15 Most WINDY Places on Earth
Recent studies have discovered that, as a result of climate change, the world’s winds are slowly getting noticeably weaker. This doesn’t mean, however, that there aren’t still places where you’ll be subjected to ferocious blasts… whether it be because of the altitude, the unique geography in the region, or the prevailing weather patterns… and if you want to experience powerful winds for yourself, then there are spots all over the world where you can. Remember to hold on tight, and prepare for the ride of your life, as we bring you the top 15 most windy places on earth. #top15 Several segments are licensed under creative commons https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode For more video information, please visit our website. The Top Fives show brings you informational and entertaining top five videos! Join us and subscribe for more. Follow Josh on Instagram! Founder and producer of the Top Fives show. Stay up to date with the channel and everything YouTube and business related! https://instagram.com/joshuajosephbaker Follow us on Facebook! https://facebook.com/topfivesyoutube Contact us via the email form here: https://www.youtube.com/topfives/about Note: The videos featured on the Top Fives channel are for educational and informational purposes. If you have a good idea for a video, leave us a comment! We try to read each and every comment made.