80+ Champions NERFED! (12.10 Patch Preview)
Spideraxe Twitter: https://twitter.com/Spideraxe30 ➤ Send me your replays here: vandiril88@gmail.com ➤ Follow me on Twitch, Twitter, Facebook, Discord and Subreddit! http://www.twitch.tv/vandiril https://twitter.com/vandiril https://www.facebook.com/Vandiril https://discord.gg/Vandiril https://www.reddit.com/r/vandiril/ ➤ Become a member/sponsor: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZ-oWkpMnHjTJpeOOlD80OA/join I’m part of the official League Partner Program with Riot Games. You can read about the program here: https://partners.leagueoflegends.com/en_GB/ Chapters: 0:00 Durability Update is HERE! So many changes! 0:19 Source of the changes 0:32 Who is getting nerfed? 0:43 Master Yi, Kassadin, Hecarim, Sion, Rengar 0:54 Ahri 1:14 Aatrox 1:34 Akshan 1:44 Alistar 1:56 Annie 2:04 Aphelios 2:16 Azir 2:25 Bard 2:39 Camille 2:45 Cassiopeia 2:52 Cho Gath 2:59 Darius 3:05 Diana 3:23 Dr. Mundo 3:29 Ekko 3:34 Elise 3:39 Fiddlesticks 3:50 Fiora 4:01 Galio 4:10 Gangplank 4:22 Garen 4:31 Gragas 4:38 Gwen 4:52 Illaoi 5:04 Irelia 5:15 Ivern 5:24 Janna 5:41 Jarvan 5:51 Kai sa 6:01 Karma 6:25 Kayle 6:36 Kayn 6:55 Kha Zix 7:01 Kindred 7:15 Kled 7:28 Lee Sin 7:43 Lillia 8:00 Lissandra 8:08 Lulu 8:35 Lux 8:42 Malphite 8:47 Maokai 9:05 Mordekaiser 9:10 Morgana 9:14 Nami 9:23 Nasus 9:30 Nidalee 9:42 Nocturne 9:57 Nunu 10:16 Nautilus 10:25 Olaf 10:39 Orianna 10:47 Poppy 10:52 Pyke 11:13 Rakan 11:41 Rell 11:59 Renata Glasc 12:06 Renekton 12:49 Riven 13:00 Rumble 13:10 Senna 13:36 Seraphine 13:52 Shen 14:10 Skarner 14:15 Sona 14:31 Soraka 14:58 Swain 15:21 Sylas 15:28 Tahm Kench 15:57 Taliyah 16:15 Talon 16:21 Taric 16:33 Thresh 16:48 Trundle 16:58 Tryndamere 17:19 Urgot 17:36 Vex 17:49 Vi 17:53 Viego 18:22 Viktor 18:37 Vladimir 19:09 Volibear 19:33 Warwick 19:43 Xin Zhao 19:59 Yasuo 20:12 Yone 20:31 Yorick 20:39 Yuumi 20:52 Zac 21:02 Udyr 21:27 Outro