quality time with your dog, exercising, training and petting them, they may simply be asking to go in and out to entertain themselves and have something to do. Why dogs cry Whining is one of many forms of canine vocal communication. The most common reason your dog may be whining is that they need or want something from you, like some food or going out for a walk. Maybe their favorite toy is stuck underneath the couch, or they want you to open a door for them. This is similar to how puppies interact with their mothers, by “asking” for something with a plaintive whimper or whine. So it’s no wonder adult dogs recruit this same vocal impulse when communicating with humans. Sometimes dogs whine just because they are bored and no one is paying attention to them. Your dog wants someone to play with or something to occupy them. Whining can also be your dog’s way of saying that they are anxious or scared. Separation anxiety is another serious condition that can lead to crying. Dogs with separation anxiety who are left alone will sometimes spend their entire days barking and or whining. Finally, whining could be an indication that your dog is in pain or some kind of physical distress. How to Talk to Your Dog If you’re talking to a dog, increase the pitch of your voice and use dog-related words. A new study has shown that when we use a higher pitch when talking to our dogs, it really does help the animals to pay attention more. The research, published in the journal Proceedings of the Royal Society, showed that talking to dogs using dog-directed speech makes them react and attend more to their human companion than regular speech. What is more is that talking this way creates a stronger bond between you and your pet. On a similar note, studies using MRI scanner have shown that dogs understand a little bit more about human speech than we think. They understand vocabulary regardless of intonation. So dogs will not only listen to the tone of your voice - but your choice of words as well. So if you say a mean thing to a dog in a friendly tone, the dog knows.

Jaw-Dropping Facts
4,949 Views · 6 months ago

Cats may seem aloof and indifferent, but they put up with a lot of annoying human behaviors. Even the most laid-back cats have their limits, but it seems that the more a cat loves you, the more tomfoolery your cat is willing to put up with. With that in mind, what do humans do that cats won’t tolerate unless you are their favorite? In this video, we will talk about 14 human actions that cats will only tolerate from their favorite human. Touching their nose A cat’s nose is very sensitive, and most cats don’t like their nose being touched. In the world of cats, nose touching is a very intimate gesture. It is a step above bunting. A nose poke also leaves the cat very vulnerable as we must be very close to their face to do it, therefore it is offered sparingly and only to the best of friends. So if your cat allows you to touch their nose, it means they fully trust you and see you as a very close companion. Being picked up Most cats do not like being picked up. Being held translates to being restricted– and we all know cats love their freedom. When they are restricted, they feel threatened and so they will do anything to flee from us and find a place where they feel they are in control of their surroundings. Being picked up may also make a cat feel like they’re being taken by a predator. So even though you have friendly intentions, it may not come off that way. But this is not the case for all kitties. A cat who trusts its owner may learn to associate picking up as a gesture of affection and even demand your cuddles. Hugs A lot of us would find a hug a lovely sign of affection from someone we are close to, but this is not the case for a lot of our feline friends. Hugs can generate a feeling of imprisonment and make cats feel vulnerable. Hugs are naturally constricting, and when you consider how small your cat is, it essentially immobilizes them. Unfortunately, a gesture of affection of this kind might be perceived as a threat. That said, some cats may tolerate gentle hugs from their trusted humans. Direct eye contact Cats can find direct eye contact quite threatening. It’s best to avoid direct eye contact with your pet. If you stare into their eyes and they don’t seem threatened, it is a sign they are confident that you don’t want to hunt them. Belly rubs Cats don’t like having their bellies touched because it is an extremely sensitive and vulnerable area on their body. This soft underbelly protects some of their most vital organs. When a cat rolls over and shows you his belly, it s often because she is very relaxed and trusts you a lot. And if your cat does ever allow you to touch their belly, it’s truly a compliment. It means your cat feels very safe with you. Touching their tail Cats enjoy being touched on the base of their tail, but only if it’s from a trusted person. The base of a cat’s tail is an erogenous zone with lots of nerve endings. In the world of cats, touching tails is a very intimate experience that happens between two friendly felines. So if your cats enjoy being petted or scratched in this region, it means they see you as a best friend. Washing them Cats are very clean animals who prefer to groom themselves without human intervention. Most cats feel anxious and stressed by baths because they dislike water. If your cat allows you to wash and dry them, it’s a sign they love you enough to tolerate this uncomfortable experience. Eating from hand Cats prefer to eat their food in a quiet place away from humans and strangers. Most cats won t take food from a human s hand unless they are someone they trust very much. If your feline friend eats near you or takes a treat from your hand, it is a clear sign that you guys are best buddies. Kisses Most cats do not generally like to be kissed because they don t understand this human expression. Moving your face close to them and kissing them can also be too much of an invasion of space for many cats. With time however, many cats will tolerate kisses from their favorite human. Dressing them up Cats do not like clothing because it makes them feel confined. Putting clothes on them stresses them out. With that said, if your cat tolerates you dressing them up, they must really like you. it is a good sign that you’ve won their heart. Face to face Cats dislike it when a human puts their face near them because they see it as a threat. Although your cat knows your face, when your much larger head enters their space and field of vision, it s seen as aggressive behavior and they may prepare to pounce or escape. However, if your cat fully trusts you, they will tolerate or even accept your face in their space as a gesture of affection. They let you touch their paws Most cats don’t like their paws touched because they are extremely sensitive and are full of sensory receptors. If your cat puts up with you touching their paws, it is a sign that they feel very safe with you.

Jaw-Dropping Facts
2,615 Views · 6 months ago

We’ve all been there. You accidentally hurt your dog. Perhaps you unintentionally step on their tail, stumble over them, or shout at them. Now, of course you feel bad about your actions, and want things to go back to normal. Apologizing to your dog is the best way to keep your relationship strong after you’ve committed a canine offence. But how do you tell your dog you’re sorry? And even if you do, will a dog understand when you apologize? It is important to remember that dogs are very different species with their own distinctive ways of thinking. While they are intelligent animals, they don’t have the same concept of apologizing as humans do. However, if we do something harmful to our dog, then showing them that we didn t mean to hurt them is very important. Dogs may not be able to understand an apology in the human sense, but they can feel love and affection. The key is to reconnect with your dog, reassuring them that you pose no threat and harbor no anger towards them. Researchers have found that the best way to apologize to a dog is to speak in a baby voice. Dogs are actually more responsive and prefer being spoken in this way, so speaking in a baby voice will confirm that they did nothing wrong and that you are not a threat. And while you may be tempted to hug or kiss your pet to apologize, this is often not a good idea. For many dogs, going for a big hug or brining our face close to them could be perceived as a threat. How long do dogs stay angry? Due to how short-term memory works in canines, dogs forget one-off bad events fairly quickly. So if you accidentally step on a dog’s tail and apologize, the dog won’t hold a grudge against you. However, dogs remember abuse and repeated mistreatment for the rest of their lives. This is because dogs also have associative memories. Your dog will learn through experience that you are a threat. This doesn’t mean that the dog is holding a grudge; it is just that the dog is merely keeping itself safe. They are trying to protect themselves and prevent a traumatic event from reoccurring. So while your dog won t remember genuine accidents and honest mistakes, they ll remember abuse and a routine of negativity. How to know if your dog has forgiven you If you re concerned that your dog may be holding a grudge against you for something, it s important to observe their behavior. If your dog avoids making eye contact with you after a negative experience, it may be an indication that they are still processing what happened and don’t feel safe around you yet. A dog who pointedly looks away and avoids eye contact is usually trying to avoid any kind of interaction, good or bad. You often notice this in dogs recently rescued from negative or traumatic situations. Likewise, if your pet doesn’t respond to your commands, it may be a sign they still don’t trust you enough to want to follow your instructions. On the contrary, if your dog shows relaxed body language and shows no signs of fear or anxiety when you re in their presence, it s a good sign that they have forgiven you. Even better, if your dog approaches you, licks you, wags their tail, and wants to play or cuddle with you, it s a clear sign that they have moved past the incident and feel comfortable in your presence once again. Common actions that could damage your dog s trust There are several ways you might inadvertently damage the trust between you and your canine friend. If you regularly force your dog to do things they don t want to do, it can create distance between you and your pet. Common examples are teasing them, pulling on their tail, or forcing them to be around other aggressive dogs when they don’t want to be. Likewise, dogs dislike when you frequently take away their resources. Using their beloved bones and toys as a means of control should be avoided. Refrain from taking and withholding their toys from them. Constantly yelling or even hitting your dog can also definitely damage their trust. It is important to remember that reward-based training is far more effective than physical punishment. Reward based training helps build trust and strong bond between dogs and their owners. If your dog doesn t want to be hugged or interact with your neighbor’s boisterous kid, respect their boundaries and avoid forcing them into uncomfortable situations. How to show your dog affection so they know you still love them Once you’ve apologized to your dog by talking in a friendly voice, you may find that your dog is still distant from you. This could happen especially after a serious incident or previous trauma they’ve experienced. To regain your dog’s trust, spend time actively being kind to them. Pet them, take them out to do what they love… play, run and chase! Binge-watch some TV from your bean bag chair. Be gentle around them and avoid loud noises that frighten your pet. Avoid punishments or harsh discipline. Perhaps the best way to show your dog affection is to simply give them attention.

