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Julia clashes with Labour s Lucy Powell over Rwanda plan

69,066 Views· 05/30/24
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Boris Johnson accused lawyers representing migrants of “abetting the work of criminal gangs” as he defended the plan to send asylum seekers to Rwanda ahead of the expected first flight on Tuesday. The plans have been challenged in the courts and condemned by the Church of England’s senior bishops and reportedly by the Prince of Wales, with the Prime Minister acknowledging that there had been criticism from “some slightly unexpected quarters”. But he insisted the Government would not be deterred by the attacks “not least from lawyers” and told his Cabinet ministers that “we are going to get on and deliver” the plan. Opening the Cabinet meeting in No 10, Mr Johnson said there was a “huge amount of attack” aimed at the policy. “What is happening with the attempt to undermine the Rwanda policy is that they are, I’m afraid, undermining everything that we’re trying to do to support safe and legal routes for people to come to the UK and to oppose the illegal and dangerous routes. #talktv #TalkRadio #RWANDA #MIGRANTS #LIZTRUSS

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