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Deep Drives with Turbowski | Shelby GT350R

86,481 Views· 06/09/24
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The lost footage from the 2016 Shelby GT350R Review, including what it was like to be placed inside an intimate cockpit experience with Scott. Adult Language and Sarcasm Warning This vehicle is being given away by a local non-profit organization called TRI Industries. They are a local small business using a fundraiser to help support their mission to employ, help and support disabled veterans and people with disabilities. To learn more and to donate watch our video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cFrW362_JC8 To Donate to Win: https://tri-industries.tapkat.org/2016ShelbyGT350RDrawing/ We are NOT paid, sponsored, funded or compensated in anyway via this program, just helping to raise awareness. Full Review: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dui1wN9GeDE Goose Footage Licensed by: Philip Bloom Authorized Usage Between 2015 through 1/3/2017 http://www.philipbloom.net/

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