Jaw-Dropping Facts
554 Views · 6 months ago

Dogs, like humans, can experience feelings of sadness and even suffer from depression. In this video, we will talk about 15 signs that indicate your dog is unhappy. Their tail is often in lowered position Dogs use their tail to tell you how they are feeling. If your dog’s tail is carried downward, closer to their hind legs, it can mean they are feeling unwell or unhappy. It could also mean they feel insecure or scared, which is especially true of many dogs when they are in an unknown or new setting or situation. On the contrary, when a dog is happy, their tail and whole body will look relaxed, and they often wag their tail vigorously! They are aggressive If your dog frequently displays aggressive behavior towards people, animals, or anything that crosses their path, it could be a sign that they are unhappy or experiencing anxiety. Aggressive behaviors can stem from fear, pain, anxiety, or territorial instincts. They are destructive Dogs who exhibit destructive or aggressive behaviors—such as tearing up furniture or carpet, snarling or biting —are generally under stress, anxiety, or perhaps even bored. They are withdrawn and distant Dogs are social animals and they tend to stay together and close to the individuals—people, dogs, or other animals—that they’re bonded to. A happy dog will want to spend time with their family and will come to you for attention. If your dog becomes withdrawn or shows distant behavior from you, they could be feeling stressed or sad. They lick their own fur more regularly According to one new study, lonely dogs may lick or bite at their own fur more often, resulting in patches of lost fur. Lick granulomas are a common manifestation of boredom or anxiety in dogs, and present as small circular sores that are often on the dog s carpus or wrist. They don’t make eye contact with you Soft eye contact is a major sign of trust in canines. So those loving looks the two of you share while hanging out together on the couch are sure signs of a happy dog. On the contrary, if a dog feels stressed, they will pointedly look away and avoid eye contact. A dog displaying this behavior is usually trying to avoid any kind of interaction, good or bad. You often notice this in dogs recently rescued from negative or traumatic situations. They have a low sense of excitement Dogs are known for their remarkable sense of excitement. They display great enthusiasm for various activities like dinner, playtime, and walks. Some dogs even express their excitement by hopping or bouncing around. On the other hand, when a dog is feeling sad or unwell, their level of excitement and happiness tends to decrease. This can be observed through their lack of interest in activities like walks or mealtime. Inability to Settle and Relax If your pooch can’t relax and constantly appears on edge, they might be experiencing stress or anxiety. Dogs that can t settle may flinch at every sound or wake up frequently from sleep. Even while lying down, a stressed dog may have wide, alert eyes and a tense body posture. On the contrary, being calm and relaxed are signs that your canine companion is content. In fact, healthy and happy adult dogs typically sleep for up to 16 hours a day. Coat appearance A dog s coat reflects their health and mental state. A shiny, clean coat is a sign of good health and an indicator that a dog isn’t experiencing any emotional or environmental stress. An unhappy dog will have uneven fur and a disheveled look. They may even start to neglect their grooming routine. Sometimes, their skin might also appear to flake. An unhealthy appetite Happy dogs tend to have healthy appetites. If your canine companion refuses to eat or has a diminished appetite, it could be a sign that they’re not feeling well, or that they’re experiencing anxiety or stress. They Ignore Your Commands Some people think training a dog is all about the dog, but it’s also about a dog’s emotional state. If a dog is sad or unhappy in their environment, they are less likely to respond well to training. Common causes of depression in dogs While there are a variety of triggers for depression, it is frequently caused by a major change in a dog’s life. This includes the death of a loved one, change of residence, a new pet or baby in the household, hormonal changes, punishment and abuse, or a health issue. Interestingly enough, dogs also pick up on our emotions. Research has shown that when we get stressed, our dogs get stressed out, too. So don’t be surprised if your pup acts differently when you’ve had a bad day at work. Your faithful, furry friend is responding to your mood. Another common cause of depression in dogs is loneliness or boredom. Dogs need space to run around and might become sad if they haven’t been given the chance to explore and interact with humans or other dogs. Staying indoors all the time or not getting enough attention from their humans, can take a serious toll on canine mental health.

