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The right-wing is full of lunatics. Keep Hope (and TYT) Alive: http://tyt.com/go *** The largest online progressive news show in the world. Hosted by Cenk Uygur and Ana Kasparian. LIVE weekdays...

242 विचारों · 5 महीने पहले

Is this the most ambitious political cross-over ever? Cenk Uygur, John Iadarola, and Jayar Jackson, hosts of The Young Turks, break it down. MORE TYT: https://tyt.com/trial Read more here: https://www.npr.org/2019/05/31/728559903/ted-cruz-and-alexandria-ocasio-cortez-team-up-to-ban-lawmakers-from-lobbying "Let s make a deal," said Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y. "You re on," agreed Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas. The two lawmakers who have often been at odds found common ground in a place that often highlights polarizing opinions: Twitter. That s where Cruz and Ocasio-Cortez vowed to set aside their differences and work on new lobbying restrictions for lawmakers. Now an unlikely coalition is forming around their joint effort. It started when Ocasio-Cortez tweeted Thursday morning that members of Congress shouldn t be allowed to become corporate lobbyists. "At minimum there should be a long wait period," she wrote. Ocasio-Cortez cited a statistic from Public Citizen, in which the advocacy group reported that among former Congress members who move to jobs outside of politics, nearly 60% start lobbying or otherwise influencing federal policy." Hosts: Cenk Uygur, John Iadarola, Jayar Jackson Cast: Cenk Uygur, John Iadarola, Jayar Jackson *** The Largest Online News Show in the World. Hosted by Cenk Uygur and Ana Kasparian. LIVE STREAMING weekdays 6-8pm ET. http://tyt.com/live Subscribe to The Young Turks on YouTube: http://youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=theyoungturks TYT on Facebook: http://facebook.com/theyoungturks TYT on Twitter: http://twitter.com/theyoungturks TYT on Instagram: http://instagram.com/theyoungturks Merch: http://www.shoptyt.com Donate to TYT https://patreon.com/tytnetwork http://tyt.com/donate Download audio and video of the full two-hour show on-demand + the members-only postgame show by becoming a member at http://tyt.com/join/. Your membership supports the day to day operations and is vital for our continued success and growth. Gift membership: http://tyt.com/gift Producer, Senior Producer and Executive Producer membership: http://go.tyt.com/producer Young Turk (n), 1. Young progressive or insurgent member of an institution, movement, or political party. 2. A young person who rebels against authority or societal expectations. (American Heritage Dictionary) #TYT #TheYoungTurks #CenkUygur

3,938 विचारों · 5 महीने पहले

Trump still won’t admit he was wrong calling for the execution of the Central Park 5. Cenk Uygur, Ana Kasparian, and David West, hosts of The Young Turks, break it down. MORE TYT: https://tyt.com/trial Read more here: https://www.huffpost.com/entry/donald-trump-claims-there-were-people-on-both-sides-of-central-park-5-case_n_5d094723e4b0f7b744284cf7 “President Donald Trump continued his refusal to apologize for his 1989 call to execute five teenagers who were falsely accused of rape in the notorious Central Park Five case. “You have people on both sides of that,” Trump told reporters outside the White House on Tuesday when asked if he would apologize. “They admitted their guilt.” Trump then referred to Linda Fairstein, a prosecutor on the case who published an op-ed in The Wall Street Journal last week standing by the prosecution. “If you look at Linda Fairstein and look at some of the prosecutors,” he continued, “they think that the city should never have settled that case. So we’ll leave it at that.” Hosts: Cenk Uygur, Ana Kasparian, David West Cast: Cenk Uygur, Ana Kasparian, David West *** The Largest Online News Show in the World. Hosted by Cenk Uygur and Ana Kasparian. LIVE STREAMING weekdays 6-8pm ET. http://tyt.com/live Subscribe to The Young Turks on YouTube: http://youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=theyoungturks TYT on Facebook: http://facebook.com/theyoungturks TYT on Twitter: http://twitter.com/theyoungturks TYT on Instagram: http://instagram.com/theyoungturks Merch: http://www.shoptyt.com Donate to TYT https://patreon.com/tytnetwork http://tyt.com/donate Download audio and video of the full two-hour show on-demand + the members-only postgame show by becoming a member at http://tyt.com/join/. Your membership supports the day to day operations and is vital for our continued success and growth. Gift membership: http://tyt.com/gift Producer, Senior Producer and Executive Producer membership: http://go.tyt.com/producer Young Turk (n), 1. Young progressive or insurgent member of an institution, movement, or political party. 2. A young person who rebels against authority or societal expectations. (American Heritage Dictionary) #TYT #TheYoungTurks #CenkUygur

