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Red-eared Slider Turtle - Crvenouha kornjača

1,771 Views· 12/12/23
Alen AxP
Alen AxP
779 Subscribers
In Pet

The scientific name for the Red-eared Slider is Chrysemys scripta elegans (formerly Trachemys scripta elegans), and it belongs to the Emydidae family. It is an aquatic turtle, a strong swimmer, and in the wild, will commonly be seen basking on rocks, logs, or other surfaces above the water. Turtles are reptiles, and cold-blooded, so they must rely on external heat sources for warmth. They will bask in sunlight, and in the wild, burrow down into the earth to hibernate in winter. The three main concerns in keeping a Red-eared Slider healthy are warmth, clean water, and proper diet. Properly caring for a turtle is more complicated than most people think. An adult, not a child, must take primary responsibility for maintaining and cleaning the housing, feeding, and monitoring the turtle for any signs of illness. Crvenouha kornjača - Naučno ime ove kornjače je Chrysemys scripta elegans (pre je bilo Trachemys scripta elegans), i pripada porodici Emydidae. Ovo je vodena kornjača, dobar plivač, i u dvljini će često biti viđena dok se sunča na kamenju, drveću, ili drugim površinama iznad vode. Kornjače su reptili, hladnokrvne životinje, pa im treba spoljašnji izvor toplote. Sunčaće se rado, a u divljini, iskopati jamu u zemlji da bi se hibernirale u toku zime. Tri glavna uslova za održavnje ove kornjače u dobrom zdravlju su toplota, čista voda i pravilna ishrana. Pravilno čuvanje kornjače je komplikovanije nego što ljudi obično misle. Odrastao čovek, ne dete, mora preuzeti primarnu odgovornost za održavanje I čišćenje, hranjenje i praćenje bilo kakvih simptoma bolesti. music by longzijun - Walk in the Dark (ambient music) ▼ My Page ▼ Blog ►► http://bit.ly/1sDIbt0 Photography ►► http://on.fb.me/1T1UczS ▼ More Videos ▼ Aquariums ►► http://bit.ly/1P8lsgU Budgie/Papagaj ►► http://bit.ly/1O8DrF7 ▬▬SUBSCRIBE▬▬ http://bit.ly/1MhbNy8

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