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7 High Protein Low Carb Foods, Good Sources Of Protein

91,901 Views· 06/03/24
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In Food

http://serious-fitness-programs.com/weightloss Follow Us On Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TheSeriousfitness What Are Good Sources of Protein? A high protein, low carb diet is not for everybody and is by no means proven as the best way to lose weight. However, studies have suggested that for some people, this type of diet is an effective way to reduce fat and weight, particularly to kick start weight loss in those who are morbidly obese. In this video I am going to share with you 7 high protein low carb foods to include in your diet Tuna Economical, versatile and easily available, tuna is a classic low-carb, high-protein food. A 100g serving has no carbohydrates and 23g of protein. Use tuna on salads or as a topping for baked potatoes or open-faced sandwiches. Tofu Eating it alone like cheese, it doesn’t taste that good, but when you add it to other diet it really makes your dish wonderful. Eating one slice of tofu will give you so much protein and is low in carb. Many people are turning towards it as a major diet. Vegetarian and non vegetarian will both love for it as it can be added to them easily. Poultry Poultry, along with fish, is the leanest animal source of protein. To maximize the health benefits, focus on including low-fat poultry such as chicken breast and turkey in your diet, as other types of poultry such as duck and goose are much fattier--and more expensive. Skin your meat and eat white meat for the highest protein with lowest fat and carbohydrate count. Shrimp can be your main ingredient of a healthy eating plan if you are careful about the manner that you enjoy it. These reports are for two ounces of prepared shrimp, either broiled, or grilled. Take small size of the shrimp as the larger size means more calories. Make sure when eating from outside, it’s not fried or coated in butter. Also, be careful not to eat with sauces that can boost the calorie content in your body. If you eat shrimp in a normal form like this, you will get all of the natural protein and no extra calorie. Protein Powder: This protein powder could be mixed either with milk or in any drink. This will boost the protein content in the body. This powder is a necessity if you are planning to build lean muscles. This powder can be mixed with fruits or ice and consumed after a workout. Flax Seeds: Flax Seed is rich in Omega-3 nutrients. It has high fat content. This can be added to soups or salads, once in a while. 2 Tablespoons of Flax Seeds includes 70calories and 3gms of Protein Salmon Speaking of healthy fats, you can’t go wrong with eating salmon. In terms of the combination of protein and Omega-3 fatty acids, making a meal out of this flavorful fish is always a good idea. Shoot to make salmon a part of your menu at least once a week. Other high protein low carb foods include Low-fat yogurt, nuts, Cheese, Cottage Cheese, Beans, and eggs.

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