4,756 विचारों · 5 महीने पहले

The right-wing is losing it’s mind over AOC calling US migrant detention centers as “concentration camps”. Ana Kasparian, Nando Vila, and Brooke Thomas, hosts of The Young Turks, break it down. MORE TYT: https://tyt.com/trial Read more here: https://splinternews.com/the-backlash-to-aocs-concentration-camp-comments-is-out-1835636915 “On Tuesday, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez set off a firestorm of bullshit when she tweeted a simple fact: the U.S. government is keeping asylum-seekers and migrants in concentration camps on the southern border. Linked in her tweet was an article from Esquire that compared ICE detention centers to their historical precedents. “What’s required is a little bit of demystification of [the term],” Waitman Wade Beorn, a Holocaust and genocide studies scholar at University of Virginia, told Esquire. “Things can be concentration camps without being Dachau or Auschwitz. Concentration camps in general have always been designed—at the most basic level—to separate one group of people from another group. Usually, because the majority group, or the creators of the camp, deem the people they’re putting in it to be dangerous or undesirable in some way.” Hosts: Ana Kasparian, Nando Vila, Brooke Thomas Cast: Ana Kasparian, Nando Vila, Brooke Thomas *** The Largest Online News Show in the World. Hosted by Cenk Uygur and Ana Kasparian. LIVE STREAMING weekdays 6-8pm ET. http://tyt.com/live Subscribe to The Young Turks on YouTube: http://youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=theyoungturks TYT on Facebook: http://facebook.com/theyoungturks TYT on Twitter: http://twitter.com/theyoungturks TYT on Instagram: http://instagram.com/theyoungturks Merch: http://www.shoptyt.com Donate to TYT https://patreon.com/tytnetwork http://tyt.com/donate Download audio and video of the full two-hour show on-demand + the members-only postgame show by becoming a member at http://tyt.com/join/. Your membership supports the day to day operations and is vital for our continued success and growth. Gift membership: http://tyt.com/gift Producer, Senior Producer and Executive Producer membership: http://go.tyt.com/producer Young Turk (n), 1. Young progressive or insurgent member of an institution, movement, or political party. 2. A young person who rebels against authority or societal expectations. (American Heritage Dictionary) #TYT #TheYoungTurks #CenkUygur

2,031 विचारों · 5 महीने पहले

A U.S. judge is calling Trump out. Cenk Uygur, Nomi Prins, and John Iadarola, hosts of The Young Turks, break it down. MORE TYT: https://tyt.com/trial Read more here: https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2019/06/21/detained-migrant-children-no-toothbrush-soap-sleep/?utm_term=.0c757f743ac5 "The government went to federal court this week to argue that it shouldn’t be required to give detained migrant children toothbrushes, soap, towels, showers or even half a night’s sleep inside Border Patrol detention facilities. The position bewildered a panel of three judges in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit on Tuesday, who questioned whether government lawyers sincerely believed they could describe the temporary detention facilities as “safe and sanitary” if children weren’t provided adequate toiletries and sleeping conditions. One circuit judge said it struck him as “inconceivable." “To me it’s more like it’s within everybody’s common understanding: If you don’t have a toothbrush, if you don’t have soap, if you don’t have a blanket, it’s not safe and sanitary,” Senior U.S. Circuit Judge A. Wallace Tashima told Justice Department lawyer Sarah Fabian. “Wouldn’t everybody agree to that? Would you agree to that?” Hosts: Cenk Uygur, John Iadarola, Nomi Prins Cast: Cenk Uygur, John Iadarola, Nomi Prins *** The Largest Online News Show in the World. Hosted by Cenk Uygur and Ana Kasparian. LIVE STREAMING weekdays 6-8pm ET. http://tyt.com/live Subscribe to The Young Turks on YouTube: http://youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=theyoungturks TYT on Facebook: http://facebook.com/theyoungturks TYT on Twitter: http://twitter.com/theyoungturks TYT on Instagram: http://instagram.com/theyoungturks Merch: http://www.shoptyt.com Donate to TYT https://patreon.com/tytnetwork http://tyt.com/donate Download audio and video of the full two-hour show on-demand + the members-only postgame show by becoming a member at http://tyt.com/join/. Your membership supports the day to day operations and is vital for our continued success and growth. Gift membership: http://tyt.com/gift Producer, Senior Producer and Executive Producer membership: http://go.tyt.com/producer Young Turk (n), 1. Young progressive or insurgent member of an institution, movement, or political party. 2. A young person who rebels against authority or societal expectations. (American Heritage Dictionary) #TYT #TheYoungTurks #CenkUygur

