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Dog Problems! 3 Funny Belgian Shepherds Dealing with Dog Issues

0 Views· 12/07/23
Rancho The Dog
Rancho The Dog
737 Subscribers
In Pet

Rancho: white. Kiwi: orange. Naido: purple :) Dogs have problems too! This is an older video that I came across while looking for a different vid. I thought it would be funny to post it again, this time with captions! The other two belgian shepherds (both tervurens) are our friends Kiwi and Naido. Naido is Rancho s half brother, and Kiwi is a fruit of a kiwi tree;). You can find them both on Instagram :) @naido_tervueren @belgian_kiwi Thank you so much for watching! Like, subscribe and share:) #dogproblems #belgiantervuren #funnydogs

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