5 cool math tricks ft. Technicality
Math can be fun when you play with the rules, use it to do everyday things like fast math for calculating tips, and do some math magic tricks! Plus, math is the language of physics. Check out these 5 fun math tricks with Alex from Technicality. Check out our fun science experiments video on Alex’s channel, Technicality! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MnkF8ywWLhE Technicality: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnoIjdOZF4tTA7M7C4Nt4-w Help us translate our videos! http://www.youtube.com/timedtext_cs_panel?c=UC7DdEm33SyaTDtWYGO2CwdA&tab=2 Creator: Dianna Cowern Editor: Jabril Ashe/Dianna Cowern Writer: Sophia Chen Animations: Kyle Norby http://physicsgirl.org/ http://twitter.com/thephysicsgirl http://facebook.com/thephysicsgirl http://instagram.com/thephysicsgirl Subscribe to Physics Girl for more fun physics! Music: APM