2,750 विचारों · 5 महीने पहले

Meghan McCain said the Democratic candidates didn’t do enough to reach out to Republicans. John Iadarola, Jayar Jackson, and Maytha Alhassen, hosts of The Young Turks, break it down. MORE TYT: https://tyt.com/trial Read more here: https://www.mediaite.com/election-2020/meghan-mccain-deletes-tweet-praising-tulsi-gabbard-most-composed-and-authentic/ “Meghan McCain seemed to have had second thoughts about praising of presidential hopeful Tulsi Gabbard’s performance during Wednesday night’s Democratic Primary Debate hosted by MSNBC. After tweeting praise of the Hawaiin Congressional representative, The View host (and sole conservative contributor) deleted said tweet. Fortunately for Gabbard, someone captured an image of it, which she was all too happy to share with her following. Gabbard called out the short-lived praise, comparing McCain’s “moment of courage” to her own “lifetime of courage.” Tweeting something surprising is similar to serving in the Iraq War? Huh. Gabbard tweeted:” Hosts: John Iadarola, Jayar Jackson, Maytha Alhassen Cast: John Iadarola, Jayar Jackson, Maytha Alhassen *** The Largest Online News Show in the World. Hosted by Cenk Uygur and Ana Kasparian. LIVE STREAMING weekdays 6-8pm ET. http://tyt.com/live Subscribe to The Young Turks on YouTube: http://youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=theyoungturks TYT on Facebook: http://facebook.com/theyoungturks TYT on Twitter: http://twitter.com/theyoungturks TYT on Instagram: http://instagram.com/theyoungturks Merch: http://www.shoptyt.com Donate to TYT https://patreon.com/tytnetwork http://tyt.com/donate Download audio and video of the full two-hour show on-demand + the members-only postgame show by becoming a member at http://tyt.com/join/. Your membership supports the day to day operations and is vital for our continued success and growth. Gift membership: http://tyt.com/gift Producer, Senior Producer and Executive Producer membership: http://go.tyt.com/producer Young Turk (n), 1. Young progressive or insurgent member of an institution, movement, or political party. 2. A young person who rebels against authority or societal expectations. (American Heritage Dictionary) #TYT #TheYoungTurks #CenkUygur

3,796 विचारों · 5 महीने पहले

Trump’s Fourth of July Parade is set to be a total disaster. Cenk Uygur, Ana Kasparian, and Ron Perlman hosts of The Young Turks, break it down. MORE TYT: https://tyt.com/trial Read more here: https://www.cbsnews.com/news/trump-july-4th-salute-to-america-2-5-million-dollars-diverted-from-national-parks-funding-celebration/ “The Pentagon is rolling out military hardware for a Fourth of July unlike any other. Tanks on the National Mall and military flyovers will be part of the capital s celebration, by order of President Trump. He ll be the first president to take an active role in any July Fourth ceremony in recent memory. These flyovers cost tens of thousands of dollars per hour, though military officials say they are essentially training flights and therefore not an extra cost to taxpayers. But the National Park Service is reportedly diverting nearly $2.5 million, originally intended for parks across the country, for the celebration. "Certainly going to be more expensive than previous years. Anytime you get a presidential visit there are inherent security costs," said Mark Litterst of the National Park Service. The National Park Service said on Tuesday it was still waiting for the run of show from the White House – proof this is a show, one stage-managed by the president down to the placement of tanks and infantry vehicles and the sequence of military flyovers, reports CBS News Major Garrett. The Fourth of July is typically nonpartisan and a tribute to America s founding documents and self-government. The event is being called is called a "Salute to America" but Mr. Trump has made it clear that the military will be front and center. "We have some incredible equipment, military equipment on display – brand new. And we re very proud of it," Mr. Trump said.” Hosts: Cenk Uygur, Ana Kasparian, Ron Perlman Cast: Cenk Uygur, Ana Kasparian, Ron Perlman *** The Largest Online News Show in the World. Hosted by Cenk Uygur and Ana Kasparian. LIVE STREAMING weekdays 6-8pm ET. http://tyt.com/live Subscribe to The Young Turks on YouTube: http://youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=theyoungturks TYT on Facebook: http://facebook.com/theyoungturks TYT on Twitter: http://twitter.com/theyoungturks TYT on Instagram: http://instagram.com/theyoungturks Merch: http://www.shoptyt.com Donate to TYT https://patreon.com/tytnetwork http://tyt.com/donate Download audio and video of the full two-hour show on-demand + the members-only postgame show by becoming a member at http://tyt.com/join/. Your membership supports the day to day operations and is vital for our continued success and growth. Gift membership: http://tyt.com/gift Producer, Senior Producer and Executive Producer membership: http://go.tyt.com/producer Young Turk (n), 1. Young progressive or insurgent member of an institution, movement, or political party. 2. A young person who rebels against authority or societal expectations. (American Heritage Dictionary) #TYT #TheYoungTurks #CenkUygur

