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1,464 Views · 6 months ago

Here s my recipe for sweet and sour beef. You can use pork if you prefer it. The full recipe is here: 4-6 servings Ingredients: 600 grams (1.3 Lb) of beef, starch powder (2 cups and 2 tbs), vegetable oil, egg, Turbinado sugar1 cup (brown or white sugar is ok too), salt, ground black pepper, 3 tbs vinegar, apple, pineapple, 5-7 wood ear mushrooms, onion, cucumber, carrot, and water 1. Soak ¼ cup of dried wood ear mushrooms in warm water (about 5-7 mushrooms) for a few hours. 2. To make the coating batter, mix 2 cups of starch powder (either corn starch or potato starch) with water (about 3 cups) and let it sit for a few hours until the starch sinks in the bowl. Then remove the water by pouring it into the sink.*tip: after draining the water, the starch will be solid and stiff. 3. Cut beef into thin strips (5 cm long, 1 cm thick, 1 cm wide) and put it in a bowl. 4. Add ½ ts salt and ½ ts ground black pepper to the beef and mix it well with your hand. Set it aside. 5. Add the beef strips to the starch, and 1 egg white (or yolk) and mix it well with your hand. 6. Heat vegetable oil in your wok and fry the beef strips for about 5 minutes until they look golden brown and crispy. It s very important to coat the beef strips with as much starch batter as you can. Try to use all of it. Then put the fried crispy beef strips into a strainer.*tip: the beef strips should feel crispy through your tongs as you handle them Next, let s make delicious sauce! 1. Slice ¼ medium size onion. 2. Slice 1 or 2 apples (you can replace apples with plums). 3. Slice carrot and cucumber thinly (several slices are needed). 4. Drain the soaked wood ear mushrooms and cut them into bite sized bits. 5. Cut some pineapple into chunks. 6. Put 1/2 tbs of vegetable oil on a heated pan.  Add the sliced onion and stir it up. 7. Add wood ear mushrooms, sliced carrot to the pan. Stir it for 1 minute. 8. Pour 2 cups of water into the pan and boil it. 9. When the sauce boils, add 1 ts salt, 1 ts soy sauce, 1 cup brown sugar and stir it well. 10. Add 3-4 tbs vinegar and water starch (mixture of 2 tbs starch and 2 tbs water). 11. Add pineapple chunks and sliced cucumber to the pan. 12. Your sauce will look like light jelly but it will also be sizzling. Be sure to put a few drops of sesame oil in at the last minute! Now you made your fried beef strips and sauce! If you re waiting for your family or guests, just take a break and do the next steps just before serving. Ok, it s time for you to serve it now 1. Reheat the oil and fry the beef strips again, until each strip becomes very crispy. 2. Put the fried beef on a large platter 3. Reheat the sauce for a minute and pour it on top of the beef strips. 4. Serve it hot with dipping sauce (mix 2 tbs soy sauce and 1 tbs vinegar)

932 Views · 6 months ago

How to make ddukguk. The full recipe is on my website: I ve updated this recipe video in HD:

