It s Becoming Very Clear That Birds Are Not Normal
Thank you to Foreo for supporting PBS. For more information, go to and use code PBSFOREO. A new discovery raises an important question: from an evolutionary perspective, who really has the stranger wings? ***** PBS Member Stations rely on viewers like you. To support your local station, go to ***** Produced by Complexly for PBS Digital Studios Super special thanks to the following Patreon patrons for helping make Eons possible: Jimmy Luo, Aaditya Mehta, Jen Smith, Melanie Truscott, Michael Roy, John H. Austin, Jr., Kate Huhmann, Alex Hackman, Amanda Ward, Stephen Patterson, Karen Farrell, Trevor Long, Ric, Roberto Adrian Ramirez Flores, Jason Rostoker, Jonathan Rust, Mary Tevington, Bart & Elke van Iersel - De Jong, William Craig II, Irene Wood, Derek Helling, WilCatRhClPPh33, Mark Talbott-Williams, Nomi Alchin, Duane Westhoff, Hillary Ryde-Collins, Yu Mei, Jayme Coyle, Albert Folsom, Oscar Amoros Huguet, Patrick Wells, Heathe Kyle Yeakley, Dan Caffee, Stephanie Tan, Nick Ryhajlo, Sean Dennis If you d like to support the channel, head over to and pledge for some cool rewards! Want to follow Eons elsewhere on the internet? Facebook - Twitter - Instagram - References: