LIVE Q&A - Crafting Thatching Spars at the Roundhouse Bushcraft Camp
Julius & Dylan live at the Bushcraft Roundhouse Camp, crafting thatching spars from hazel and Q&A. Livestream Q&A PART 2: The roundhouse roof is gonna approximately need 2500 of them! Join in, ask questions and have some craick! Support us on Patreon: Or make a one-off PayPal donation: Thanks a lot for your support! TUNE IN & subscribe for the other Parts on the SMOOTH GEFIXT FRIDAY! Weekly Uploads: 1pm ET (US) / 6pm (UK) & 19.00u (Central Europe). [New Upload Time, 2 hours earlier than before] Smooth Gefixt - Nature, Survival, Trekking & Crafts: You like the outdoors? Then this is the right place! We would like to bring you with us, as entertainment or education, whether you are into hiking or survival, or somewhere in-between. Many aspects will be covered: adventurous trips into the wilderness, backyard challenges, shelter building, how to survive..., bushcraft skills, crafting of items and much more! Check out our little Q&A series for FAQ and to get to know us more: All our videos: Follow us on social media, for some extras and previews: Support us on Patreon: Or make a one-off PayPal donation: Thanks a lot!