4,985 Views · 6 months ago

How to make delicious pasanjeok. The full recipe is here: Ingredients: Beef (sirloin steak), soy sauce, honey, garlic, sesame oil, ground black pepper, green onions, carrots, asparagus, salt, flour, and vegetable oil. Directions: 1. Cut about 200 grams (7-8 oz) of sirloin steak into strips about 5½ inches long (13 cm), ½ inch wide (1.25 cm), and ½ inch thick (1.25 cm) 2. Tenderize by pounding the beef strips against the grain with the back of the blade of your kitchen knife.. 3. Put the beef into a bowl and add 1 clove of minced garlic, 1 ts honey, ½ tbs soy sauce, 1ts sesame oil, and ¼ ts ground black pepper. Mix it with a spoon well and refrigerate it. 4. Prepare your vegetables: - Cut 1 large carrot into several strips 4 ½ inches long, ½ inch wide, and ½ inch thick. - Cut 6-7 stalks of asparagus (top leafy part) into 4½ inch long pieces. - Cut 6-7 stalks of green onions into 4½ inch long pieces. 5. Boil 4 cups of water in a pot. 6. Add 1 ts salt to the boiling water and blanch carrot strips, asparagus, and white part of green onions for 1 minute with the lid closed. *tip: don t blanch the green part of the green onions! 7. 1 minute later, strain the vegetables, rinse in cold water, and drain. 8. Put green onions, carrot, asparagus, beef strips on the skewers. 9. Make batter by mixing ½ cup flour, ½ cup water, and ½ ts salt in a bowl. 10. Drizzle some vegetable oil on a heated non-stick pan. Dip each skewer into the batter and put it on the pan to cook. *tip: Control the heat so as not to burn the skewers 11. About 1 minute later, turn over the skewers when the bottom part is light golden brown and cook for another minute. Cooking time should only be a few minutes because all hard ingredients are pre-cooked. When the beef strips are cooked, the pancake is done. 12. Make dipping sauce by mixing 1 tbs soy sauce, 1 tbs vinegar, and ½ tbs chopped green onions. Serve it as appetizers or a side dish.

4,260 Views · 6 months ago Music: Whatever we become by Jung Min A Chwinamul (aster scaber): I m introducing one of the most delicious, flavorful, and nutritious mountain vegetable delicacies to you. Ingredients: 1 package (100-120 grams) of dried chwinamul (dried aster scaber), onion, garlic, canola oil, soy sauce, honey, roasted sesame seeds, and sesame oil. See my site for pictures and descriptions of ingredients: Directions: 1. Take the dried aster scaber out of the package and rinse it in cold water. 2. Put it in a large pot. Fill the pot with with water, 3 inches above the chwinamul. 3. Bring to a boil with the lid closed over high heat for 25-30 minutes. 4. Turn off the heat and let it sit for 2 hours. 5. 2 hours later, rinse and drain it 3-4 times in cold water to remove dirt and grit. 6. Put it back into the large pot and fill with water 4 or 5 inches above the chwinamul. 7. Soak it overnight (about 10-12 hours). The volume of chwinamul will increase to about 5 cups 8. Rinse and drain. 9. Cut it into bite size pieces about 2 inches long. 10. Slice 1 medium onion (1 cup s worth) and mince 4 cloves of garlic. 11. In a heated pan, add 2 tbs canola oil, sliced onion, garlic, and stir fry for 30 seconds. 12. Add the chwinamul, 1/3 cup soy sauce, and 1 tbs honey and keep stirring for 8 minutes. *tip: Taste a sample. If it is still tough, add more water and simmer longer with the lid closed. 13. Turn off the heat and add 2 ts sesame oil and 1 tbs roasted sesame seeds. 14. Garnish with silgochu (dried shredded red pepper) or pine nuts.

2,961 Views · 6 months ago

Here are my written recipes of these 2 dishes and some photos! Mugwort soup recipe: Mugwort rice cake recipe: "Mugwort soup / 쑥국 / Ssukguk (or sookgook)" Ingredients for 2 servings (cooking time: 30 minutes): Mugwort, clams, dried anchovies, onion, soybean paste, flour, garlic, green or red chili pepper,perilla seeds powder Directions: 1. Place 12-13 small clams in a bowl. Add 1 cup of water and 1 ts salt and mix well. Soak for 1 hour to let the clams spit out any sand or mud. 2. Wash and clean 3-4 cups of mugwort thoroughly by washing thoroughly and rinsing and draining in cold running water a couple of times. You may need to scrub it by hand to remove any residual dirt from between the leaves. Put it in a bowl and set aside 3. Make anchovy stock: o Put 6 cups of water into a pot. o Add ½ cup s worth of chopped onion (about ½ an onion) and 10 large dried anchovies (with guts and heads removed) to the pot. o Boil for 20 minutes over high heat. 4. Gently mix the mugwort with ¼ cup soy bean paste, 1 tbs flour, 3 cloves of minced garlic, and 2 tbs perilla seeds powder (optional). 5. Strain the stock so it s clear and a little brownish. Put it back in the pot and reheat it. 6. Add the seasoned mugwort mixture to the boiling stock. 7. Wash and drain the clams and put them into the soup. 8. Cook 5-7 minutes more, then add chopped green or red chili pepper. 9. Transfer the soup to a bowl and serve with rice and a few more side dishes. "Mugwort rice cake / 쑥버물 / Ssukbeomul" Ingredients: Fresh mugwort (ssuk), sweet rice flour, sugar, salt, and water. Directions: 1. Clean 2 cups of mugwort (70 grams) by washing thoroughly and rinsing and draining in cold running water a couple of times. You may need to scrub it by hand to remove any residual dirt from between the leaves. 2. Slightly squeeze the clean mugwort and put it on a microwavable plate. 3. Add 1/3 cup sweet rice flour, 1 tbs sugar, ¼ ts salt, and 2 tbs water. 4. Mix it up with both hands until there s no sweet rice flour left at the bottom of the plate. 5. Cook it for 3-4 minutes in the microwave oven. 6. Take it off the plate and turn it over with a spoon or spatula. 7. Serve it hot.

