The Most EPIC Party in History
From the 7th to 24th June 1520, King Henry VIII of England and King Francis I of France take part in a diplomatic tournament known as the Field of the Cloth of Gold . The two monarchs were in their youth when they hosted this glorious event. They entertained each other and the over 12,000 attendees through fantastic banquets and grandiose spectacles. All was richly decorated in a spectacular display of wealth, most notably with wildly expensive cloths of gold. Many thanks for Prof. Richardson for kindly reviewing an early draft of the script. Become a Simple History member: Support us on Patreon: Copyright: DO NOT translate and re-upload our content on Youtube or other social media. SIMPLE HISTORY MERCHANDISE Get the Simple History books on Amazon: T-Shirts Simple history gives you the facts, simple! See the book collection here: Amazon USA Amazon UK Credit: Created by Daniel Turner (B.A. (Hons) in History, University College London) Narrator: Chris Kane Bibliography: Bragg, Melvyn, The Field of the Cloth of Gold (BBC Radio 4, 6 Oct 2005), online version, Licence, Amy. 1520: The Field of the Cloth of Gold. Amberley Publishing, 2020. Hayward, Maria, Dress at the Court of King Henry VIII (New York, 2017). Richardson, Glenn. “Field of Cloth of Gold (1520).” In The Encyclopedia of Diplomacy, 1–5. American Cancer Society, 2018. Richardson, Glenn. The Field of Cloth of Gold. Yale University Press, 2013.