Jaw-Dropping Facts
300 Views · 6 months ago

Tuxedo cats, also called Tuxies, are known for their distinctive black and white coat pattern that resembles a classic tuxedo outfit. In this video, we will talk about 15 interesting facts about these charming cats. Tuxedo cats are not a single breed. Tuxedo cats are not a particular breed. Instead, they get their name from the distinct bi-colored markings on their coats. Any domestic cat that is primarily black with white markings can be considered a tuxedo cat. The majority of tuxies are domestic shorthair cats, but the coat variation is also seen in Persians, Maine Coons, British Shorthairs and the Devon Rex. Tuxedo cats are just as likely to be female. Unlike orange tabbies, who are usually male, or calico or tortoiseshell cats, who are almost always female, tuxies can easily be either sex. This means there are an equal number of male and female tuxedo cats out there. A Tuxedo cat almost became the mayor of Halifax. Not many cats have run for political office. And there aren’t a lot of political parties started by cat breeds or types. But in the 2012 municipal elections, a black and white cat named Tuxedo Stan ran for mayor in Halifax, Canada. Yes, seriously! He even created his own political party, The Tuxedo Party of Canada. A Tuxedo cat was once the richest cat in the world. A tuxedo cat named Sparky was owned by an incredibly wealthy owner. When the owner passed away in 1998, he passed all his money down to Sparky. Sparky s inheritance was around 6.3 million Dollars. Tuxedo cats aren t limited to just black and white. While you might expect "tuxedo" cats to sport coats just in the traditional black and white of the men’s formal attire they re named after, you might also spot "tuxies" in grey, orange, and silver. Their coat pattern is random Tuxedo cats get their coat patterns during development when they are in the womb. But it s not about genetics. A tuxedo cat can be born even if neither parent is tuxedo, they just need to inherit black and white genes. In the past, scientists believe that tuxedo cats were produced as a result of slow-moving or sluggish pigment cells. It was believed that the black pigment cells would not reach every part of the cat s body before the cat was born. However, more recent studies suggest that the tuxedo markings are the result of a faulty KIT gene that is unable to multiply at a normal rate. In either case, the result is a random pattern, so no two tuxedo cats will have the exact same pattern. Tuxedo cats are Popular fixtures of pop culture Tuxedo cats have been part of popular culture for longer than you might expect! Felix the Cat debuted in 1919 during the silent movie era, Sylvester the Cat first appeared in 1939, and Dr. Seuss’ Cat in the Hat first appeared in 1957. Tuxies Are Popular With Famous People Plenty of famous and influential people have owned tuxedos. Among the most well documented are William Shakespeare, Beethoven, Sir Isaac Newton, and even President Bill Clinton. That’s right, tuxies have also made it into the White House! Socks Clinton was the pet cat of the Clinton family. They are among the least-adopted cats Tuxies are undeniably adorable and can come from purebred kitties, from mix-bred cats and from feral cats. However, Tuxedo cats are among the least-adopted cats in shelters. According to a Priceonomics study, they have an unusually low adoption rate at just below 70%. It might be because tuxis are mostly black and studies show that black cats are less likely to be adopted than cats of other colors. Their whisker colors match their muzzle color A cat’s whisker color will match its hair color. This means that if you have a pure black cat, it will have black whiskers. Most Tuxedo cats have a bright white muzzle, which means their whiskers are white. Even cats with a grey muzzle area will have grey whiskers. No Two Tuxedo Cats Are The Same Similar to how no two fingerprints are the same, no two tuxedo coat patterns are identical either. This means that your tuxedo cat’s coat is unique. They are found all over the globe Since tuxedo cats are not a particular breed but rather a coat pattern, they are not limited by geographical area. This means that unlike other cats which are more common in certain countries or regions, tuxedos can be found all over the world. There are lots of Tuxedo myths With such a charming and fancy looking cat, it s no surprise that there are plenty myths and rumors surrounding the tuxedos. Some myths suggest that tuxedos have magical properties or that they have a certain personality, size, weight, or lifespan. All cats, ultimately, are individuals. Your cat will be who she is, based on her particular combination of genes, her upbringing and personal history, and whatever magic makes all of us who we are. Another myth about the tuxedo is that they were worshiped by the ancient Egyptians, however there is no evidence to prove that this is true.

Jaw-Dropping Facts
4,523 Views · 6 months ago

Do you think your cat remembers you when you come back months later from school or a trip? and how long does it take a cat to forget you? Cats have a short-term memory that allows them to remember recent events and experiences. Scientists believe a cat’s short-term memory lasts around 16 hours. If you have just one interaction with a cat, she will likely remember you for up to 16 hours. Similarly, if you accidentally step on their tail, that one-off bad event will fade away from your cat’s memory within 16 hours. Interestingly enough, a study published in Applied Animal Science Behavior tested cat reactions to being restrained against their will at a veterinary surgery clinic. It was found that the cats didn’t avoid that location or people afterward. Scientists have discovered that cats use their short-term memory to remember things of importance, like where they hunted the night before or where their new food bowl is located in the house. Keep in mind that cats have a remarkable short-term memory capacity compared to other animals. While most animals can only hold a short-term memory for an average of 25 seconds, cats can retain information for up to 16 hours, which is quite significant. But cats also have long-term memory. This memory can last indefinitely. When certain things happen repeatedly, your cat will store that information in its long-term memory. For example, if you always bring out the cat carrier when it s time to go to the vet, your cat will learn to associate the carrier with unpleasant vet visits. Even after many years, your cat will remember the carrier and try to avoid it because it associates it with bad experiences. Likewise, if your cat was bullied by the cat next door, she might have a hard time leaving the house, and that could carry into the next neighborhood you live in as well. Long-term memories have the power to affect a cat’s behavior for a lifetime. If a cat has been abused or mistreated repeatedly by humans, they will have a hard time trusting humans again. Long-term memories are also what make cats afraid of certain people and hold grudges like there’s no tomorrow. However, positive memories are also stored in long-term memory. Pleasurable long-term memories are what allow your cat to leap into your arms when you return from a long trip. If your cat has had good memories with you in the past, your scent will remind them of all the positive experiences. Your cat may not remember the specific interactions she’s had with you, but she will remember how you loved them and brought them joy. Your smell will remind them of your affection, arrival of food or resources, as they always appeared when you were there. So, if you are wondering whether your Persian cat will remember you after years of separation, the answer is yes, but only if you are worth remembering. Do cats remember their mom or other cats if they are separated? Just like how cats remember the humans they love, they can also remember other cats or animals they have formed long-term memories with. In fact, a study was conducted where kittens were separated from their moms, and after a year, they were reunited. After reunion, the kittens showed a clear gravitation toward their mom, indicating that they remembered her. They recognized their mom through scent, as cats store long-term memories mainly through smells. Interestingly, the scientists also discovered that these kittens could also recognize each other if they were separated for a year and then brought back together. Episodic memory It s important to know that a cat’s memory is so complex that lets them memorize predictable routines. For example, if you usually feed them at 7:00 am every morning, they will expect to be fed at that time. If you re late by half an hour one day, they get nervous. Your cat might get stressed and worry about where their next meal will come from. Cats are creatures of habit and like to follow routines. So if you leave for several days, or their routine changes in some way, it can be very stressful for them.

Jaw-Dropping Facts
4,294 Views · 6 months ago

Cats are known for their independent and mysterious nature, which makes it challenging to understand their emotions and feelings towards us humans. While most cats develop loving relationships with their guardians, some cats display subtle signs of disinterest or even dislike towards their owners. If you re wondering whether your cat likes you or not, here are 15 signs that could suggest your cat isn t very fond of you.

Jaw-Dropping Facts
3,078 Views · 6 months ago

Birds bring joy and companionship into our lives. However, these delicate creatures are susceptible to a wide variety of dangers. In this video, we will talk about 15 things that can kill your bird (parrot, parquet, budgie) which you must avoid. Cooking near them Most cooking pots and pans have layers of Teflon or aluminum. When these get too hot, they emit harmful fumes into the entire house and are very toxic to birds. Your feathered friend can die just by breathing in these toxic fumes. AC Drafts Hot summer days can be tough for us humans, but birds are very sensitive to cold air. They can quickly become sick and even die from a cold. Direct sunlight The sun can be just as dangerous as the cold for birds. Never leave their cage near a sunny window without any shade. The intense heat from the sun can cause severe dehydration and overheating, which can be life-threatening for your bird. Bumblefoot Bumblefoot is an infection that happens on your bird s feet. It occurs when the bird spends too much time standing on hard surfaces. To prevent bumblefoot, always look for natural wood and rope perches. Avoid using hardwood surfaces, perches that are too small in size, or any rough-textured perches like those covered in sandpaper, concrete, or burlap. Chemical scents Just like cooking around your bird isn’t safe, never use hair spray, air refresheners, perfumes, or pesticides near your feathered friend. These substances typically contain harsh chemicals and birds are very sensitive to pollutant in the air. Birds are also extremely susceptible to any source of smoke. Your bird should not be exposed to cigarettes, candle, incense, grilling smoke, and fireplace fumes. Plants many houseplants can be very toxic to birds. If your bird eats or bites these plants, it could be fatal for them. Some of the most dangerous plants for birds include Amaryllis, daffodils, Ivies, lilies, hollies, tulips, Philodendrons, Mistletoes, Shamrocks, and Hyacinthus. Human Food We like to share our food with our pets, including birds. However, many foods that we humans eat can make our birds sick or even cause death. For example, foods that are high in sugar or salt, as well as fatty foods, are not suitable for birds. More serious are things such as chocolate, which is toxic to many pets. Avocado should also be avoided. Onions and garlic are also a big No-No as they are harmful and poisonous to birds and other pets. Trusting the pet store Many bird parents just buy any product that has a photo of bird on it, however, many products that are marketed towards birds, are actually not good for them. The first danger comes from cheap steel iron and lead toys. Keep in mind that many metals such as lead, zinc, copper, aluminum and chrome are toxic to birds. If your pet chews on these metals, it can be deadly. Fruits Most birds love fruit, and most fruits are safe for birds. However, certain fruits containing seeds (such as apples and pears) and pits (such as cherries, apricots, peaches, and plums), should not be offered to birds without removing the seeds and pits first, as these seeds and pits contain small amounts of a toxic cyanide compound. Dust Doing home renovations, repairs, or perhaps installing a new carpet? Excessive dust in the environment can cause potential problems in your birds, so make sure that your home is kept as dust-free as possible. Unattended water Is that glass half empty or half full? Doesn t really matter to a thirsty bird; he s likely going to perch on the edge and dip his head down for a drink. If he loses his footing and is unable to flap his wings to get out, he will drown. Never leave glasses of liquid unattended. Likewise, keep the toilet lid down and remember that a bird can drown in an unattended bath. Chasing after them Birds are prey animals. Chasing after them and grabbing them when they don’t want to, can cause them stress and anxiety. Remember, a stressful environment is not good for you, and is certainly not good for your feathered friend. Bathing them Unlike cats and dogs, birds do not need any help to bathe. You just need to provide the means for them to bathe themselves. A shallow bowl or basin filled with fresh water can be a bathing pool for your pet bird. A dirty living space Birds are very clean animals and they appreciate a clean, nice environment. Dirty and smelly homes will create mental and physical health problems for your pet. Other Pets While birds often live happily with other household pets, owners should always be careful when other pets are near the birds. The motion of birds can attract the prey instinct of cats and dogs, and an infected bite or scratch can quickly be fatal to a bird. Chewing on dangerous items Birds are notorious for chewing, which is why they should always be provided with plenty of chew toys. However, there are specific things they should never chew on. Never let your budgie chew on your nail polish or paint as they are toxic to birds.

Jaw-Dropping Facts
4,083 Views · 6 months ago

There are plenty of myths and misconceptions about cats. In this video, we will separate fact from fiction by sharing 16 common myths about cats. Cats always land on their feet Cats often land on their feet when they fall from a height. This is because they have innate ability known as ‘righting reflex’, whereby they’re able to twist their bodies around in the air while they are falling. Where this is all true, the fact is that cats don’t always land on their feet. And this myth is very concerning because many cat owners take it literally. Cats aren’t affectionate. Many people think that cats are standoffish and less likely to love their owners. But the truth is that cats do love their owners—they just express affection much differently than dogs. On that note, a study published in the journal Current Biology, found that cats form attachments to their owners that are similar to those that dogs and even babies form with their caregivers. Other studies have shown that cats see their owners as a source of comfort and security. Cats Can Thrive on a Vegan Diet Some people who choose a vegan diet also subject their feline friend to a meatless lifestyle. But cats are obligate carnivores and need meat to satisfy their nutritional needs. Cats have nine lives Although this is a silly myth, the concerning thing about this superstition is what it implies. Many cat owners think that their feline doesn’t need particular care. But the reality is that cats require good care, preventative medicine, good food, good hygiene, and lots of love to ensure a long and happy life. Cats purr when they are happy Cats often purr when they are happy. However, they may also purr when they are stressed, frightened, are feeling unwell or in pain. They purr in order to provide comfort to themselves. Milk is a great treat for cats Many people think it is okay for cats to drink milk, However, most felines are lactose intolerant. Declawing is not harmful Declawing is a completely unnecessary surgery. Saving your furniture by destroying your cat’s body is not acceptable. Declawing is torturous for your cat. Cats are cold and aloof. Domestic cats are by nature more independent and tend towards solitary habits. This doesn t mean that cats are cold or aloof though. Cats have had to survive as solitary animals.This means that cats are often wary of strangers or unknown circumstances as a way of self-protection. Cats can’t be trained While not as easily trainable as dogs, cats can indeed be taught certain commands such as sitting, staying or coming with the promise of treats. Cats are nocturnal Many people think cats are nocturnal because their cat wakes them up at 4 o’clock in the morning. However, cats are actually crepuscular. This means that they are most awake at dusk and dawn when there are better hunting opportunities. Cats are not hardwired to sleep during the day and be awake all night Cats are low-maintenance pets that don t require much care It’s common to hear that cats don t need as much care as dogs do. While cats are independent and strong animals, they can also be delicate. As with any other pet in your house, cats need to be looked after as much as dogs do, and neglecting any of their needs can lead to health problems. Black cats bring bad luck Unfortunately, this myth is very concerning for black cats, as statistics have shown that these cats are the least adopted from shelters. But the reality is that the color of a cat’s fur has nothing to do with luck. Cats don’t like dogs Although dogs and cats have been portrayed in Hollywood as enemies, the truth is that most cats and dogs do not see each other as direct competition and can actually get along very well. Cats absolutely hate water Many cats are actually fascinated by water and some even love to play with it, especially if it is running from a faucet. In reality, cats just generally don t like to be submerged in water. Cats can see perfectly in total darkness Depending on the light, the shape of a cat’s pupil can change from almost fully round to vertical slit. Although cats have a superior ability to see in near-darkness, they cannot see in total darkness. Pregnant women cannot live with cats This myth about cats giving pregnant women toxoplasmosis has led to some cats being abandoned by their owners. This infection is very rare in cats who eat commercially prepared cat food, who have been domesticated from birth, and who have received their vaccinations. And if a cat is not a carrier of this parasite, there s no risk of transmission to a pregnant woman. If you are worried, then have your cat checked for Toxoplasmosis at a vet, and as a double precaution, don t let pregnant women clean out your cat’s litter box with their bare hands. All cats love catnip Cats love catnip and most felines get hyperactive in response to this plant. However, not all cats respond to catnip. Researchers have found that one in three cats are not affected to catnip.

Jaw-Dropping Facts
1,470 Views · 6 months ago

In this video, you’ll learn: Why some animals eat their babies Why rabbits bury their babies, and Why some animals eat poop. You ll also learn about some strange behaviors about cats and dogs, and the meaning behind them Believe it or not, the intentional killing of offspring is practiced by many species. But with rabbits, the reality is a little different. Rabbit do bury their offspring, but they do it to protect them. Mother rabbits don’t want to attract predators to their babies, so they mostly leave them on their own, hidden and camouflaged. Interestingly enough, if one of the baby rabbits dies, the mother may eat it. This isn’t because rabbits suddenly become carnivorous. It’s just that a dead rabbit will quickly begin to stink. So the mother will try to do everything possible to eliminate the sources of attention to the burrow. Despite all these protections, most bunnies end up dead by their first birthday. Let s now look at this video where a mother stork throws her baby out of the nest. This is a very normal behavior in storks and many other families of birds. When a stork parent realizes that she just doesn’t have enough food for all her babies, she gets rid of one or two. More often than not, they throw away the weakest baby, and keep the strongest one. If a mother bear gives birth to three cubs, two of which are unhealthy or too weak, then it’s highly likely that she will kill and eat the weaker cubs. This will not only give the mother energy in the form of a calorie boost, but it will also leave her with fewer cubs, whom she can then nurse better and provide for. Hamsters, on the other hand, eat their babies for crowd control. Research has shown that mother hamsters with nine pups will eat two cubs on average. When scientists have tried adding two more cubs to the litter, the mother ate four of the cubs instead. Even lions aren t an exception. When a male lion in a pride changes, the new leader kills the cubs of his predecessor. It has been very well reported in the wild that male lions have no interest in raising another lion’s offspring, and they do not want to spend energy and resources to ensure that other lions’ genes will be passed on. So, they prefer killing the cubs or taking them out of the pride. Interestingly enough, pandas rarely reproduce, but when they do, they often give birth to twins. And then the mother panda abandon one of her babies. But people have found a solution. When a mother panda gives birth to twins in captivity, keepers remove one of the cubs, tricking the mother into thinking she only has one cub. The twins are then switched up to ten times a day to maintain the single baby panda illusion. Cats, for example, can transform from cuddly animals to weird creatures in a second. Have you noticed that they suddenly open their mouth and look around confused? What’s that? Are they in some sort of shock? Turns out, it is a biological reaction known as Flehmen response. It’s a way of smelling and tasting the air. Cats have especial odor receptors in the roof of their mouths. They keep their mouth open to get a better sense of certain smells. Many other mammals, including lions and horses perform this action too. We humans haven’t learned to understand the language of animals. That’s why their behaviors generate many questions. Dogs or rabbits, for example, may eat their own feces. But there are logical reasons for their poop-eating behavior. Dogs want clean spaces to play and live as much as you do and their most obvious way to rid the environment of waste is by eating it. When a mother gives birth to her puppies, they don’t know anything about using the bathroom, so a mother will eat the puppy’s feces to keep their new home clean. It’s nature’s way of keeping the puppies free from disease, and a mother’s way of protecting her young. Eating fecal droppings is also a way of obtaining key nutrients. While we may view poop as dangerous, it’s not as scary as we think. While eating poop from sick animals can be an issue as it can contain viruses, parasites, and bacteria, healthy poop often contains harmless bacteria, water, dead cells, and some undigested food. Poop can be nutritious and help reset the gut bacteria to healthy levels. You probably have noticed that dogs kick back their feet after pooping. You may think the dog is trying to cover up its urine and feces, but it isn’t. By scratching the ground, the dog is releasing the pheromones located in the scent glands of its feet. This is the main way a dog marks its territory. The dog wants the other dogs to know that this is his area. And while you think that a dog might be sniffing another dog’s poop, they are actually sniffing the pheromones another dog has left behind from kicking the dirt. This is a unique form of communication where your dog will tell another dog if they sense danger.

Jaw-Dropping Facts
1,248 Views · 7 months ago

If you re tossing those leftover fruit parts in the trash, you could be missing out on some tasty flavors and powerful nutrients. Here are 11 food parts you should never throw away. 1. Watermelon seeds and rinds. Although they don’t look like it, watermelon seeds can be roasted in the oven and eaten like pumpkin seeds for a healthy snack. The white rind of a watermelon may not be your favorite part to eat, but it contains the powerful amino acid citrulline, which when digested, is converted to arginine. Arginine can help reduce muscle fatigue, increase blood flow, and improve circulation. Watermelon rinds also have vitamin B6 and C. The rind can be chopped up and put in a fruit salad, pureed into a salsa, or thrown into a smoothie. 2. Ripe banana peels. Yes, you can eat banana peels, but usually as part of something else. Banana peels are worth saving because they have tryptophan, the amino acid in turkey that makes you sleepy. This is because the tryptophan naturally boosts your levels of serotonin. To prepare the peels for your favorite recipe, boil them for ten minutes or so to soften them. You can then puree the peels and add them to muffin or cake batter, soups, or smoothies. 3. Lemon, lime, and orange peels. A lot of recipes call for the zest of a citrus peel, and for good reason. It contains five times more vitamin C than the flesh of the citrus fruit and other nutrients as well, like magnesium, zinc, iron, potassium, niacin, thiamin, riboflavin, vitamins A, B5, B6, and folate. You can add the grated peels to muffin batter, smoothies, yogurt, oatmeal, cottage cheese, or to a cup of hot tea. 4. Avocado seeds. Yes, you can eat avocado seeds too - but again, there is some prep work involved. Remove the pit from the avocado and wait until you have about three or four pits to process. Put the pits in an oven at 250 degrees for about two hours. When they are cooled, cut the seeds into smaller pieces and put them in a food processor until they are chopped into a coarse powder. You can also use a cheese grater. it extra nutrients like phenolic compounds which can help prevent cardiovascular disease, cancer, and other degenerative illnesses. 5. Kiwi skins. Did you know that you can eat a kiwi - skin and all - just like an apple? The skin is actually edible and obviously very high in fiber. It also contains vitamin C. Eating a kiwi whole isn’t for anyone, so if you can’t do it, throw a chopped kiwi - skin and all - into a blender with your next smoothie. 6. The core of a pineapple. The core of a pineapple isn’t that appetizing to eat raw, but don’t throw it away. Instead, chop it up into cubes and freeze them in a plastic zip bag for later use. The core of the pineapple has anti-inflammatory properties that work to relieve inflamed sinuses and nasal passages, along with muscle soreness and arthritis. It also contains bromelain - which is a protein-digesting enzyme. 7. The skin of an onion. Instead of peeling an onion when you make a soup or stew, put it in whole. The skin of a yellow onion has a high content of a flavonoid called quercetin. This is a polyphenol-type of phytonutrient that is very healthy for the heart. Quercetin also reduces blood pressure and prevents arterial plaque. And if you sauté chopped onions with the skins, you will never know they are there. 8. Celery leaves. Remove the celery leaves from the stalks and put them in a plastic storage bag, along with paper toweling, to store in the refrigerator for later use. The celery leaves are much more nutritious than the stocks and are full of vitamin C, calcium, and magnesium. They can be shredded and used in salads, vegetable soups, and as edible garnishes. 9. Swiss chard stems. Swiss chard, like spinach and kale, can be used to make many dishes healthier. But there are always those left-over stems that go right in the trash. However, the next time you use Swiss chard, there is a way to prepare the stems to make a healthier snack than the leaves themselves. This is because the stems are rich in iron and glutamine, and high in fiber too. Bake the stems in the oven with olive oil and salt at 375 degrees for 10. Broccoli stalks. Broccoli is another vegetable where people eat the tasty florets and then throw the stalks away. However, the stalks contain something called sulforaphane. You may not have heard of it, but sulforaphane is a phytochemical antioxidant that does many things like neutralize carcinogens, reduce inflammation, and protect cells from DNA damage. 11. Beet greens. Even people who eat beets still throw the greens out because it seems like the thing to do. But these greens contain nutrients like protein, fiber, and a variety of vitamins and minerals. They also have a phytonutrient that prevents eye degeneration by keeping eyesight strong.