2,449 Views · 6 months ago Dongtae refers to frozen pollock fish. Dongtaejeon is one of the most common side dishes for special occasions in Korea along with bulgogi and japchae. Pollock is inexpensive compared to other fish and it s nice and juicy when it s pan-fried in batter. Ingredients (for 2 servings): Frozen pollock fillet, salt, ground black pepper, flour, eggs, canola oil (or vegetable oil). Directions: 1. Take 1 frozen pollock fillet (about 200 grams worth) out of the package, rinse it in cold water, and set aside for 20 minutes. 2. Slice it into pieces at a 45 degree angle. You should get 8-9 pieces that are ⅛ inch thick x 2 inches x 3 inches. 3. Sprinkle a few pinches of salt and a bit of ground black pepper over the slices. 4. Place ⅓ cup of flour in a bowl. Add the fish slices and mix by hand to coat them with flour. 5. Beat 2 eggs in a small bowl with a few pinches of salt. 6. Heat up a non-stick pan over medium high heat. 7. Add 1-2 tbs canola oil to the pan. Dip each pollock slice in the beaten egg and place it onto the heated pan. 8. Lower the heat and cook for 1 minute. turn it over with a spatula and cook 1 more minute. Add more oil if needed, and put more egg mixture on top of each slice if you want to make it yellower. *tip: the leftover egg mixture and flour will be good batter for another pancake. Chop up any of your favorite vegetables and mix it with the batter and make a pancake! If you use chopped kimchi, it is kimchi pancake (kimchijeon)! Cooking is too easy, huh? : ) 9. Serve hot, warm, or cool. To make a fast dipping sauce, mix 1 tbs of soy sauce and 1/2 tbs vinegar in a bowl.

793 Views · 6 months ago Hi everybody! Thank you very much for all your great responses to my Maangchi Gapshida project! I m going to meet up with my friends that I met through my YouTube videos and my website, and we re going to cook and film together! Some of them are great cooks of their local cuisine, so they want to share their mother s and grandmother s secret recipes with all of us through the videos. I ve always been interested in learning how to make delicious home cooked food, so this will be a dream come true for me. All of the applicants love making Korean food but also love their own local food. All of us love to cook hearty food for our friends and family.When I read all the submitted applications, I realized that each one meant something special to me. I felt emotional when I read some of your stories, about how you found me and why you like Korean food, and why you d like to have me over to cook together. There were so many awesome ideas and messages from different countries that I decided not to close the applications, and to make Maangchi Gapshida an ongoing thing. So this time I m going to England, Denmark, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Australia, Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia, and the Philippines. As I mentioned briefly in the video, I m saving the North American applications for a later project. Check out the meetup information if you live in one of the countries where I am going. We re going to meet up everywhere I visit. I m so busy getting ready for this, and also very excited about the journey. We re going to make some awesome videos, so keep watching!

