Mad Mike Whiddett Makes Rob Warner Scream For His Life In A Drift Car
▶︎ Watch a Kamaz truck jump over Mad Mike's drift Lamborghini: ▶︎ Follow Mike's Drifting Lamborghini build: Rob Warner travels to Waikato in New Zealand to meet drifting legend 'Mad' Mike Whiddett. Whiddett is known for his innovation within the sport of drifting by always pushing forward in new and creative ways. Watch him take Rob Warner for a drifting session in MADBUL and then try to teach Rob how to drift. __ Experience the world of Red Bull Motorsports like you have never seen it before. With the best motorsport videos on the web and original series, prepare for your "stoke factor" to be at an all time high. Subscribe to Red Bull Motorsports on Youtube: Get the FREE Red Bull TV apps for all your devices: Watch Red Bull TV: Check out Red Bull Motorsports on Facebook: Red Bull Motorsports on Instagram: