The USA s Dodgy Dealings With Afghan Drug Lords (2002)
America s Blind Eye (2002)- In south Afghanistan, the War on Terror is dwindling following US military success. Yet as feudalism returns, the US appears to be striking up dubious deals with powerful drug barons. Subscribe to Journeyman here: In the streets of Sangin, it is business as usual for the opium wholesalers and brokers. "We buy it from the farmers here and then we take it to the Iranian border," comments one local dealer. At $800 a kilo, opium is too lucrative to ignore and the traders are relieved the Americans show no intention of closing down their operations. Infamous drug baron Haji Bashir Noorzai is free to continue his reign. For more information, visit Like us on Facebook: Follow us on Twitter: Follow us on Instagram: ABC Australia– Ref. 1276