1,677 Views · 6 months ago

Endive mash and Dutch meatballs! The full recipe is here: Reinier has his own channel on YouTube! Visit his channel to learn delicious recipes! I filmed this in Rotterdam with Reinier as part of my Gapshida project: Endive mash is eaten in the cold winter and usually served with meatballs. Enjoy the recipes! Raw endive mash Ingredients: Potatoes, endive cabbage, milk, mustard, butter, ground black pepper, salt, ground nutmeg, vinegar, bacon (or pork belly). Directions (for 4 servings): cooking time: 40 minutes 1. Cut 250 grams (about ½ pound) of bacon into small pieces and cook until crispy. Set aside. 2. Cut a whole bunch of endive (400-500 grams: 1 pound) into thin strips. Wash, drain, and set aside. 3. Boil water in a large pot for the potatoes. 4. Peel 1 kg (2.2 pounds) of potatoes. Clean them, cut into large chunks, and put them into boiling water until cooked. 5. Drain and mash the potatoes. Add ½ cup of milk little by little to make a smooth puree. 6. Add the bacon, 1 tbs mustard, 2 tbs butter, 1 ts ground nutmeg, 1 ts ground black pepper, and ¼ ts salt, and mix it well. 7. Add the shredded endive bit by bit to allow it to shrink a little as you go. 8. Add 1-2 ts vinegar and mix it well. Serve with gravy and a meatball. Dutch meatballs Ingredients: Ground beef and pork, mustard, ketjap manis, salt, ground black pepper, ground nutmeg, eggs, bread crumbs, butter Directions (for 4 servings): cooking time: 40 minutes 1. Mix these ingredients in a bowl by hand until well combined and sticky: 500 grams of ground beef and pork mix, 2 tbs mustard, 2 tbs ketjap manis, ¼ ts salt, ½ ts ground black pepper, 1 ts ground nutmeg, ⅓ cup bread crumbs, and 2 eggs. *tip: You can replace 2 tbs ketjap manis with 2 tbs soy sauce and ½ tbs brown sugar 2. Divide the mixture into 4 large balls. 3. Heat up a covered pot or pan with over medium high heat. 4. Add ¼ cup butter and wait until it turns brown. 5. Cook the meatballs until all sides are golden brown. 6. Turn down the heat and simmer for about 25-30 minutes. Flip occasionally until thoroughly cooked. 7. Take the meatballs out of the pot out and set aside. 8. Add ¼ cup water to the pot and cook over low heat to make gravy. You can add 1 ts flour to make it sticky.

2,497 Views · 6 months ago Ingredients (for 4 servings): 1 kg chicken (2.2 pounds), cut into pieces 6 cloves garlic, crushed ¼ ts ground white pepper ½ cup white or cane vinegar 2 pieces of bay leaves 1 tbs vegetable oil 2 cups coconut milk 1 cup coconut cream 1 ts salt 1 ts fish sauce 2-5 green finger chilies Directions: (cooking time: 1 hour) In a mixing bowl, create the marinade by combining the crushed garlic, ground white pepper, vinegar and bay leaves. Add the chicken to the marinade and let it sit for about 30 minutes. Heat up a pan and add the vegetable oil. Add the chicken pieces and saute until they re brown on all sides. Save the marinade for later. Add the coconut milk and the marinade to the pan, and cook for 20 minutes over medium heat until the liquid thickens. Remove excess fat from the pan with a spoon. Add the coconut cream and green chilies and cook over low heat for another 5-10 minutes until a creamy sauce is formed. Add salt and fish sauce. Serve hot with rice.

2,293 Views · 6 months ago On March 12, 2012 "Science Cafe" (과학카페) on the Korean Broadcasting Company (KBS) aired the show "Korean food meets science" which featured some of my New York readers and myself. The 45 minute show explains how Korean food is getting popular and is benefiting people s health. The above clip is only the part that includes myself and my readers. We held a small meetup at Gang Suh restaurant on 32nd street in Manhattan on Jan. 26, 2012, which they filmed for this episode. We had bibimbap together and talked about Korean food. In the video, my translations are the words in quotation marks. Enjoy watching the video!

