Incredible Way the CIA Stole a Soviet Submarine During Cold War
Get a 30-day free trial of Dashlane here: Use the code "infographics" for 10% off of Dashlane Premium! During the Cold War the CIA managed to steal a Soviet submarine away from the Russians, but what they discovered on the Russian sub scared them. How did the US Navy steal such a massive weapon away from the Russian military? In today s video we re looking back in history to the Cold War at Project Azorian to find out how the US managed to gain secret intelligence from a Russian submarine. Watch my SCP Explained - Story & Animation channel: 🔔 SUBSCRIBE TO THE INFOGRAPHICS SHOW ► 🔖 MY SOCIAL PAGES DISCORD ► Facebook ► Twitter ► 💭 SUGGEST A TOPIC 📝 SOURCES: All videos are based on publicly available information unless otherwise noted.