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94,807 Views · 4 months ago

Clockwerk is a great hero for initiating and segmenting teamfights because of his hookshot and cog skill. His item build is also extremely dynamic and useful for multiple situations, so you can easily build according to your opponents or team's needs. Some days I build Mek, other days I pick up a Necro 3, or a Force staff, or a Blade Mail first. It just depends on the enemy hero composition. Clock can work in the mid lane, but he is often preferred in the offlane position because he can generally cog and escape danger without too much issue. Match ID: 367302694 Here is the DireTide Playlist: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLwL7E8fRVEddru5wN_so6SrB_zH-MKVZ9 If you are salty about no diretide watch this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tVHchdJ55V8&feature=youtu.be Here is the link to the latest GLHF magazine that interviewed me: http://glhfmag.com/the-magazine/ Website: http://www.purgegamers.com Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/PurgeGamers Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/PurgeGamers Stream: http://www.purgegamers.com/stream Google +: http://bit.ly/PurgeGooglePlus T-Shirts: http://bit.ly/16cyMN2

70,996 Views · 4 months ago

Purge runs the numbers on Dota 2 comeback mechanics (via thesco.re/esportsappk2) HELLO! I hadn't made a Purge casts a pub in a long time so I thought that today was the day. This game was reported to be 3700 MMR, and Match ID: 1369008457 I focused a lot on time efficiency since the skill and item builds that people purchased were pretty close to perfect. I was also a bit surprised to see that there was still inefficient dual lanes all the way up at that MMR level. What a weird world we live in. Trilane those dual lanes and get a massive advantage! If you want to watch more Purge casts a Pub games, go here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLwL7E8fRVEdfRb7iRksbiNRkBokNNG0VN Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/PurgeGamers Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/PurgeGamers Stream: http://www.purgegamers.com/stream Website: http://www.purgegamers.com Google +: http://bit.ly/PurgeGooglePlus Yellow Purge Shirts: http://bit.ly/16cyMN2 Medic Bear Shirts: http://bit.ly/KqlthT Zephyr Team Shirts: http://www.teamliquid.net/store/us/teamliquid/tshirts/zephyr-team-shirt

70,327 Views · 4 months ago

Purge looks at Dota 2 heroes who benefit from comeback mechanics (via thesco.re/esportsappk2) Lifestealer is a weak carry right now due to the other popular heroes in the meta as well as the way the game has shifted. He's countered by physical carries that do tons of physical damage like Troll, Phantom Assassin, or heroes that can easily escape him, such as anyone with Ghost+Blink Dagger. You should not jungle Lifestealer if possible because it makes his contribution really weak on the map until the 10-15 minute mark. Instead, go in a dual or trilane, try to outlane your opponents, pick up items, and participate in teamfights by killing the enemy supports. If you get in melee range of them and they don't have blink/ghost/euls, then get your kill and run away! In late game you need to itemize based on what your opponents are. Some games you need early basher, or you'll need fast Mjollner, or you might even need a blink. Adjust accordingly. Match ID: 1400928575 Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/PurgeGamers Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/PurgeGamers Stream: http://www.purgegamers.com/stream Website: http://www.purgegamers.com Google +: http://bit.ly/PurgeGooglePlus T-Shirts: http://www.teamliquid.net/store/us/purge/ Purge's Dotabuff: http://www.dotabuff.com/players/66296404?ref=purge Dotabuff Plus: https://secure.dotabuff.com/plus/redeem?ref=purge

67,607 Views · 4 months ago

To download theScore eSports app on Google Play and iOS, click here: http://thesco.re/esportsappk2 Strength Morphling was recently popularized due to the increased stun duration provided by Adaptive Strike. It's a 4.25 second stun at max duration on a 10 second cooldown. This build works best in the offlane because for the build to work you need a lot of levels and a bit of gold. You can run this as a support but it leaves you pretty under-leveled and supports often need to be relevant early on. Match ID: 1415136430 Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/PurgeGamers Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/PurgeGamers Stream: https://purgegamers.true.io/stream/ Website: https://www.purgegamers.true.io Google +: http://bit.ly/PurgeGooglePlus T-Shirts: http://www.teamliquid.net/store/us/purge/ Purge's Dotabuff: http://www.dotabuff.com/players/66296404?ref=purge Dotabuff Plus: https://secure.dotabuff.com/plus/redeem?ref=purge

