20 Minute Upper Body Kettlebell Workout [Strength Training / Arms]
Tap in with us for a 25 minute Kettlebell workout what will fire up your arms in no time! This workout only requires a single kettlebell and can be done anywhere you have space to move. The exercises throughout this session target the chest, back, shoulders, biceps, triceps, and abs. This workout is targeted more for an intermediate to advanced level kettlebell user, but can be manageable for beginners as well. We recommend adding this workout to your routine if you re looking to build lean muscle mass and strength over time. Give this workout a go, and let us know how it went! BIG Shoutout to Kettlebell Kings (@KettlebellKingsAustin ). The only kettlebells we use! Grab some here: https://kettlebellkings.com Join Our New 6-Week Level Up Program https://my.playbookapp.io/juice-toya/... Subscribe To Our Juice and Toya App https://www.juiceandtoya.app Check out our new merch: https://www.onebodyla.com/shop Join Our Facebook Community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/juice... Follow Us on Instagram/Tik Tok For More Content: Juice: @juicetontx Toya: @toyacherrelle OBLA: @onebodyla TikTok: @juiceandtoya #KettlebellWorkout #juiceandtoya