Putin s hidden war: the Russians fighting back
The invasion of Ukraine left Russians with a stark choice: carry on as normal or make a stand against the war. But speaking out in Russia carries huge risks. How is the opposition managing to resist the regime – and at what personal cost? 00:00 - One year on 01:37 - The first wave of protests 05:43 - Crackdown on dissent 10:04 - Individual acts of rebellion 13:51 - Partial mobilisation 16:20 - Russia’s mass exodus 23:06 - The future of Russian rebellion Sign up to The Economist’s daily newsletter: https://econ.st/3QAawvI To read more of our coverage on the war in Ukraine: https://econ.st/3kjcYw8 Listen to the Next Year in Moscow podcast: https://econ.st/3IgAW2Z Mark Sedwill on a year of fighting in Ukraine: https://econ.st/3Z3hKwc A year of war in Ukraine, in maps: https://econ.st/41fDZBe Military and financial support to Ukraine hits a record high: https://econ.st/3IKCBzj The secret diary of a Ukrainian soldier: death and drones on the eastern front: https://econ.st/3xICj5t The invasion has stalled, but Putin’s war on dissent marches on: https://econ.st/41dM9df A portrait of the Russian artist in the age of Z: https://econ.st/3Et3xkF Russia risks becoming ungovernable and descending into chaos: https://econ.st/3ErtJvZ Protests erupt across Russia: https://econ.st/41bjwgS Watch: We read between the lines of Putin’s speech: https://econ.st/3Ihaoi0 Russia is swaying Twitter users outside the West to its side: https://econ.st/3xCzOlp Watch an exclusive interview with Volodymyr Zelensky: https://econ.st/3IFWveB Russians in every major city and region call for #nowar: https://econ.st/3Zd5CZX History will judge Vladimir Putin harshly for his war: https://econ.st/3IGoATf Russians greet Vladimir Putin’s war in Ukraine with dismay, not enthusiasm: https://econ.st/3lRPTkC Russia invades Ukraine: https://econ.st/3IqaPH4