70,641 Views · 4 months ago

theScore eSports stat tracking is now live! Download the apphttp://thesco.re/esportsappk2 Leshrac was situationally playable in the last patch due to the speed at which he farms, and now with the introduction of the Octarine Core, you get lifesteal based on the damage you do, and cooldown reduction to his basic skills. This allows you to scale slightly better than the past since it gives you extra survivability through HP and regen, while giving mana regen. I think the item is strong, but not necessarily OP. It's situationally good and built. I think on Lesh it's good as a second item, but most other heroes it's good 3rd or 4th. Match ID: 1438993314 Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/PurgeGamers Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/PurgeGamers Stream: https://purgegamers.true.io/stream/ Website: https://www.purgegamers.true.io Google +: http://bit.ly/PurgeGooglePlus T-Shirts: http://www.teamliquid.net/store/us/purge/ Purge's Dotabuff: http://www.dotabuff.com/players/66296404?ref=purge Dotabuff Plus: https://secure.dotabuff.com/plus/redeem?ref=purge

69,208 Views · 4 months ago

To download theScore eSports app on iOS or Google Play, now with live stat tracking, click here: http://thesco.re/esportsappk2 Gyrocopter is a top pick right now because Rocket Barrage no longer has a cast animation, which makes it FAR superior for chasing. I think the most fun way to play gyro is to get a mix of stat and movement speed items, and then to move around the map ganking and teamfighting. I did that this game by buying a Boots of Travel because it allowed me to participate in almost every fight, and to fight rather than farm. Farming is boring on this hero anyways, I feel. Enjoy the game! Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/PurgeGamers Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/PurgeGamers Stream: https://purgegamers.true.io/stream/ Website: https://www.purgegamers.true.io Google +: http://bit.ly/PurgeGooglePlus T-Shirts: http://www.teamliquid.net/store/us/purge/ Purge's Dotabuff: http://www.dotabuff.com/players/66296404?ref=purge Dotabuff Plus: https://secure.dotabuff.com/plus/redeem?ref=purge

103,409 Views · 4 months ago

To download theScore eSports app on iOS or Google Play, now with live stat tracking, click here: http://thesco.re/esportsappk2 Do you guys like the gold sound every couple of seconds? Then this is the game for you! Naga siren is pretty obnoxious to play against because she limits your opponent's ability to leave the base because you're constantly defending against creep pushes, and trying to kill tanky illusions. If you can't deal with it, you sit in your base and eventually lose. That is what I tried to accomplish this game. The octarine core is a slight modification of the previous Naga Siren because it reduces her cooldowns. Mirror Image, Song of the Siren, BoTs, and Manta Style all get reduced cooldowns which allows her to further do annoying things. This was me doing that. Enjoy! Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/PurgeGamers Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/PurgeGamers Stream: https://purgegamers.true.io/stream/ Website: https://www.purgegamers.true.io Google +: http://bit.ly/PurgeGooglePlus T-Shirts: http://www.teamliquid.net/store/us/purge/ Purge's Dotabuff: http://www.dotabuff.com/players/66296404?ref=purge Dotabuff Plus: https://secure.dotabuff.com/plus/redeem?ref=purge

82,595 Views · 4 months ago

I analyzed #TheSummit3's popular picks and how they favor fast Dota for theScore eSports, app download here: thesco.re/esportsappk2 or read the article on their website: http://www.thescoreesports.com/dota2/news/1863 Dark seer is a very strong offlane hero at the moment because he pressures his opponents in lane, and also farms rapidly, which makes him strong in the early mid game. His teamfight is great, his gank potential is also strong with surge and ion shell on an ally, so Dark Seer is looking to be a top pick during this patch. This game I opted for an extremely rarely purchased Blade Mail, but I had to buy it to help keep me survivable against Huskar and TA, both of which who can easily solo me 1v1. I don't recommend a Blade Mail in Dark Seer unless you're against a Huskar, because you can't kill him otherwise. I played kinda weak this game, but I'll play another Dark Seer soon, I kinda miss him. Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/PurgeGamers Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/PurgeGamers Stream: https://purgegamers.true.io/stream/ Website: https://www.purgegamers.true.io Google +: http://bit.ly/PurgeGooglePlus T-Shirts: http://www.teamliquid.net/store/us/purge/ Purge's Dotabuff: http://www.dotabuff.com/players/66296404?ref=purge Dotabuff Plus: https://secure.dotabuff.com/plus/redeem?ref=purge

