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張震嶽 A-Yue【走慢一點點】Official Music Video

1,004 Views· 09/16/13
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拋開虛假,不再盲從; 回到自己,回到音樂,回到 張 震 嶽 走慢一點點 Take It Slow 詞、曲:張震嶽 Lyricist & Composer:Chang Chen-Yue 催促的引擎聲迴盪著街邊 Roaring engine sound echoing thru the street 斑馬線的行人 低頭走向前 Pedestrians crossing with their heads down 多少空虛的靈魂 塞在車陣裡面 How many empty souls stuck in traffic? 想著午餐要吃拉麵 Thinking about what lunch to eat? 八卦流言像病毒一樣蔓延 Gossip and rumors spread like virus 明星開著跑車到處去把妹 Stars chasing girls with their fancy cars 賺大錢就是大爺 玉蘭卻不買 Rich people getting richer, but neglecting the conditions of the poor 沒人同情賣花的阿伯 Nobody sympathizes with the old man selling flowers on the corner 專家學者說這是M形社會 Experts say this is an M-shaped society 小孩肚子餓大人揮霍灑錢 There are hungry babies and there are rich people splashing money 速食新聞充滿着 看完就消化 News comes and goes like garbage thru our stomach 曾幾何時變成糞便 How did all this come to shit? 似乎每個人都走的好前面 Everyone seems to be moving ahead 難道不曾想過要休息一會 Didn t anyone take a break and think? 回家路總是紅燈 綠燈一點點 The road back home is always stuck on red 回到家不知要到幾點 I do not know when I ll be able to get home 就是會忘記停下來 Just as I always forget to stop 就是會睡到起不來 Just as I always can t wake up 就是一直轉台卻不知要看哪一台 Just as I never know which channel to watch 生活的意義是什麼 What is the meaning of life? 我看你也說不出口 I don t think you have the answer 一輩子也只有盲從 Instead of living life blindly 希望每個人都走慢一點點 I just wish everyone can take it slow 不要衝過頭才知道不對 Don t move too fast without thinking 簡單其實很簡單 Being simple is simple 如果你學會 If you learn to be 就像小孩滿足很隨便 Just as a child, your life would be simple and happy 【數位音樂線上收聽】 ♫ KKBOX http://www.kkbox.com/tw/tc/song/uGR-k1PGYPX3YfV53YfV50PL-index.html ♫ myMusic http://www.mymusic.net.tw/song/show?song_id=p000001-a0180802-s000244-t003-c1 ♫ Omusic http://music.fetnet.net/albumpage.php?album_id=1048573 ♫ iNDIEVOX http://www.indievox.com/song/65194 ♫ iTunes下載 https://itunes.apple.com/tw/album/wo-shi-hai-ya-gu-mu/id656556065 【手機鈴聲下載】 ※來電答鈴下載方式 中華:手機直撥700→按1→輸入六碼答鈴代碼 遠傳:手機直撥900→按4→輸入六碼答鈴代碼 來電答鈴新選擇 : 手機直撥900按4輸入249902即可申裝K歌冠軍榜音樂盒 台灣大哥大手機直撥803→按4→輸入答鈴代碼 亞太電信 手機直撥560→按2→按6→選擇快速點歌→輸入答鈴代碼 威寶電信 手機直撥700→按4→輸入答鈴代碼 大眾PHS手機直撥500→按1→輸入答鈴代碼 中華:663511 遠傳:441182 台哥大、亞太、威寶、PHS:663511 yoyorock:318485 【歡迎訂閱滾石 YouTube頻道 】 ★滾石唱片官方頻道 http://www.youtube.com/RockRecordsTaipei ★滾石流行音樂愛情故事有漫畫書 http://www.youtube.com/ComixRockRecords ★周華健官方頻道 http://www.youtube.com/WakinRockRecords ★陳昇官方頻道 http://www.youtube.com/BobbyRockRecords ★萬芳官方頻道 http://www.youtube.com/hervoiceonefang ★張震嶽官方頻道 http://www.youtube.com/AyueRockRecords ★黃鴻升官方頻道 http://www.youtube.com/alienrockrecords ★卓文萱官方頻道 http://www.youtube.com/genierockrecords ★陳淑樺官方頻道 http://www.youtube.com/SarahRockRecords ★新格滾石唱片官方頻道 http://www.youtube.com/syncorockrecords ★RockLiveHouse http://www.youtube.com/RockLiveHouse ★滾石唱片新加坡 http://www.youtube.com/rockrecordssingapore ★滾石唱片馬來西亞 http://www.youtube.com/rockrecordsmalaysia 【歡迎加入】 ★滾石唱片官方Facebook粉絲專頁 http://www.facebook.com/rockrecordstaipei ★張震嶽 Chen-Yue Chang & FREE 9 官方Facebook粉絲專頁 https://www.facebook.com/ayuechang ★滾石唱片 Google+ https://plus.google.com/u/0/103138446247168898418/posts ★滾石唱片新浪微博 http://e.weibo.com/rockrecords

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