898 विचारों · 5 महीने पहले

Protect yourself from prying eyes on the internet. Head to https://NordVPN.com/TYT or use code TYT to get 75% off a 3-year plan. For a limited time, use code TYT for a free month. Bernie Sanders is calling out Kamala Harris’ flip-flops. Cenk Uygur and Ana Kasparian, hosts of The Young Turks, break it down. Read more here: https://www.newsweek.com/kamala-harris-healthcare-medicare-all-bernie-sanders-1455106 "California Senator and 2020 presidential candidate Kamala Harris is backing away from Medicare for All, just two years after she co-sponsored the bill in the Senate. Speaking at a Hamptons fundraiser to corporate executives and one-percenters, Harris explained that she has "not been comfortable" with the healthcare plan written by her 2020 competitor Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders. "I think almost every member of the United States Senate who s running for President and many others, have signed on to a variety of plans in the Senate. And I have done the same," she said at the fundraiser, according to her campaign. "[A]ll of them are good ideas, which is why I support them. And I support Medicare for All. But as you may have noticed, over the course of many months, I ve not been comfortable with Bernie s plan, the Medicare for All plan." In August of 2017, Harris became the first Senator to co-sponsor the plan. She continued to express support for it during her presidential campaign, sending out a press release in April of 2019 where she wrote that "Medicare for All finally makes sure every American has affordable, comprehensive health care." Hosts: Cenk Uygur, Ana Kasparian Cast: Cenk Uygur, Ana Kasparian *** The Largest Online News Show in the World. Hosted by Cenk Uygur and Ana Kasparian. LIVE STREAMING weekdays 6-8pm ET. http://tyt.com/live Subscribe to The Young Turks on YouTube: http://youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=theyoungturks TYT on Facebook: http://facebook.com/theyoungturks TYT on Twitter: http://twitter.com/theyoungturks TYT on Instagram: http://instagram.com/theyoungturks Merch: http://www.shoptyt.com Donate to TYT https://patreon.com/tytnetwork http://tyt.com/donate Download audio and video of the full two-hour show on-demand + the members-only postgame show by becoming a member at http://tyt.com/join/. Your membership supports the day to day operations and is vital for our continued success and growth. Gift membership: http://tyt.com/gift Producer, Senior Producer and Executive Producer membership: http://go.tyt.com/producer Young Turk (n), 1. Young progressive or insurgent member of an institution, movement, or political party. 2. A young person who rebels against authority or societal expectations. (American Heritage Dictionary) #TYT #TheYoungTurks #CenkUygur

1,472 विचारों · 5 महीने पहले

Alexander Acosta is doing the unthinkable. Cenk Uygur, Brooke Thomas, and Alonzo Bodden, hosts of The Young Turks, break it down. MORE TYT: https://tyt.com/trial Read more here: https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2019/jul/09/labor-secretary-alexander-acosta-sex-trafficking-budget-cut "Alexander Acosta, the US labor secretary under fire for having granted Jeffrey Epstein immunity from federal prosecution in 2008, after the billionaire was investigated for having run a child sex trafficking ring, is proposing 80% funding cuts for the government agency that combats child sex trafficking." Hosts: Cenk Uygur, Brooke Thomas, Alonzo Bodden Cast: Cenk Uygur, Brooke Thomas, Alonzo Bodden *** The Largest Online News Show in the World. Hosted by Cenk Uygur and Ana Kasparian. LIVE STREAMING weekdays 6-8pm ET. http://tyt.com/live Subscribe to The Young Turks on YouTube: http://youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=theyoungturks TYT on Facebook: http://facebook.com/theyoungturks TYT on Twitter: http://twitter.com/theyoungturks TYT on Instagram: http://instagram.com/theyoungturks Merch: http://www.shoptyt.com Donate to TYT https://patreon.com/tytnetwork http://tyt.com/donate Download audio and video of the full two-hour show on-demand + the members-only postgame show by becoming a member at http://tyt.com/join/. Your membership supports the day to day operations and is vital for our continued success and growth. Gift membership: http://tyt.com/gift Producer, Senior Producer and Executive Producer membership: http://go.tyt.com/producer Young Turk (n), 1. Young progressive or insurgent member of an institution, movement, or political party. 2. A young person who rebels against authority or societal expectations. (American Heritage Dictionary) #TYT #TheYoungTurks #CenkUygur

606 विचारों · 5 महीने पहले

Progressives are taking over the Democratic primary! Cenk Uygur and Ana Kasparian, hosts of The Young Turks, break it down. MORE TYT: https://tyt.com/trial Read more here: https://www.cnn.com/2019/08/26/politics/monmouth-august-democrats-biden-warren-sanders/index.html "Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders, Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren and former Vice President Joe Biden top the Democratic field for president in 2020, with no clear leader, according to a Monmouth University poll released Monday. The three candidates are bunched together, each receiving about the same amount of support (Sanders 20%, Warren 20% and Biden 19%) from registered Democrats and Democratic-leaning independent voters. They re followed by California Sen. Kamala Harris (8%), New Jersey Sen. Cory Booker (4%), South Bend, Indiana, Mayor Pete Buttigieg (4%), businessman Andrew Yang (3%), former Housing and Urban Development Secretary Julián Castro (2%), former Rep. Beto O Rourke (2%) and author Marianne Williamson (2%). All other candidates received 1% or less in the poll. Since Monmouth s June poll, Sanders and Warren have gained slightly (up 6 and 5 percentage points), while Biden has lost significant support (down 13 points)." Hosts: Cenk Uygur, Ana Kasparian Cast: Cenk Uygur, Ana Kasparian *** The Largest Online News Show in the World. Hosted by Cenk Uygur and Ana Kasparian. LIVE STREAMING weekdays 6-8pm ET. http://tyt.com/live Subscribe to The Young Turks on YouTube: http://youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=theyoungturks TYT on Facebook: http://facebook.com/theyoungturks TYT on Twitter: http://twitter.com/theyoungturks TYT on Instagram: http://instagram.com/theyoungturks Merch: http://www.shoptyt.com Donate to TYT https://patreon.com/tytnetwork http://tyt.com/donate Download audio and video of the full two-hour show on-demand + the members-only postgame show by becoming a member at http://tyt.com/join/. Your membership supports the day to day operations and is vital for our continued success and growth. Gift membership: http://tyt.com/gift Producer, Senior Producer and Executive Producer membership: http://go.tyt.com/producer Young Turk (n), 1. Young progressive or insurgent member of an institution, movement, or political party. 2. A young person who rebels against authority or societal expectations. (American Heritage Dictionary) #TYT #TheYoungTurks #CenkUygur

3,966 विचारों · 5 महीने पहले

Nancy Pelosi held another lame press conference after Robert Mueller s testimony before Congress. Ana Kasparian, Brooke Thomas, and Cenk Uygur, hosts of The Young Turks, break it down. MORE TYT: https://tyt.com/trial Read more here: https://www.msnbc.com/mtp-daily/watch/full-pelosi-nadler-schiff-and-cummings-press-conference-post-mueller-testimony-64475205706 "Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, Reps. Jerry Nadler, Adam Schiff and Elijah Cummings speak to reporters after Robert Mueller s testimony before Congress." Hosts: Ana Kasparian, Brooke Thomas, Cenk Uygur Cast: Ana Kasparian, Brooke Thomas, Cenk Uygur *** The Largest Online News Show in the World. Hosted by Cenk Uygur and Ana Kasparian. LIVE STREAMING weekdays 6-8pm ET. http://tyt.com/live Subscribe to The Young Turks on YouTube: http://youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=theyoungturks TYT on Facebook: http://facebook.com/theyoungturks TYT on Twitter: http://twitter.com/theyoungturks TYT on Instagram: http://instagram.com/theyoungturks Merch: http://www.shoptyt.com Donate to TYT https://patreon.com/tytnetwork http://tyt.com/donate Download audio and video of the full two-hour show on-demand + the members-only postgame show by becoming a member at http://tyt.com/join/. Your membership supports the day to day operations and is vital for our continued success and growth. Gift membership: http://tyt.com/gift Producer, Senior Producer and Executive Producer membership: http://go.tyt.com/producer Young Turk (n), 1. Young progressive or insurgent member of an institution, movement, or political party. 2. A young person who rebels against authority or societal expectations. (American Heritage Dictionary) #TYT #TheYoungTurks #CenkUygur

4,027 विचारों · 5 महीने पहले

The United States Air Force has launched an investigation into stays at Trump Hotels. Ana Kasparian, Alonzo Bodden, and Jason Carter discuss on The Young Turks. MORE TYT: https://tyt.com/trial Read more here: https://www.politico.com/story/2019/09/08/trump-resort-air-force-probe-1485447 "The U.S. Air Force has ordered a worldwide review of how it chooses overnight accommodations on long flights following revelations that aircrews had occasionally stayed at President Donald Trump s Scotland resort while refueling at a small commercial airport nearby. The review comes as additional instances of military personnel staying at Trump properties have been uncovered. The C-17 crew’s overnight stay at Trump’s Turnberry resort in Scotland earlier this year, first reported by POLITICO on Friday, was not an isolated incident."* Hosts: Ana Kasparian, Alonzo Bodden, Jason Carter Cast: Ana Kasparian, Alonzo Bodden, Jason Carter *** The Largest Online News Show in the World. Hosted by Cenk Uygur and Ana Kasparian. LIVE STREAMING weekdays 6-8pm ET. http://tyt.com/live Subscribe to The Young Turks on YouTube: http://youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=theyoungturks TYT on Facebook: http://facebook.com/theyoungturks TYT on Twitter: http://twitter.com/theyoungturks TYT on Instagram: http://instagram.com/theyoungturks Merch: http://www.shoptyt.com Donate to TYT https://patreon.com/tytnetwork http://tyt.com/donate Download audio and video of the full two-hour show on-demand + the members-only postgame show by becoming a member at http://tyt.com/join/. Your membership supports the day to day operations and is vital for our continued success and growth. Gift membership: http://tyt.com/gift Producer, Senior Producer, and Executive Producer membership: http://go.tyt.com/producer Young Turk (n), 1. Young progressive or insurgent member of an institution, movement, or political party. 2. A young person who rebels against authority or societal expectations. (American Heritage Dictionary) #TYT #TheYoungTurks #CenkUygur