84,565 Views · 4 months ago

Wraith King got moderately buffed this patch, he got a 7 base damage buff which helps him quite a bit in lanes. He got some very small aghs buffs, but that's mostly inconsequential. I tried a different item build this game by going something I saw Barnyy do which was midas phase SnY, but I prob did it the one game where it wasn't good to do that, which is against a Elder Titan, since you remove the armor components of SnY. I still feel like Blink+Armlet is the best build on Wraith King since armlet has been buffed down to 2320 gold cost, but it was fun to explore a different item build. Match ID: 1819739281 Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/PurgeGamers Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/PurgeGamers Stream: https://purgegamers.true.io/stream/ Website: https://purgegamers.true.io Google +: http://bit.ly/PurgeGooglePlus T-Shirts: http://www.teamliquid.net/store/us/purge/ Purge's Dotabuff: http://www.dotabuff.com/players/66296404?ref=purge Dotabuff Plus: https://secure.dotabuff.com/plus/redeem?ref=purge

115,877 Views · 4 months ago

To download theScore eSports app on iOS or Google Play, now with live stat tracking, click here: http://thesco.re/esportsappk2 Zeus is a mid hero who casts spells who functions decently as a carry if you do well because of the huge amount of damage he outputs during teamfights. Your first major item should be a Bloodstone because it gives him incredible mana regen and tankiness, and can be followed up with a Refresher Orb, which doubles your ulti damage, instead of the smaller % increase damage that Aghs increases it by. All items afterwards should be built according to your opponents and what you need to stay survivable against them. Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/PurgeGamers Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/PurgeGamers Stream: https://purgegamers.true.io/stream/ Website: https://www.purgegamers.true.io Google +: http://bit.ly/PurgeGooglePlus T-Shirts: http://www.teamliquid.net/store/us/purge/ Purge's Dotabuff: http://www.dotabuff.com/players/66296404?ref=purge Dotabuff Plus: https://secure.dotabuff.com/plus/redeem?ref=purge

107,895 Views · 4 months ago

Legion Commander got a few small buffs in the last patch. She got a cast time increase for Press the Attack, and she got a buff to her base damage. The hero is decent at offlane, mid, and farming safe, but I played Jungle LC this game and talked about the effeciency of jungling with a quelling blade - like hero. Jungle LC is decent in her ability to stay in jungle as well as collect farm, but the bad part is that her ability to gank is extremely weak before you hit level 6. If you do jungle, a midas rush isn't awful, but it's probably better to get a blink, especially if your team needs someone who can gank and initiate. You can gank without blink, but it'll at least require you to have Phase boots and/or smoke. Transition your items based on what your opponents have, usually you'll first get a Blademail after your blink, then a BkB, then an AC or different item. Match ID: 1828208197

58,668 Views · 4 months ago

Queen of Pain is one of the strongest mid heroes at the moment, though you could argue she isn't the absolute strongest. In pubs, at least, she's a great hero for laning well, punishing opponents, getting kills, and easily rotating to other lanes. You also have huge item variability. You don't have to get any particular item in every game, so you can change it up depending on what you're up against. Match ID: 1910497291 Submission here: https://purgegamers.true.io/RF/dota-2-coaching-qop-3823-mmr/ Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/PurgeGamers Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/PurgeGamers Stream: https://purgegamers.true.io/stream/ Website: https://purgegamers.true.io Google +: http://bit.ly/PurgeGooglePlus T-Shirts: http://www.teamliquid.net/store/us/purge/ Purge's Dotabuff: http://www.dotabuff.com/players/66296404?ref=purge Dotabuff Plus: https://secure.dotabuff.com/plus/redeem?ref=purge