2,808 Views · 6 months ago On May 19, 2012 we had a springtime meetup in Connecticut. I was so excited that I couldn t sleep much the night before, just like a young child. On the Saturday morning I got up early and prepared the last things I needed before going. First I d like to thank the meetup organizers Kristi and Ryan. We exchanged many emails and met via Google+ hangout to plan the event. Without their help, the event would not have been possible. Thank you so much for your time and effort Kristi and Ryan! Secondly, I d like to thank all of those who came to the meetup. Some took a chartered bus with me and some came by their own transportation. Some people came from other states like New Hampshire and Rhode Island which took 4-5 hours! Since it was a potluck picnic, all of them woke up very early in the morning and made or packed fresh food to bring all the way to the meetup. There are definitely some common points among everyone who came to the meetup. All of them love good and delicious food and love to cook homemade food the best. Having a potluck party is natural for a group like this. I can add 1 more important ingredient that made us connect to each other instantly: passion!

2,438 Views · 6 months ago Today s recipe is dorajimuchim. Doraji (known as "bellflower," "balloon flower," or platycodon in English) is grown wild in the mountains and fields of Korea. The root of the bellflower looks similar to ginseng root and tastes bitter with strong ginseng-like smell. It s not only used to make delicious side dishes but it s also used in Korean traditional medicine and home remedies. You can make this dish with either fresh or dried doraji root. If you get fresh doraji, you ll have to peel it and split it lengthwise into bite sized strips. Then soak the strips in salty water for a couple of hours, drain the water, rub them by hand, and rinse in cold water. Repeat this until they aren t so bitter anymore. Taste a small sample of the root to test. Dried doraji sold in a package is more convenient for making doraji side dishes because all you need to do is to soak the roots in water and rub them with a little salt to remove the bitterness. Then you can make delicious side dishes by mixing them with seasoning sauce, stir-frying, or making pancakes with them. The most common side dish made with bellflower roots is dorajimuchim, so let s start with this recipe. I ll post more in the future. If you want to add cucumber, slice it and mix with some salt in a small bowl. Then squeeze out the excess water from the cucumber with a cheesecloth and mix with the dried bellflower root and the seasoning sauce. Enjoy the recipe! Ingredients: (4 servings) 3 ounces of dried bellflower roots (about 85 grams) ¼ cup hot pepper paste 3 Tablespoons of hot pepper flakes 1 Tablespoon of soy sauce 2 Tablespoons of rice syrup or corn syrup 1 Tablespoon of sugar ½ teaspoon of salt 3 Tablespoons of white or apple vinegar 2 stalks of green onions, chopped 2 garlic cloves, minced 1 teaspoon of sesame seeds 2 teaspoons of sesame oil Soak dried bellflower roots in cold water overnight (for 8 to 12 hours) until the roots are soft. Drain and scrub with about 1 Tablespoon of coarse salt to remove the bitterness. Rinse and drain. Combine the hot pepper paste, hot pepper flakes, soy sauce, rice syrup, sugar, salt, vinegar, garlic, green onion, and sesame oil in a mixing bowl. Add the dried bellflower roots to the paste and mix it all together by hand. Sprinkle with sesame seeds and transfer it to a serving plate. Serve with rice, and the leftovers can be stored in the fridge for 3-4 weeks.

4,735 Views · 6 months ago Check out the written recipe, ingredient photos, and tips. Lamb s quarters grow wild and are called "Myeongaju" (명아주) in Korea, where they are foraged in the mountains and fields in the spring. You can probably guess how excited I was to see these mountain vegetables growing in Inwood Park in Manhattan! I ve seen them in Central Park, too. So I picked some young leaves and brought them home to cook for dinner. The best time to forage for Lamb s quarters is in the spring. I found them in the early summer, and they were still good to eat but I could only pick the youngest leaves from the top. They are so soft in the spring you can eat the whole plant, including the stems, but by the fall the stems are so strong that Koreans make canes from them! If foraging is too much work for you, you might be able to find them for sale at your local farmer s market. If you can t find them anywhere, don t worry. Just replace the lamb s quarters in this recipe with some other green vegetable like napa cabbage, Bok Choy, sweet potato stems, spinach, Chinese broccoli, or chards. In this recipe I use doenjang as a key ingredient, but you could also use soy sauce. The seasoning paste in this recipe will lead to your irresistible satisfaction! Enjoy the recipe!

