The Most Mysterious Comet in The Universe...
With no pictures, no videos and no eyewitness testimony to go off, understanding the Oumuamua event will involve getting technical. But when the chair of Harvard University’s astronomy department himself, publicly considered that “’Oumuamua was sent by aliens”, it should be clear something ground-breaking is going on. So, what really happened? Was Oumuamua a strange self-propelling comet, or something else entirely, something far beyond the normal? Subscribe to DestinationDeclassified: Our HitTheLights Podcast: iTunes ► Spotify ► Our content isn t always ad-friendly, to support and also get exclusive access to our documentaries and documentary series, please take a look at our Patreon: ► To submit any creepy personal stories or send in videos/photographs you may have caught over the years and can t explain, please email 👉 Fancy yourself a horror story writer? Send in your stories to be in for the chance of being featured on the channel. The scarier the better! 👉 Our other channels 👇 Cold Case Detective: TRUE CRIME WarsofTheWorld: MILITARY HISTORY AccessAstronomy: SPACE & ASTRONOMY Music by CO.AG: Thanks for watching. Copyright © 2021 Top5s All rights reserved. Thanks for watching. DISCLAIMER: All materials in these videos are used for entertainment purposes and fall within the guidelines of fair use. No copyright infringement is intended. If you are, or represent the copyright owner of materials used in this video, and have an issue with the use of said material, PLEASE email us before putting in a claim and we can resolve the issue immediately. We can be reach on this email: