20 Minute HIIT Workout | Be Military Fit
Hey guys, no live workout with Bear this week i m afraid. However, if you can t get enough of our Be Military Fit workouts, then you ll enjoy this one from one of our instructors Tommy Matthews. This bodyweight training workout can be completed at home or outside. For more great online workouts, go to www.bemilitaryfit.com NOTICE OF CARE Before attempting any form of exercise, especially that which involves lifting weights, always ensure you have a safe working environment. Ensure that the floor surface you are on is non-slip and do not stand on any rugs or mats that could move when you exercise. Also, clear your exercise space of items that could cause you harm if you collided with them; this includes furniture, pets and children. Pay particular attention to the amount of clearance you have above your head and remember that for some of the exercise moves you will be raising your hands above head height, so keep away from doorways and light fittings ASSUMPTION OF RISK By participating in this exercise programme you confirm that you do not suffer from any disability, illness or condition that prevents or limits my participation in a programme of physical training OR you have sought medical advice and been advised that you are able to participate in the physical training activities. You wish to take part in the physical training activities which include aerobic and resistance training and stretching which may result in an elevation of the heart rate, sweating and raised body temperature. If at any time during the activities, you feel dizzy or suffer discomfort or nausea, you will stop the activity immediately. You realize that if you have not exercised regularly you may suffer discomfort and aching for a period of time following the activities which should diminish over time. If it does not you shall advise your health care professional of that fact and follow the advice given. Should there be any change in my medical condition or physical fitness, you will seek the advice of your health care professional before continuing with this exercise programme. You understand that participating in this exercise programme involves the risk of injury including but not limited to muscle strains, pulls or tears, broken bones, knee and foot injuries and even the possibility of death from but not limited to heart attacks, stroke and other associated coronary conditions. You hereby confirm that you are voluntarily engaging in these activities and save for injury or death resulting from negligence; Be Military Fit Limited, nor any of their subsidiary or associated company’s or their employees, agents or sub-contractors do not accept responsibility for any injury or death, now or in the future, arising from the participation in the exercise programme whether such claim is for direct, indirect, incidental, special or consequential damages, costs or other loss whatsoever, whether foreseeable or not. COPYRIGHT NOTICE This video recording/film and its content is the copyright of Be Military Fit Ltd 2020. All rights reserved. Any redistribution or reproduction of part or all of the contents in any form is prohibited. You may not distribute or commercially exploit the content. Nor may you transmit it or store it in any other website or other form of electronic retrieval system.