Life with Malamutes
Life with Malamutes

Life with Malamutes



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Life with Malamutes
2,028 Views · 12 days ago

Buddy is a little menace for a ball, you'll see our previous videos where he's destroyed all Amelia's balls since he visited and she wasn't happy! He's even popped a basketball and all the...

Life with Malamutes
14,395 Views · 13 days ago

If you were thinking about getting a malamute or a husky tou must have already read that they are escape artists. Well here's proof in point Teddy slinking out of a gap that we thought was...

Life with Malamutes
17,950 Views · 13 days ago

We put the ball they were playing with in the RC car to see their reaction and they didn't dissapoint! Both of them wanted to pretend they were all scary but really they were unsure of this...

Life with Malamutes
301,322 Views · 13 days ago

Milo is a boss cat, he has no tolerance for Teddy messing around on his watch! Milo is obviously fearless too and loves to chase. It's so funny to watch Teddy get chased it a real tale of David and Goliath haha. What do your cat and dog act like together?? Let us know if your cat is this cool too!

Life with Malamutes
244,531 Views · 13 days ago

Here is some insider footage of Niko in one of her needy moods! Could she get any closer! Bum in the face and everything!! Sorry about the quality but to capture this lovely intimate moment I had to stretch out far and put the iPhone on zoom out, all for your viewing pleasure...

Life with Malamutes
8,838 Views · 16 days ago

Buddy the retriever has been visiting for a while now and while he's here he's spent as much time with his best friend as possible. He sleeps in her room and guards her every night. Amelia...

Life with Malamutes
15,987 Views · 16 days ago

Our little adventurer is on the move again! He's been trying so hard to attempt these stairs so theres no point fighting it any more, we let him climb them under supervision by mum dad and...

Life with Malamutes
8,448 Views · 17 days ago

When you have a puppy they chew and destroy everything! Buddy the golden retriever is no exception, he eats socks, chews all the toys and loves to pop all the balls! He somehow was able to...

Life with Malamutes
147,191 Views · 17 days ago

Milo has always liked to rest beside sleeping Amelia! I'm sure its become a hobby of his, all you have to do is watch him in a room with her an he will eventually plonk himself beside her!

Life with Malamutes
94,576 Views · 17 days ago

Buddy the retriever's first taste of the water! Retriever's are well known for loving water and I'm sure he'll be no stranger to it with a friend like Teddy! He's getting so big now but happy to be in the water too!

Life with Malamutes
186,949 Views · 17 days ago

Teddy is Amelia's not so little comforter. She likes to know he's there to fall asleep these days so his duties aren't over 'til she nods off! She's skipping daytime naps now and staying up late too, where do they get the energy from??

Life with Malamutes
1,762 Views · 17 days ago

This pack of wolves go on the hunt when they realise that familiar smell in the house. Their Grandma has come to visit and they get super excited to see her. Phil always gets so emotional for...

Life with Malamutes
148,746 Views · 21 days ago

Phil and Niko had taken their podium and Mia grabbed a book as she does wanting it to be read to her. She has a few favourite books and this is a little pop up flap book which she knows inside out but still we read it 53.2 times a day! Phil and Niko wanted to join in though and got very excited, Mia loved her little duet singing along. Teddy tries to join in but his howl isn't quite sussed yet so Niko was not too happy that he was out of tune! It's hilarious to watch her face and side eye at him when he tries to join in! Imagine when all 3 get going! I think we may be able to buy the house next door soon and knock through haha. Love you all xx Shop our 2021 calendars Shop our Teespring Merchandise Follow us on Instagram too! Follow us on Facebook and like our page!

Life with Malamutes
139,683 Views · 21 days ago

Hey! So Shane got Mia into 'in the night garden' then a few days later he surprised her with a 3ft iggle piggle and upsy daisy hiding them behind the TV while she watched it and pulling them out! Her face was a joy. So Shane being Shane thought He'd go one up and buy an iggle piggle costume to suprise her haha! The dogs knew it was Shane in the costume so we drafted in Ella to do her part (plus it fit her ankles) they got excited to discover the giant marble looking smurf moved and smelt like Ella! Amelia took a slightly different approach when it was her turn, I think she was confused how iggle piggle got so big and that you could see his ankles haha. Oh well, at least she gets to look back at these crazy videos that her parents made one day! Shop our 2021 calendars Shop our Teespring Merchandise Follow us on Instagram too! Follow us on Facebook and like our page! Intro design by @georgia_allison

Life with Malamutes
222,340 Views · 24 days ago

Hey everyone! So Milo must have had a word and told them both that boxes were the best! Did you catch Milo looking through the window cursing them with his box while Teddy and Mia play haha. Don't worry, Milo gets his turn at the end, so funny! Mia is very advanced the way she looks for things but she's still fooled by Dad as she retrieves the never ending supply of toy squirrels haha. Teddy's little bow is the cutest! Milo is getting there with Teddy but I'm sure he likes the games, he chases Teddy as much as Teddy chases him it's so funny to watch but over too quick to get the camera out!! We might put a hidden camera in to capture it! Anyway this was a box from one of Mia's toys for her birthday which is coming up on the 5th December, wait til you see what we got her haha, coolest kid around! Stay tuned! Love you all as always! xx Shop our 2021 calendars Shop our Teespring Merchandise Follow us on Instagram too! Follow us on Facebook and like our page! Intro design by @georgia_allison

Life with Malamutes
253,674 Views · 25 days ago

They've grown up with her from day one, watched her first everything, crawling then walking and now she's telling them what to do! Time has flown but Amelia's and the dog's relationship has grown. They respect her and she them, I think thats why they're so good with her. She loves them like her best friends. Phil and Niko are getting old and it's good to be able to capture the children's relationship with them for her to see those bits she didn't remember.

Life with Malamutes
264,472 Views · 25 days ago

Hey, so we tried this with Mum a few days ago to see how they would all react so this time we though we'd do it with Dad. Don't worry, no feelings were harmed in the making of this video...except Dad's when Milo ignores him! You can definitely see the level of patience between them and how Phil and Niko are just used to this kind of stuff now, Teddy is all new to it haha. Milo same old same old nonchalant. Could you ignore these puppers if you tried?? Follow us on Facebook and like our page! Follow us on Instagram too!

Life with Malamutes
85,932 Views · 25 days ago

So as many of you know, Phil and Niko only paddle in the shallow end to cool off their paws and will only venture as far as the bottom of their bellies. Niko is even scared of waves at the beach so she wont go in shallow water even there. Phil hates clean water of course! Recently though, Teddy has ventured further to discover deeper water and doesn't seem to mind it! He even get's carried away by the tide haha. Looks like we might have a swimmer on our hands... x

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