3,188 विचारों · 5 महीने पहले

Ana was on CNN with Chris Cuomo! Ana Kasparian, Emma Vigeland, and John Iadarola, hosts of The Young Turks, break it down. MORE TYT: https://tyt.com/trial Hosts: Ana Kasparian, Emma Vigeland, John Iadarola Cast: Ana Kasparian, Emma Vigeland, John Iadarola *** The Largest Online News Show in the World. Hosted by Cenk Uygur and Ana Kasparian. LIVE STREAMING weekdays 6-8pm ET. http://tyt.com/live Subscribe to The Young Turks on YouTube: http://youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=theyoungturks TYT on Facebook: http://facebook.com/theyoungturks TYT on Twitter: http://twitter.com/theyoungturks TYT on Instagram: http://instagram.com/theyoungturks Merch: http://www.shoptyt.com Donate to TYT https://patreon.com/tytnetwork http://tyt.com/donate Download audio and video of the full two-hour show on-demand + the members-only postgame show by becoming a member at http://tyt.com/join/. Your membership supports the day to day operations and is vital for our continued success and growth. Gift membership: http://tyt.com/gift Producer, Senior Producer and Executive Producer membership: http://go.tyt.com/producer Young Turk (n), 1. Young progressive or insurgent member of an institution, movement, or political party. 2. A young person who rebels against authority or societal expectations. (American Heritage Dictionary) #TYT #TheYoungTurks #CenkUygur

3,672 विचारों · 5 महीने पहले

T.I. asked Candace Owens to elaborate on when she thought America was great. Ana Kasparian and Cenk Uygur, hosts of The Young Turks, break it down. MORE TYT: https://tyt.com/trial Read more here: https://twitter.com/2Cool2Bl0g/status/1173091769841573888 "Candace Owens Was Defending Donald Trump & T.I Wasn’t Having it” Hosts: Ana Kasparian, Cenk Uygur Cast: Ana Kasparian, Cenk Uygur *** The Largest Online News Show in the World. Hosted by Cenk Uygur and Ana Kasparian. LIVE STREAMING weekdays 6-8pm ET. http://tyt.com/live Subscribe to The Young Turks on YouTube: http://youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=theyoungturks TYT on Facebook: http://facebook.com/theyoungturks TYT on Twitter: http://twitter.com/theyoungturks TYT on Instagram: http://instagram.com/theyoungturks Merch: http://www.shoptyt.com Donate to TYT https://patreon.com/tytnetwork http://tyt.com/donate Download audio and video of the full two-hour show on-demand + the members-only postgame show by becoming a member at http://tyt.com/join/. Your membership supports the day to day operations and is vital for our continued success and growth. Gift membership: http://tyt.com/gift Producer, Senior Producer and Executive Producer membership: http://go.tyt.com/producer Young Turk (n), 1. Young progressive or insurgent member of an institution, movement, or political party. 2. A young person who rebels against authority or societal expectations. (American Heritage Dictionary) #TYT #TheYoungTurks #CenkUygur

224 विचारों · 5 महीने पहले

Geraldo Rivera spoke about Trump’s attack on Iran. Ana Kasparian, Nando Vila, and Maytha Alhassen, hosts of The Young Turks, break it down. Tell us what you think in the comments below. MORE TYT: https://tyt.com/trial Read more here: https://twitter.com/onnahill/status/1213098533827428352?s=20 Hosts: Ana Kasparian, Nando Vila, Maytha Alhassen Cast: Ana Kasparian, Nando Vila, Maytha Alhassen *** The Largest Online News Show in the World. Hosted by Cenk Uygur and Ana Kasparian. LIVE STREAMING weekdays 6-8pm ET. http://tyt.com/live Subscribe to The Young Turks on YouTube: http://youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=theyoungturks TYT on Facebook: http://facebook.com/theyoungturks TYT on Twitter: http://twitter.com/theyoungturks TYT on Instagram: http://instagram.com/theyoungturks Merch: http://www.shoptyt.com Donate to TYT https://patreon.com/tytnetwork http://tyt.com/donate Download audio and video of the full two-hour show on-demand + the members-only postgame show by becoming a member at http://tyt.com/join/. Your membership supports the day to day operations and is vital for our continued success and growth. Gift membership: http://tyt.com/gift Producer, Senior Producer and Executive Producer membership: http://go.tyt.com/producer Young Turk (n), 1. Young progressive or insurgent member of an institution, movement, or political party. 2. A young person who rebels against authority or societal expectations. (American Heritage Dictionary) #TYT #TheYoungTurks #FoxNews