Jaw-Dropping Facts
377 Views · 7 months ago

Did you ever wonder what the TSA does with the expensive bottle of perfume they confiscate from your carry-on at the airport security checkpoint? The one you forgot to pack in your checked luggage? You may think the TSA agents take all the bottles they collect from the passengers and then divvy them up after their shift is over. Or you may hope the airport donates them to a deserving homeless shelter or other charity. Or at worst, that the items simply go in the trash. But the real answer, as to what happens to these bottles of liquids collected by the TSA is here. First of all, any TSA agent caught taking seized property would be fired. This is because your bottle of shampoo or sports drink is now considered to be potentially hazardous waste material. That’s why it was confiscated in the first place. If any TSA agent jokes about using your toiletries, or you see any TSA agent pocketing toiletries, you can report them. As far as charities go, the airport isn’t going to take your toiletries and donate them, because there aren’t any charities around that opened bottles of shampoo, perfume, or shaving cream - especially since they are now potentially hazardous. So what happens to them now? According to TSA regulations, your confiscated liquids are now classified as voluntarily abandoned property. If this property is worth more than $500, it can be taken and recycled by the TSA if the agency can use it, or resold through proper channels by the airport. If the item is worth less than $500, it can be destroyed if this is deemed to be appropriate. In the case of liquids, they will be automatically valued as worth less than $500 and disposed of. Now that your liquids have been classified as potentially hazardous and of no value, this presents more hassle for the airport than you might think. This is because now that your bottle of shampoo is classified as a potentially hazardous and abandoned item, it actually costs the airport money to dispose of your hazardous liquids in compliance with the local, state, or federal laws that apply to them. In the case of a smaller airport, disposal of your voluntarily abandoned property may simply mean putting it straight into the trash. Nevertheless, with the large volume of TSA seizures in the major airports of the United States. In fact, your liquids may wind up recycling Then the liquids will be sorted by type: contact lens solution, shaving cream, sunscreen, shampoo, etc. They will then be secured in hazmat containers, which are sealed to await further processing. This processing is completed by governmental contractors in accordance with environmental regulations. In the case of the liquids confiscated by TSA agents, there is a nationwide waste disposal company, Clean Harbors, who handles most of the recycling of these potentially hazardous liquids. Once these sealed bins have been processed by Clean Harbors, the water-based liquids can be sent by rail to a wastewater treatment facility where they can be returned safely into the water supply. the liquids can be combusted and turned into electricity. Aerosol cans full of shaving cream or hairspray are disposed of as hazardous or non-hazardous material. Bottles of alcohol and alcoholic beverages are processed separately, as they may be potentially flammable as well as potentially hazardous. These liquids go to a fuel-blending facility, along with other solvent-based liquids, as an alternative fuel for kilns used in the making of cement. And no matter where it winds up, every bottle of liquid that arrives at Clean Harbors in the sealed containers from the airport is inventoried upon arrival and inventoried as it is disposed of. At this point, you may be wondering what happens to all of the bottles that the liquids came in. In the case of a high capacity airport like LaGuardia or LAX, the plastic bottles get chipped up and sent to a recycling plant. In the case of smaller airport contracts, there aren’t enough bottles, so they go to the local landfill. Emptying the bottles, recycling the liquid, and recycling the bottles is all part of the process that goes into the disposing of potentially hazardous materials that have been voluntarily abandoned at your local airport. Which now brings up the question, “Who is paying for all of the sorting, destroying, and recycling all of the perfectly good bottles of shampoo and other toiletries seized by the TSA at the airport?” In short, the answer is you, the passenger. If you notice on your ticket, there is a fee of up to $4.50 per passenger per ticket called a “Passenger Facility Charge.” For example, if you have a round trip flight with two layovers, you can pay up to $18.00 per person in Passenger Facility Charges alone. And it doesn’t matter whether Clean Harbors presents its monthly bill directly to the airport, the TSA, or the FAA. You pay money to all three, on top of your plane fare and baggage handling fees.

Jaw-Dropping Facts
1,298 Views · 7 months ago

But just because canines can’t communicate with words doesn’t mean they are not communicating. Your dogs will find a way to get the point across if they are anxious, in pain, or if they need something from you. In this video, you will learn 16 warning signs a dog may be sick.

Jaw-Dropping Facts
2,527 Views · 7 months ago

This is the story of the Brazen Bull, a legendary torture device so heinous that its inventor was ultimately tortured and killed by it himself. To learn more about this torture device, we have to go back to ancient Greece. Fact #1. As the story goes, one day in Ancient Greece, a sculptor from Athens named Perillos proposed the creation of the Brazen Bull to the evil tyrant Phalaris, who ruled over Akragas, Sicily. This torture device was to be a life-sized hollow sculpture of a bull, made entirely of bronze. There would be a door in the bull’s belly, where the victim would be forced in and the door would be locked. Then a fire would be set under the bull and the victim would be roasted alive as they screamed for mercy. Fact #2. But this wasn’t all there was to the Brazen Bull. Since it was hollow, the Brazen Bull allowed for the installation of an acoustical system that projected the screams of the roasting victim so that the people in attendance could hear them. At the time, the acoustical system was quite ingenious, as the sound pipes were designed to convert the screams of the victim into the sounds of a bull, tenderly bellowing Fact #3. The first victim of the Brazen Bull is perhaps the best part of this legend because the first victim was the inventor of the Brazen Bull himself, Perillos. Perillos was a craftsman, a sculptor and a worker in bronze. At the time, this type of position fell into the realm of slavery, or at best, servant to the master. Phalaris, cruel as he was, never asked Perillos for the Brazen Bull. Perillos brought Phalaris the Brazen Bull as a gift to gain favor with Phalaris – maybe for his freedom. Phalaris, thinking the device was evil asked Perillos to climb into the device and demonstrate the acoustics. As soon as Perillos was inside the bull, Phalaris locked the door and lit a fire. Phalaris roasted Perillos for a while, then let him out, only to throw his charred body off the top off a nearby hill. Fact #4. The idea of the Brazen Bull has to do with the mythical culture and beliefs of the ancient Greeks. To them, the bull was a symbol of power and associated with deities. They believed in the mythical Minotaur, a man who had the head and the tail of a bull. The Minotaur was the offspring of a Queen of Crete - who mated with a white bull from the sea god Poseidon. Some Greeks also believed in Moloch, a bull-headed God who demanded human sacrifices. The Brazen Bull was a perfect way for Phalaris to get rid of his enemies, either in the name of crimes committed against the city-state of Akragas or simply to appease the gods in a religious ceremony where citizens could gather to worship. Fact #5. But how was such a horrifying torture device as the Brazen Bull allowed to be used in such a civilized place as ancient Greece? The answer lies in the fact that ancient Greece was fragmented into many competing city-states, where large portions of the population were slaves. Torture was kept local, so it was only the citizens of Akragas, who had also incurred the wrath of Phalaris, which were probably tortured. These people, also being slaves who had no hope of escape, wouldn’t be missed by anyone outside of Akragas. Fact #6. The Brazen Bull was eventually used as a form of entertainment. Since the city-state of Akragas was self-ruling, anyone who Phalaris wanted to put into it was fair game. The crowd always loved to see the Brazen Bull start puffing smoke out of his nose while he bellowed the most melodic of sounds. As the bull rocked back and forth and the snorting grew louder, it was quite a piece of theater to see, and the Greeks loved their theater. After the ceremony, the victim’s charred bones were removed - and because they “shone like jewels” spectators were allowed to take them and make them into jewelry to wear. Fact # 7. After the overthrow of Phalaris, the Brazen Bull vanished. The people of Akragas, tired of Phalaris’s tyranny, organized themselves into a revolt. Their new leader Telemachus threw Phalaris into the Bull himself, to suffer the same fate as the slaves Phalaris tortured for his own amusement. The Brazen Bull was eventually taken to Carthage, where the city fell to the Romans. Envoys from Sicily were allowed to take the Brazen Bull Fact # 8. The legend of the Brazen Bull is still alive today. Although some historic Christian saints were rumored to have been killed by the legendary Brazen Bull, the Catholic Church officially denies this. However, the legend of the Brazen Bull lives on in modern-day movies, where people are still fascinated by this means of torture. Films like “Immortals,” “Saw 3D,” and videos games like “Amnesia the Dark Descent,” and even television shows like “1,000 Ways to Die” all feature the Brazen Bull as an effective and grisly way to kill and torture its victims - while remaining a delightfully engaging piece of entertainment for its bloodthirsty audience. Background music: Youtube Audio Library

Jaw-Dropping Facts
2,601 Views · 7 months ago

12 fruits you can grow at home in a container today! 1. Tomatoes Growing tomatoes from the seeds starts with cutting a tomato in half and scooping out the seeds with a small spoon. Simply press the dried tomato seeds into the moistened soil. Put the eggshell planters on a very sunny windowsill until they sprout and then plant them outside, shell and all! The eggshell acts as a natural fertilizer that the tomato plant can use for nutrients. 2. Cucumbers Growing cucumbers from the seeds starts with cutting the cucumber in half and scooping out the seeds with a small spoon. Take the seeds and stir them into a glass of water, pulp and all. The fertile seeds will fall to the bottom. Cucumber seeds can be planted directly into the soil, but they will need plenty of sunlight and water to grow. They will also need a trellis to climb if you grow them in a container. 3. Avocado Growing an avocado tree from the pit begins with removing the pit from the fruit of the avocado. Push three toothpicks into the pit so the toothpicks will support the avocado in a glass of water. Once you have a strong root system, you can put the avocado tree into a container of soil in a warm, sunny place. 4. Watermelons Growing watermelons from the seeds starts with cutting up a watermelon between the seeds to expose them. This way, they are easy to slide out with a toothpick, unharmed. Line a small, clear plastic container with a damp paper towel. Lay the seeds on the paper towel and then place another paper towel on top of this. Then cover the plastic container with clear plastic wrap. Keep it at room temperature and out of direct sunlight. The plastic container acts as a greenhouse and softens the seeds for planting in 4 days. That’s when seeds will then be ready for planting in small containers. Keep in mind that the sprouts will need plenty of warm sunshine, high temperatures, and water to survive. 5. Pumpkins Growing pumpkins from seeds starts with cutting a large hole in the top of the pumpkin and removing the seeds. Rinse the pulp from them and let them dry for a week - spaced out on waxed paper in a very dry place. Plant the seeds in moist warm soil, about three or four to a container. The plants will emerge in about ten days, but it will be about a month before they are ready to plant somewhere else. 6. Peach Growing a peach tree from the pit starts with removing the pit from the peach and rinsing it off. Peach pits do best when they are planted in the fall and do better with lots of water and sunlight. 7. Peppers Growing peppers from the seeds starts with cutting the pepper open, rubbing the seeds off the white center pulp, and then collecting them into a container. The seeds also need a warm place to sprout, and then the sprouts will need lots of sunlight to grow. 8. Pineapple Growing a pineapple from the crown of the pineapple begins by firmly grasping the leaves at the top of the pineapple and then twisting it until it comes off. Peel off the bottom layers of the leaves from the crown of the pineapple so that one-half an inch of the crown is exposed. This is where the roots will grow. Set the pineapple in a clear jar or cut-off plastic bottle filled with water Put the pineapple in a sunny place and change the water every 2-3 days. When you see roots, you can plant the pineapple crown into some soil. 9. Strawberries Growing strawberries from seeds is a delicate process. It begins with gently freeing the seeds from the surface of the strawberry with a toothpick and then wiping them onto a paper towel to dry for a week in a cool location. When they are dry, put the strawberry seeds into moistened soil just under the surface in a small container. They do not need sunlight, but they do need regular water. Once the seeds have sprouted, put the sprouts in larger containers or plant them outside if the weather is warm. 10. Orange Growing oranges and other citrus fruits in containers from seeds is easy. Simply take the seeds from any citrus fruit and soak them overnight. Plant them one-half inch deep into moist potting soil in any kind of container. Put a clear plastic bag over the container to create a greenhouse effect and let the covered container sit in a warm sunny spot for two weeks. 11. Raspberries Growing raspberries from seeds starts with pressing the raspberries through a fine-mesh strainer. Gently rinse the pulp from the seeds and dry them on a paper towel for a week. Plant the raspberry seeds in a container of potting soil, one-quarter of an inch below the surface. Raspberries are best planted in the fall in cool weather. Keep the container away from the sunlight for the first few weeks, and mist it every day to keep the soil wet. 12. Onions Growing onions from the core of the onion starts with squarely cutting away the outside layers of the onion - until you have only the core of the onion left - with the roots still on the bottom and the shoots on the top.

Jaw-Dropping Facts
1,413 Views · 7 months ago

This is Titan, and these are lakes and rivers of liquid methane, the main component of natural gas. In here, it naturally rains trillions of dollars’ worth of gas from the sky. According to NASA, Titan is the largest moon of Saturn and has hundreds of times more natural gases and liquid hydrocarbons than all the known oil and natural gas reserves on Earth Fortunately, the lack of oxygen prevents combustion in Titan. But if you accidentally mix its atmosphere with oxygen, you will have an explosive fireball. If you try to put out that fireball with water, you will have an even bigger fireball because the O in H2O denotes oxygen. NASA: An even more strange planet is Jupiter. This is where diamonds as big as one centimeter rain down from the sky. This is because the massive size of Jupiter generates crazy amounts of gravitational force and pressure. Such enormous pressure and heat squeeze the carbon in Jupiter’s atmosphere to diamonds. If you get hit by these falling diamonds, you will most likely die. A scarier thing is that a 26,000-mile deep ocean of liquid hydrogen rests beneath its surface. If you walk around Jupiter with a normal spacesuit for just two minutes, you’ll get a lethal dose of radiation. This is HD189733-b, the killer planet you never see coming. To the human eye, this far-off planet looks bright blue. But any space traveler confusing it with the friendly skies of Earth would be badly mistaken. Its winds blow up to 5,400 mph at seven times the speed of sound, whipping all would-be travelers in a sickening spiral around the planet. And getting caught in the rain on this planet is more than an inconvenience; it’s death by a thousand cuts. This scorching alien world rains glass—sideways—in its howling winds. The cobalt blue color comes not from the reflection of a tropical ocean, as on Earth, but rather a hazy, blow-torched atmosphere containing high clouds laced with glass particles. This is Venus. Its conditions are similar to Dante s vision of hell. It rains acid from the sky and the surface pressure here is equal to being under 3000 feet of water on earth. The average temperature is 863 degrees Fahrenheit, which is hot enough to make rivers of molten material. An even more bizarre planet is CoRoT-7b. It rains rocks here. The average temperature on this planet is about 4000 degrees Fahrenheit, which is enough to evaporate rocks and form rock clouds. Liquid rock or magma will then rain out from these clouds. These magma rains harden and turn into rocks before reaching the planet’s surface, making rock rains. There has been only one successful landing of a probe on this planet. That probe died after just 127 minutes due to melting and crushing. This is COROT exo-3b. A 200-pound man would weigh 10,000 pounds on this planet because the surface gravity here is about 50 times the gravity felt at the surface of the Earth. 10,000-pound force will crush any human’s bones.

