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What it s like to take a motorcycle test with The Planet D

13,400 Views· 05/28/24
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Subscribe http://bit.ly/1Bx8jG7 like if you want to learn to ride a motorcycle! Motorcycle School in Toronto. Dave and Deb learn how to ride a #motorcycle and get their M2 license at the Toronto Harbourfront in Ontario Canada. Read more about our motorcycle course with Motorsoul at The Drama of Exam Day http://bit.ly/1p68z7C FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/ThePlanetD TWITTER: http://twitter.com/theplanetd INSTAGRAM: http://instagram.com/theplanetd THE BLOG: http://theplanetd.com/ If you like our adventures why not share them with your friends or family For more adventures visit ThePlanetD.com http://theplanetd.com/ What it's Like to take a Motorcycle Test Transcript Hey everyone where in Toronto Ontario right down at the Waterfront here. And today we're learning how to ride a motorcycle with motorsoul. This is gonna be fantastic, it's graduated course that's gonna take all the way from never riding a bike and then by the time we're finished this we're going to have our M2 and be ready to hit the road We're gonna be legal riders Today's been a day where it's been our very first time actually getting on a motorcycle, and for me it's been exciting it's tiring, it's been a lot of knowledge to to digest but more importantly is it's been really really exciting to actually get on motorcycle and sort a feel that power between your legs for the a lack of a better term. Motorsoul has done such a great job of taking you step by step. You know, it's about starting with the bike that's not under power, you know and you try everything. You try the shifting, you try feeling comfortable...the weight of the bike and all that sort of leads you up to It's like graduated riding you know, you start off, where you don't know anything, and then finally, even by the end of the first day today I feel pretty confident on the bike. for anybody who is thinking of taking or even buying a motorcycle, I highly suggest taking one of these courses. and David I had never been on a bike and I started off the day, really nervous going how am I even going to get started. But they really put you through the progression. Like Dave was saying, like at one point I was pushing Dave around while he was just balancing the bike. That was the best part of the day...I don't get pushed around like that very often. They told us last week that don't make any plans for Saturday night could be going to be exhausted and you know what they weren't lying. I'm pooped already so, what is it, not even Four o'clock? I think I'll be hitting the hay at about seven tonight. Yesterday we did our stop it starts and all that kinda stuff but today they actually set up a little city with cones. So we had to be in almost a real traffic situation. There was traffic going on both sides of the road, we had 3 way stops. You know, we really had to concentrate on what it would be like to drive in traffic. which is obviously a real-life situation and let me tell you , it's a lot more nerve racking than you think. I just started over analyzing, Because I started thinking about the test later today and I started really over thinking so whenever they were explaining stuff in my head I was going I can't figure out what they're saying I'm over analyzing I should have just went with the flow because I've driven a car for how many years? It's all really just like driving. But for some reason I over analyzed all morning. Deb was doing some is very typical to riders often you find that's a lot of information and they just start to over analyze things and criticized themselves and they get all up in their head. it starts to reflect in their riding where actually the skill level is much better than they think so I've had have a couple words with Deb and I told her that she was doing great she just needed to relax we watched her progress from there. We passed! Yeah, and you know it goes to show, great training can make you pass this test. you know that's why it's great that we've got to go through all this. Even though it's a ton of information to digest it's possible to do it all get the right training. and get your M2! 'Cause that's what we just did!

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