7-Year-Old Dancer Eseniia Mikheeva Performs an Electrifying Hip-Hop Routine
Eseniia Mikheeva is a 7-year-old from Moscow, Russia, whose dancing skills are well beyond her years. Jennifer Hudson chats with Eseniia and her father, Alex, about this little girl’s passion for all styles of dance. Eseniia then wows JHud and her studio audience with an incredible hip-hop routine! SUBSCRIBE Subscribe to “The Jennifer Hudson Show” newsletter: https://jenniferhudsonshow.com/pages/newsletter/ Subscribe to “The Jennifer Hudson Show” channel: youtube.com/c/JenniferHudsonShow When the show s on in your area: https://jenniferhudsonshow.com/when-its-on/ For tickets to the show, visit https://jenniferhudsonshow.com/tickets/ Visit “The Jennifer Hudson Show” merch shop: https://shop.jenniferhudsonshow.com/ FOLLOW US Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jenniferhud... Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/JenniferHuds... Twitter: https://twitter.com/JHudShow TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@jenniferhudso… #jenniferhudson #jenniferhudsonshow