The Real Science of the EHT Black Hole
You can learn more about CuriosityStream at PBS Member Stations rely on viewers like you. To support your local station, go to: How do you take a picture of a black hole and what can we learn from it? Our first ever actual bona fide photo of a black hole, made by the Event Horizon Telescope and revealed to the world in a press conference on April 10th. Since then it’s got plenty of coverage, because … I mean look at it. It’s a freaking black hole. It’s black, it’s holey, it’s everything we hoped it would be. Now that the giddiness has subsided and I personally have stopped spending hours on end staring at a black spot, we can take a breath and actually look at the real science here and discuss exactly how a picture like this could be taken and what we can learn from it. Check out the new Space Time Merch Store! Support Space Time on Patreon Need a Black Hole Refresher #Blackhole #astrophysics #spacetime Hosted by Matt O Dowd Written by Matt O Dowd Graphics by Murilo Ceasar Lopes Directed by Andrew Kornhaber Produced By: Kornhaber Brown So, how do you take a picture of a black hole? The beast in question is the supermassive black hole in the center of this – the M87 elliptical galaxy. It has an estimated mass of several billion times that of the Sun, which gives it an event horizon larger than the solar system. M87 is 53 million light years away, so resolving that black hole is equivalent to resolving a grain of stand on the beach in LA – if you’re standing in New York. By comparison, the Hubble Space Telescope would struggle to see a large watermelon over that distance. Big Bang: Anton Lifshits David Nicklas Fabrice Eap Juan Benet Quasar: Mark Rosenthal Tambe Barsbay Vinnie Falco Hypernova: Antoine Bruguier Chuck zegar Danton Spivey Donal Botkin Edmund Fokschaner Hank S John Hofmann Jordan Young Joseph Salomone kkm Mark Heising Matthew Matthew O Connor Thanks to our Patreon Gamma Ray Burst Supporters: Adrien Moyneux Alexander Lazerev Alexey Eromenko Andreas Nautsch Antonio Ruiz Bradley Jenkins Brandon Labonte Buruk Aregawi Carlo Mogavero Daniel Lyons David Behtala Dustan Jones Geoffrey Short James Flowers James Quintero John Funai John Pollock Jonah Joseph Dillman Joseph Emison Josh Thomas Kevin Warne Kyle Hofer Malte Ubl Mark Vasile Nathan Hitchings Nick Virtue Paul Rose Ratfeast Ryan Jones Scott Gossett Sigurd Ruud Frivik Tim Stephani Tommy Mogensen Yurii Konovaliuk سلطان الخليفي