Jaw-Dropping Facts
2,594 Views · 7 months ago

let’s talk about what powerful natural ingredients to fertilize plants you already have in your home and exactly how they will help your plants grow bigger and healthier. These natural ingredients happen to be in many of the food items you throw out every day! They include cast-offs like coffee grounds, banana peels, eggshells, fireplace ash, and grass clippings. These homemade concoctions are much less expensive and usually more effective in the long run than anything you can buy from the home improvement center. Keep in mind, plants really only need 3 things from fertilizer to grow to their full potential: phosphorus, potassium, and nitrogen! As well, plants need calcium, sulfur, and magnesium for photosynthesis. You can recycle these items to make your own homemade organic fertilizer with five different recipes: Fertilizer Recipe #1. An eggshell spray is a great homemade fertilizer recipe to give your plants the calcium they need for photosynthesis. You will know that your plants are low in calcium if they have blossom end rot, dying stems, yellow spots between the veins in the leaf, and stunted growth. To make an eggshell spray, save your discarded eggshells until you have about twenty, rinsing them out as you go along. When you have enough, put the eggshells into boiling water and let them simmer for about five minutes. You can also wash the eggshells and crush them, then work the eggshell pieces directly into the soil around the plants. The calcium carbonate in the eggshells will help with root rot and end rot on plants, especially tomatoes and pepper plants. Fertilizer Recipe #2. Banana peels are another beneficial kitchen cast-off, but just like the eggshell spray, you need to prepare them first. This is because if you put them directly into the soil around your plants, you will attract many garden pests who eat banana peels for food. So, to make banana peel fertilizer, chop up one banana peel and put it in a blender with a quart of water. . After 7 days, pour the banana water on your potassium-loving plants - like flowering plants, fruit-bearing plants, or vegetable plants. This way, the potassium will go right to the roots - without attracting the unwanted pests. Fertilizer Recipe #3. You can also make a fertilizer compost tea from grass clippings, weeds, and plants the next time you mow the lawn. Simply take any lawn clippings, weeds, and plants you have and put them in a bucket of any size. Fill the bucket so the water is 2-3 inches above the clippings. Put a wire screen over the bucket so mosquitos can’t breed in it. When you are ready to use the fertilizer tea, drain the water off into another container and discard the grass clippings. You can use this fertilizer tea on your plants as you would any other fertilizer - and you can dilute it or use it full strength. The reason why this works is that grass and weeds are high in nitrogen. The nitrogen is extracted by soaking it in the water. This is why making a fertilizing tea works faster than just letting the grass clippings sit on top of your lawn to go back into the soil much later. Fertilizer Recipe #4. Used coffee grounds can be added directly to the soil around plants to improve the aeration, drainage, and water retention of the soil because it adds organic material. However, if you want the coffee grounds to provide the nitrogen that is so beneficial to plants, you will have to prepare them first. This recipe is especially beneficial for roses, blueberries, tomatoes and any plants that benefit from extra nitrogen. But don’t add fresh coffee grinds to plant soil as it will only serve to make the soil acidic. Fertilizer Recipe #5. Houseplants can be tricky to grow, and prepackaged fertilizer is confusing to buy for them. Here is a recipe that will replenish the depleted nutrients in a houseplant’s soil, without harming it. Take an empty plastic milk jug and fill it with water, or use a full gallon jug of water if you have it. To the water, add 1 tablespoon Epsom salts, 1 teaspoon baking soda, and ½ teaspoon of ammonia. Shake it well and then let the water sit for an hour until the solids fully dissolve. Shake the jug again, and then use it to water your houseplants as normal, pouring the plant food directly into the soil. Use this mixture about once a month after you see how your plants respond. Other Recipes There are other items from your home that you can use directly on your plants as fertilizer with no preparation, like ashes from the fireplace. Ashes from the fireplace are a replacement for lime and are a solid source of potassium and calcium carbonate. You can also dilute substances like vinegar, molasses, aspirin, gelatin, and Epsom salts with water and use them as fertilizer too.

Jaw-Dropping Facts
1,441 Views · 7 months ago

If you are traveling to Germany soon, auf wiedersehen! But if you are an American, get ready for some culture shock – because the So let’s look at eight cultural shocks Americans should be ready for when they visit Germany for the first time. German Culture Shock #1. Germans do not like to engage in small talk or other pleasantries with strangers. Ask a German how they are doing (or make a comment on the weather) and you will get a chilly reception. And it’s not because Germans are stuck-up or rude people, they just don’t share the American’s need for idle chatter. Asking someone how they are doing is a personal question, and as the Germans are completely straightforward and detailed in their answers, this is not an appropriate question coming from a complete stranger. When riding a train in Germany, it is best to keep your feet off the seats and your thoughts to yourself. German Culture Shock #2. Germans are strict rule and law followers. For example, Germans only cross the street in the crosswalk - and only when the light says it’s safe to go. They never litter, always recycle, and obey the other common courtesies that allow over 81 million people to live peacefully together in a country half the size of Texas. So if you do something like put your feet up on the empty seat of a commuter train to stretch your legs – someone will scold you to behave yourself. And many Germans speak perfect English, so you will understand exactly why they are reprimanding you for being so ill-mannered. German Culture Shock #3. Although the Germans are a nation of rule followers, oddly enough, there are no rules when you are waiting for your turn in line. So you may be surprised when you are standing in what you think is a line to purchase something and someone cuts right in front of you. The same thing will happen if you decide to drive on the highway - if you don’t drive aggressively enough. No one understands why such a country of rule followers turns to the “every man for himself” approach when it comes to waiting in line, but don’t bother saying, “I was here first.” All of a sudden, no one speaks English. German Culture Shock #4. Germans have a completely different sense of social norms than Americans. Loosely translated, it’s called “free body culture,” and most public is generally considered to be acceptable by seventy-two percent of Germans. public saunas, beaches, campgrounds, hiking trails, and pools are all common here - and don’t be surprised if you see mixed gender changing rooms. Speaking of which, that’s another thing Germans do not like – people who get within an arm’s length of their personal space. German Culture Shock #5. The use of credit cards and debit cards is frowned upon by the Germans, and most local shops and restaurants won’t take them as a method of payment. So while you may be in the habit of using your debit card or smartphone to pay for everything in the United States, get used to carrying cash in Germany. Which means the first thing to learn about Germany is where the cash machines are located, as you will be there often. So get ready to carry lots of really heavy coins that are the equivalent of Germany’s one and two dollar bills! German Culture Shock #6. All businesses close early in the evenings, and for the entire day on Sundays. If you have any banking or shopping to do, make sure you do it early on the weekdays or on Saturday. Because on Sunday, everything is closed. Americans describe many German cities as post-apocalyptic ghost towns on Sundays, as everything is shuttered and the streets are absolutely deserted. And don’t bother with trying to find an all-night convenience store or a gas station because they simply don’t exist. Not even if you have a pocket full of 2-dollar coins. German Culture Shock #7. Germans love David Hasselhoff and pretend Hitler doesn’t exist. So if you do find a German citizen who is willing to talk to you on the train (and you will be riding a lot of trains), praise Hasselhoff - and pretend like World War II never happened. Bizarrely enough, David Hasselhoff is as much a chatted-up folk hero in Germany as Hitler is an unmentionable fiend. The Hasselhoff phenomenon began with the fall of the Berlin wall and the local airing of old “Knight Rider” episodes on a local German television station. David Hasselhoff’s appearance as a crime fighter with a talking car was an instant hit. A few months later, his pop single “Looking for Freedom,” was #1 on the German music charts. And speaking of freedom, Germans do not like speaking about their part in World War II – not even to joke. German Culture Shock #8. Consensual sex and drinking alcohol are also viewed differently in Germany. The age of consent in Germany is 14 years old and children are allowed to drink beer and wine on their own at age 16. So if you decide to go to Octoberfest, a younger-age crowd takes on a whole new meaning. Background music: Youtube Audio Library

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