Why did Italy Join The Axis Powers?
Italy’s reputation in World War Two is generally marked by its decision to switch sides from the Axis to the Allies. This generally leaves us wondering why the Italians would have felt so compelled to betray their initial teammates, but it also tends to distract from the first decision made by the Italians to even be part of the Axis, to begin with. And consequently, this often results in a lack of understanding for why the Italians ever aligned themselves with Germany if they were only going to deceive them with such ease later on. So, why did Italy ever join the Axis Powers?... ♦Consider supporting the Channel of Patreon and gain cool stuff: https://www.patreon.com/Knowledgia ♦Please consider to SUBSCRIBE : https://goo.gl/YJNqek ♦Music by Epidemic Sound ♦Sources : Watt, D.C. The Rome-Berlin Axis. Gooch, John. Mussolini and His Generals. MacGregor, Knox. Common Destiny https://encyclopedia.ushmm.org/content/en/article/axis-alliance-in-world-war-ii https://www.wbur.org/hereandnow/2017/08/14/treaty-versailles-michael-neiberg http://www.pacificwar.org.au/historicalbackground/HitlerfindsAlly.html ♦Script & Research : Skylar Gordon #History #Documentary #Italy