Super Structures Created By Human Innovation | Supersized Structures | Spark
People have labored on some gigantic undertakings such as roads, bridges, and canals that link oceans. these feats of engineering have allowed cities to grow, but now they are also allowing us to travel into space. -- Many of mankind s ideas to build big seem impossible. It s an inescapable aspect of progress: things just keep getting bigger. This is the story of dams, highways, bridges and buildings that have transformed cities and even countries. This riveting series explores a hundred years of engineering the biggest, heaviest, tallest structures, and looks at what was supersized 10 or even 100 years ago. -- Subscribe to Spark for more amazing science, tech & engineering videos: ð Find us on: Facebook: Instagram: Content licensed from DRG to Little Dot Studios. Any queries, please contact us at: #Supersizedstructures #SuperStructures #Bridges