50,860 Views · 4 months ago

Invoker is trending back into the metagame a little bit and you guys requested it, so here is me playing(but more importantly) talking about Invoker, since I'm bad at Invoker still. Invoker as a hero that takes a bit of practice and some warm fingers to think rapidly and execute correctly, but when done correctly, feels stronger than most other teamfight heroes in the game. Match ID: 1964504521 To skip the Dotabuff section, jump to 13:34! To vote for the hero you want me to play next, go here: https://purgegamers.true.io/purge/poll-choose-the-next-hero-for-purge-to-play/ To check out a top tier player(Miracle) playing Invoker better than I ever will, watch this replay: 1950077300 Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/PurgeGamers Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/PurgeGamers Stream: https://purgegamers.true.io/stream/ Website: https://purgegamers.true.io Google +: http://bit.ly/PurgeGooglePlus T-Shirts: http://www.teamliquid.net/store/us/purge/ Purge's Dotabuff: http://www.dotabuff.com/players/66296404?ref=purge Dotabuff Plus: https://secure.dotabuff.com/plus/redeem?ref=purge

64,802 Views · 4 months ago

I made this video on Thanksgiving day and just now realized that it didn't upload properly, crap. Slark is a fairly strong hero that is strong against heroes who rely on disables to escape their opponents. If you can predict when they disable you, you can remove the disables from your hero and kill them. I pulled this replay from my website forums, go here to submit yours for the chance of me making one from your games: https://purgegamers.true.io/purge/replay-coaching-submission/ To vote for the hero you'd like to see me play next, go here: https://purgegamers.true.io/purge/poll-choose-the-next-hero-for-purge-to-play/ Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/PurgeGamers Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/PurgeGamers Stream: https://purgegamers.true.io/stream/ Website: https://purgegamers.true.io Google +: http://bit.ly/PurgeGooglePlus T-Shirts: http://www.teamliquid.net/store/us/purge/ Purge's Dotabuff: http://www.dotabuff.com/players/66296404?ref=purge Dotabuff Plus: https://secure.dotabuff.com/plus/redeem?ref=purge

89,010 Views · 4 months ago

Connecting your pull as a Radiant Support is harder in the new patch due to the jungle layout, so I made a quick video with Tips and demonstration on doing it. You still need a tango or quelling blade to commit to a pull, and your timing has to be more specific. Initiate your pull on the small camp at either the x:13 or x:43 mark, pull south into the creeps, then eyeball the timing on your second pull. You are pulling a little later than you were before! Track how many of your creeps are alive to estimate their damage, but generally you are pulling as the 3rd tanky creep is by itself and has started to take damage(is missing about 10% of its hp). Go into a custom lobby to practice this, or you're going to be really hurting your carry and safe lane if you miss your pulls! Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/PurgeGamers Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/PurgeGamers Stream: https://purgegamers.true.io/stream/ Website: https://purgegamers.true.io Google +: http://bit.ly/PurgeGooglePlus T-Shirts: http://www.teamliquid.net/store/us/purge/ Purge's Dotabuff: http://www.dotabuff.com/players/66296404?ref=purge Dotabuff Plus: https://secure.dotabuff.com/plus/redeem?ref=purge

54,376 Views · 4 months ago

Rubick is a strong hero if your understanding of enemy heroes and abilities is strong. You also need to have great knowledge of safe positioning because your HP is very low, and because if your opponents are out of position, you can better kill with telekinesis, since the ability lets you stun and put enemies further out of position. In the early game, try to get kills either by roaming, pulling, or trilane kills, and then transition heavily into ganking until blink dagger, or farming passively until blink dagger. Once you get blink, you should be stealing strong early game spells like stuns, single target nukes, as well as ultimates. Follow up with mobility items and help your team win fights and mid games, and the late game should be secured. Match ID: 1963686663 To vote on the next hero you want me to play, head to the polls here: https://purgegamers.true.io/purge/poll-choose-the-next-hero-for-purge-to-play/ Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/PurgeGamers Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/PurgeGamers Stream: https://purgegamers.true.io/stream/ Website: https://purgegamers.true.io Google +: http://bit.ly/PurgeGooglePlus T-Shirts: http://www.teamliquid.net/store/us/purge/ Purge's Dotabuff: http://www.dotabuff.com/players/66296404?ref=purge Dotabuff Plus: https://secure.dotabuff.com/plus/redeem?ref=purge

52,596 Views · 4 months ago

This is my replay commentary about riki, giving my thoughts on whether or not he feels overpowered to me. The quick summary is that he's close to being good but he's not quite there yet. The change is overall positive but he might only work in certain lineups. Many fights I found myself just running around chasing opponents who were faster than me, and that sucked. Something like a Warlock on the same team might be super good though! Match Id: 2093142967 Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/PurgeGamers Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/PurgeGamers Stream: https://purgegamers.true.io/stream/ Website: https://purgegamers.true.io Google +: http://bit.ly/PurgeGooglePlus Purge's Dotabuff: http://www.dotabuff.com/players/66296404?ref=purge Dotabuff Plus: https://secure.dotabuff.com/plus/redeem?ref=purge

65,569 Views · 4 months ago

Outworld Devourer is one of the 'OP' heroes of the current patch. He has very strong single target damage(mostly pure) which is generally only countered by stuns to OD, or BkB's on your heroes. His playstyle to make him strong is a bit of a timing window exploit through a few items and taking rosh. It's important to be ahead with OD because getting behind means you'll match badly against BkB's, and your farming speed is less than most carries. The timing window you have to hit is Treads Drum Blink, take rosh with yourself +1, and then you can take a teamfight that should go in your favor due to the blink dagger. After that you build either Hex(priority), BkB, or Moonshard. To skip the Dotabuff section, go to 17:00 Dotabuff of Match: http://www.dotabuff.com/matches/2169136687 Vote for the next hero for me to play! https://purgegamers.true.io/purge/poll-choose-the-next-hero-for-purge-to-play/ Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/PurgeGamers Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/PurgeGamers Stream: https://purgegamers.true.io/stream/ Website: https://purgegamers.true.io Google +: http://bit.ly/PurgeGooglePlus Purge's Dotabuff: http://www.dotabuff.com/players/66296404?ref=purge Dotabuff Plus: https://secure.dotabuff.com/plus/redeem?ref=purge FTC : This video has a paid sponsorship overlay and the Dotabuff section on replay commentaries was created as a result of my on going partnership with Dotabuff.

55,936 Views · 4 months ago

Element TD was recently added to Dota 2, so if you guys want to try it you just have to swing over to the Arcade section within Dota and you can download and play it! Element TD is a staple of Warcraft 3 Custom games, similar to how Dota first began, and the team that put together this version of Element TD did a great job! There are some minor differences between the original version and this one, but it's pretty much ready to play. You can build and play differently depending on which way you feel like going. I would assume that every build has its advantages. I'll make a Random one next to show how high APM the game can be! Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/PurgeGamers Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/PurgeGamers Stream: https://purgegamers.true.io/stream/ Website: https://purgegamers.true.io Google +: http://bit.ly/PurgeGooglePlus Purge's Dotabuff: http://www.dotabuff.com/players/66296404?ref=purge Dotabuff Plus: https://secure.dotabuff.com/plus/redeem?ref=purge FTC : This video has a paid sponsorship overlay and the Dotabuff section on replay commentaries was created as a result of my on going partnership with Dotabuff.

43,236 Views · 4 months ago

Lich is a decent support at the moment due to his ability to lane control. He's very strong at reducing the farm and experience that his opponent gets, while also harassing them in the lane. It allows you to have a fairly high leveling 2v1 lane, rather than the typical 2v1 that suffers in terms of exp. Lich should always transition into a ally helping item such as Mek, force staff or Glimmer cape. In a game where you're extremely ahead, I recommend a Blink Dagger to move around the map and gank/roam. Your laning stage should be a mix of sacrificing creeps, harassing your opponent, and keeping Ice Armor on yourself and allies to keep them alive, not to mention the standard support stuff of planing observer and sentry wards. Dotabuff of the match: http://www.dotabuff.com/matches/2222942527 Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/PurgeGamers Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/PurgeGamers Stream: https://purgegamers.true.io/stream/ Website: https://purgegamers.true.io Google +: http://bit.ly/PurgeGooglePlus Purge's Dotabuff: http://www.dotabuff.com/players/66296404?ref=purge Dotabuff Plus: https://secure.dotabuff.com/plus/redeem?ref=purge Coaching Avail: https://purgegamers.true.io/coaching/ FTC : This video has a paid sponsorship overlay and the Dotabuff section on replay commentaries was created as a result of my on going partnership with Dotabuff.

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