Endless Sunshine on a Cloudy Day | Trailer | Coming Soon
The story of the enigmatic and multi-talented Jade McCann, aka @jay-damccannx on Instagram, as she battles terminal cancer with her father Anthony, who is also fighting the disease. The film uncovers the depths of human connection in the digital era, while also reminding us of the enduring power of love. Subscribe to Journeyman here: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=journeymanpictures For more information, visit https://www.journeyman.tv/film/xxxx Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/journeymanpictures Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/JourneymanNews https://twitter.com/JourneymanVOD Follow us on Instagram: https://instagram.com/journeymanpictures Visit our subreddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/JourneymanPictures/ Cluster Fox Films – Ref. 8505