Algonquin PP May 2015 Canoe Trip Longer version
Six day solo canoe fishing trip in Algonquin Park, May 6, 2015 Solo Canoe Trip: Tim River – Tim Lake - Rosebary Lake - Latour Creek - Loontail Creek - Nipissing River – Remona Lake - Whiskey Jack Lake - Robinson Lake - Burntroot Lake – Longer Lake - Tim River - Longbow Lake - Tim Lake May 6 to 11, 2015 After planning this trip last fall and choosing my dates based on historical ice-out dates in Algonquin Provincial Park, I was extremely anxious watching the weather in April and reading the Park’s statement that the backcountry would remain closed until May 8th. But, finally on May 3rd(ish), the weather changed, the ice went out and the permit offices were open for business. I was ready to go on my first solo trip of the season.