When Giant Millipedes Reigned
This giant millipede was the largest known invertebrate to ever live on land. So how did it get so big?? ***** PBS Member Stations rely on viewers like you. To support your local station, go to http://to.pbs.org/DonateEons ***** Produced by Complexly for PBS Digital Studios Super special thanks to the following Patreon patrons for helping make Eons possible: Kyle Brown, Stephen Patterson, Mark Foster, Karen Farrell, Trevor Long, Raphael Haase, daniel blankstein, Roberto Adrian Ramirez Flores, Jason Rostoker, Jonathan Rust, Avery Sanford, Mary Tevington, Bart & Elke van Iersel - De Jong, William Craig II, Tracey, James Dowling-Healey, Irene Wood, Derek Helling, WilCatRhClPPh33, Mark Talbott-Williams, Nomi Alchin, Eric Roberto Rodriguez, Hillary Ryde-Collins, Yu Mei, Dan Ritter, 4th_phase, Jayme Coyle, Albert Folsom, Oscar Amoros Huguet, Patrick Wells, Steven G, Dan Caffee, Stephanie Tan, Nick Ryhajlo, Sean Dennis If you d like to support the channel, head over to http://patreon.com/eons and pledge for some cool rewards! Want to follow Eons elsewhere on the internet? Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/eonsshow Twitter - https://twitter.com/eonsshow Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/eonsshow/ References: https://jgs.lyellcollection.org/content/179/3/jgs2021-115 https://theconversation.com/how-we-discovered-a-rare-giant-millipede-fossil-on-a-beach-and-why-it-matters-175715