4,243 विचारों · 5 महीने पहले

Iran has attacked a US airbase in response to Trump’s attack on Qassem Soleimani. Ana Kasparian and Cenk Uygur, hosts of The Young Turks, break it down. MORE TYT: https://tyt.com/trial Read more here: https://www.cnn.com/2020/01/07/politics/rockets-us-airbase-iraq/index.html "At least 10 rockets hit al-Asad airbase in Iraq, which houses US forces, a Sunni commander of the paramilitary forces in a nearby town told CNN. Qatri al-Obeidi, a commander in the nearby town of al-Baghdadi, said that the shelling has stopped for now. President Donald Trump visited the base in December 2018 to visit troops after Christmas. Vice President Mike Pence also visited the base in November 2019. The attack follows last week s deadly US drone strike that Trump ordered to kill key Iranian General Qasem Soleimani." Hosts: Ana Kasparian, Cenk Uygur Cast: Ana Kasparian, Cenk Uygur *** The Largest Online News Show in the World. Hosted by Cenk Uygur and Ana Kasparian. LIVE STREAMING weekdays 6-8pm ET. http://tyt.com/live Subscribe to The Young Turks on YouTube: http://youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=theyoungturks TYT on Facebook: http://facebook.com/theyoungturks TYT on Twitter: http://twitter.com/theyoungturks TYT on Instagram: http://instagram.com/theyoungturks Merch: http://www.shoptyt.com Donate to TYT https://patreon.com/tytnetwork http://tyt.com/donate Download audio and video of the full two-hour show on-demand + the members-only postgame show by becoming a member at http://tyt.com/join/. Your membership supports the day to day operations and is vital for our continued success and growth. Gift membership: http://tyt.com/gift Producer, Senior Producer and Executive Producer membership: http://go.tyt.com/producer Young Turk (n), 1. Young progressive or insurgent member of an institution, movement, or political party. 2. A young person who rebels against authority or societal expectations. (American Heritage Dictionary) #TYT #TheYoungTurks #AnaKasparian

3,188 विचारों · 5 महीने पहले

Fox News is trying to push Trump towards war. Ana Kasparian and Jayar Jackson, hosts of The Young Turks, break it down. Tell us what you think in the comments below. MORE TYT: https://tyt.com/trial Read more here: https://www.rawstory.com/2020/01/hannity-canceled-on-me-fox-news-did-not-want-geraldo-rivera-urging-trump-to-avoid-war/ "The internal battle at Fox News over whether it is wise for President Donald Trump to start war with Iran escalated again on Tuesday after Iran launched a ballistic missile attack on Iraqi military bases. Last week, Fox News personalities clashed after Geraldo Rivera criticized Brian Kilmeade for cheering on the war." Hosts: Ana Kasparian, Jayar Jackson Cast: Ana Kasparian, Jayar Jackson *** The Largest Online News Show in the World. Hosted by Cenk Uygur and Ana Kasparian. LIVE STREAMING weekdays 6-8pm ET. http://tyt.com/live Subscribe to The Young Turks on YouTube: http://youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=theyoungturks TYT on Facebook: http://facebook.com/theyoungturks TYT on Twitter: http://twitter.com/theyoungturks TYT on Instagram: http://instagram.com/theyoungturks Merch: http://www.shoptyt.com Donate to TYT https://patreon.com/tytnetwork http://tyt.com/donate Download audio and video of the full two-hour show on-demand + the members-only postgame show by becoming a member at http://tyt.com/join/. Your membership supports the day to day operations and is vital for our continued success and growth. Gift membership: http://tyt.com/gift Producer, Senior Producer and Executive Producer membership: http://go.tyt.com/producer Young Turk (n), 1. Young progressive or insurgent member of an institution, movement, or political party. 2. A young person who rebels against authority or societal expectations. (American Heritage Dictionary) #TYT #TheYoungTurks #FoxNews