3,090 Views · 6 months ago This video was filmed at YouTube Space LA. Let s learn how to make a Korean traditional dish Gyeoja Naengchae! Have you ever tasted a traditional Korean cold salad, called naengchae in Korean? Whenever I make this style of salad, I use a spicy mustard sauce or a garlic sauce as a dressing. I ll show you the garlic sauce someday, but in this this recipe Korean salad is pretty loose -- you can make it with pretty much anything you have in the fridge, not just what I use here. You can use real crab meat or shrimp instead of artificial crab meat, because all of them are red and will look nice in the mix. Or just use carrot if you re a vegetarian. Just choose some colorful ingredients, mix them with this sauce, and declare: "I made Korean gyeoja naengchae!" However, the one ingredient that really makes this dish stand out is the Asian pear. A lot of people who taste my naengchae ask: what s the sweet, crispy stuff?" When I tell them it s pear, they are a little shocked. No one expects a crispy pear in a spicy dish. Ingredients (Serves 4-6): 1 tablespoon Korean mustard seed powder (gyeojagaru) 2 teaspoons water 1 teaspoon salt 1 tablespoon sugar 2 tablespoons white vinegar 6 ounces artificial crab sticks (about 140 grams) 1 medium size English cucumber (7 ounces: about 200 grams), cut into 6 inch long matchsticks 1 large Korean pear (1 pound), cored and cut into matchsticks 2 tablespoons pine nuts and radish sprouts (optional)

570 Views · 6 months ago

Check our more detailed report! love you! Interesting people, best dishes, the most comfortable place, awesome hosts, and nice weather, what more do we need to make us happy? Everyone had a great time, and I have to give a big thanks to our hosts Ashley and Jeff, who invited us into their lovely home. Without them, it would have been impossible to hold such a successful event. Thanks Ashley and Jeff!

1,864 Views · 6 months ago

Full recipe, with photos, ingredients, and instructions for the traditional style of making it: This tea is Koreans all time favorite tea, and thanks to the ginseng it will make you feel warm and improve your health! This video shows you a time-saving modern way to make this tea, but if you want the old-fashioned traditional way, be sure to check out my website, where I show you both: And if you make this tea, send me a photo! or tell me about it on Facebook

2,884 Views · 6 months ago

Today’s recipe is al-bap, which is a kind of bibimbap known for the addition of fish roe. Full recipe: My stir-fried kimchi recipe: Pickled yellow radish (danmuji): Help others by translating the English caption into your own language: My cookbook, in English and German: My monthly letter: My Instagram: My Facebook: My Twitter:

2,248 Views · 6 months ago

The weather is getting warmer so I want to introduce you to a great beef dish for summertime: pan-cooked beef salad (Sogogi chapssal-gui)! Full recipe: My newest cookbook, Maangchi s Big Book of Korean Cooking: My first cookbook, Real Korean Cooking: Get my letter on the first day of every month! Stories, photos, recipes, highlights and upcoming events: My Instagram, where I post photos: My Facebook for updates: Twitter where we share photos of Korean food we all made: My TikTok for short videos:

1,974 Views · 7 months ago

Let s make Korean traditional jangtteok with perilla leaves! Perilla leaves jangtteok (kkaennip jangtteok)! Full recipe: My cookbooks: Maangchi s Big Book of Korean Cooking: Maangchi s Real Korean Cooking: Get my letter on the first day of every month! Stories, photos, & recipes: My Instagram, where I post photos: My Facebook for updates: Twitter where we share photos of Korean food we all made: My TikTok for short videos:

1,454 Views · 7 months ago

This time I m showing you how to make sulppang made with makgeolli! Full recipe: The fluffy steamed bread tastes so good with makgeolli aroma. While...

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