332 विचारों · 5 महीने पहले

Joe Biden doesn’t want to let the voters decide who the democratic nominee should be. Ana Kasparian and John Iadarola, hosts of The Young Turks, break it down. Tell us what you think in the comments below. MORE TYT: https://tyt.com/trial Read more here: https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/485345-biden-said-he-would-contest-nomination-even-if-sanders-leads-in-delegates "Former Vice President Joe Biden said Sunday he would contest the presidential primary nomination at the Democratic convention if Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) is leading in delegates without securing a majority. “The rules have been set,” Biden said on CNN’s “State of the Union.” Hosts: Ana Kasparian, John Iadarola Cast: Ana Kasparian, John Iadarola *** The Largest Online News Show in the World. Hosted by Cenk Uygur and Ana Kasparian. LIVE STREAMING weekdays 6-8pm ET. http://tyt.com/live Subscribe to The Young Turks on YouTube: http://youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=theyoungturks TYT on Facebook: http://facebook.com/theyoungturks TYT on Twitter: http://twitter.com/theyoungturks TYT on Instagram: http://instagram.com/theyoungturks Merch: http://www.shoptyt.com Donate to TYT https://patreon.com/tytnetwork http://tyt.com/donate Download audio and video of the full two-hour show on-demand + the members-only postgame show by becoming a member at http://tyt.com/join/. Your membership supports the day to day operations and is vital for our continued success and growth. Gift membership: http://tyt.com/gift Producer, Senior Producer, and Executive Producer membership: http://go.tyt.com/producer Young Turk (n), 1. Young progressive or insurgent member of an institution, movement, or political party. 2. A young person who rebels against authority or societal expectations. (American Heritage Dictionary) #TYT #TheYoungTurks #Biden2020

1,806 विचारों · 5 महीने पहले

Thank you for supporting TYT! Start the new year right while giving back and making the world a better place in 2020 at https://Aspiration.com/TYT Kaitlin Bennett tried owning the libs, but instead owned herself. Ana Kasparian and John Iadarola, hosts of The Young Turks, break it down. Tell us what you think in the comments below. MORE TYT: https://tyt.com/trial Read more here: https://twitter.com/LilithLovett/status/1215851635051642880?s=20 Hosts: Ana Kasparian, John Iadarola Cast: Ana Kasparian, John Iadarola *** The Largest Online News Show in the World. Hosted by Cenk Uygur and Ana Kasparian. LIVE STREAMING weekdays 6-8pm ET. http://tyt.com/live Subscribe to The Young Turks on YouTube: http://youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=theyoungturks TYT on Facebook: http://facebook.com/theyoungturks TYT on Twitter: http://twitter.com/theyoungturks TYT on Instagram: http://instagram.com/theyoungturks Merch: http://www.shoptyt.com Donate to TYT https://patreon.com/tytnetwork http://tyt.com/donate Download audio and video of the full two-hour show on-demand + the members-only postgame show by becoming a member at http://tyt.com/join/. Your membership supports the day to day operations and is vital for our continued success and growth. Gift membership: http://tyt.com/gift Producer, Senior Producer and Executive Producer membership: http://go.tyt.com/producer Young Turk (n), 1. Young progressive or insurgent member of an institution, movement, or political party. 2. A young person who rebels against authority or societal expectations. (American Heritage Dictionary) #TYT #TheYoungTurks #Republican

4,570 विचारों · 5 महीने पहले

Evangelicals are praying that God “exposes” Michelle Obama as transgender. Ana Kasparian and John Iadarola, hosts of The Young Turks, break it down. MORE TYT: https://tyt.com/trial Read more here: https://www.lgbtqnation.com/2020/01/evangelicals-praying-god-exposes-michelle-obama-transgender/ "White evangelical Christians have been the Trump administration’s biggest supporters. Whether it’s unrepentant adultery, non-stop lying, destroying the Earth, abusing immigrants, or harming the poor, the far-right religious subset has gone all in. Coincidentally enough, they also comprised a large percentage of Obama critics who believed and propagated wild conspiracy theories about our first black president and his family. But the latest claim may take the cake." Hosts: Ana Kasparian, John Iadarola Cast: Ana Kasparian, John Iadarola *** The Largest Online News Show in the World. Hosted by Cenk Uygur and Ana Kasparian. LIVE STREAMING weekdays 6-8pm ET. http://tyt.com/live Subscribe to The Young Turks on YouTube: http://youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=theyoungturks TYT on Facebook: http://facebook.com/theyoungturks TYT on Twitter: http://twitter.com/theyoungturks TYT on Instagram: http://instagram.com/theyoungturks Merch: http://www.shoptyt.com Donate to TYT https://patreon.com/tytnetwork http://tyt.com/donate Download audio and video of the full two-hour show on-demand + the members-only postgame show by becoming a member at http://tyt.com/join/. Your membership supports the day to day operations and is vital for our continued success and growth. Gift membership: http://tyt.com/gift Producer, Senior Producer and Executive Producer membership: http://go.tyt.com/producer Young Turk (n), 1. Young progressive or insurgent member of an institution, movement, or political party. 2. A young person who rebels against authority or societal expectations. (American Heritage Dictionary) #TYT #TheYoungTurks #BreakingNews

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