12 Most Unique Bird Eggs In The World
From black eggs that can add years to your life, to the largest omelette ever, here are 12 of the world’s most unique bird eggs. Follow us on instagram! https://www.instagram.com/katrinaexplained/ Subscribe For New Videos! http://goo.gl/UIzLeB Check out these videos you might like: Unbelievable Animals SAVING Other Animals! 🐯https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HxehUWvMr38 LARGEST Animals Ever Discovered! 🐙https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Yj7F_tPYsU Wild Animals That SAVED Human Lives! 🐻https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mllqeVSsIl0 12. EMU Considering the emu (Dromaius novaehollandiae) is the world’s second-largest bird, after the ostrich, it’s not surprising that just one of this species’ eggs equals roughly eight to 10 chicken eggs, measuring around five inches (12.7 cm) long and weighing roughly two pounds (0.9 kg). 11. KIWI Kiwis (Apteryx) are a genus of flightless birds endemic to New Zealand. There are five species total, all of which are roughly the size of a chicken. These birds hold the distinction of laying the largest eggs in proportion to the mother’s body size of any avian species in the world. While an ostrich egg occupies less than four percent of the mother’s body size, a kiwi egg takes up around 20 percent of the mother’s body. 10. AFRICAN JACANA The African jacana (Actophilornis africanus) is a wading bird that prefers living in shallow lakes. Found throughout sub-Saharan Africa, this long-legged species is equipped with long toes and claws that spread its weight over a large area, enabling specimens to walk atop floating vegetation. 9. HOOPOE Hoopoes (Upupidae) are found throughout Africa, Asia, and Europe. There are three known species of this colorful bird, which is known for its unique “crown” of feathers. When a female lays eggs, at first they are a milky blue color. Soon enough, however, her eggs take on a mucky brown hue, courtesy of the mother’s uropygial gland, or preen gland. While all birds have preen glands, the preen glands of female hoopoes enlarge during breeding season, and begin creating a dark brown chemical that smells like rotting meat. 8. COMMON MURRE Found throughout the cooler northern and lower Arctic oceans, the common murre (Uria aalge) is a large auk that spends most of its time at sea, stopping only to nest in large colonies along steep, rocky cliffs overlooking the water. 7. BLACK TERN The black tern (Chlidonias niger) is a small, graceful bird found in or near inland waters, particularly freshwater marshes and lakes, throughout Europe, Western Asia, and North America. 6. MELANISTIC CHICKEN EGGS There are a few different melanistic, or completely black, chicken breeds. One species, the Ayam Cemani chicken, originates from Indonesia. It’s one of the rarest and most expensive chickens in the world, costing as much as $2,500 for just one chicken. As one of the world’s most heavily pigmented creatures, the cemani chicken is jet-black from head-to-toe, and even has a black beak, tongue, bones, meat, and internal organs. 5. RED-WINGED BLACKBIRD Found throughout most of North America and much of Central America, the red-winged blackbird (Agelaius phoeniceus) is a sparrow-sized avian species that sports a jet-black coat peppered with bold red and yellow shades. 4. AMERICAN ROBIN Common throughout North America, the American robin (Turdus migratorius) is a bird famous for its red chest. The rest of it is brownish gray. The species’ eggs, however, are much more eye-catching, boasting a vivid turquoise hue that’s hard to miss. 3. COMMON CUCKOO The common cuckoo (Cuculus canorus) is a migratory species that spends its winters in Africa and its summers in Europe and Asia. It’s a brood parasite, meaning it relies on other species to raise its young. 2. OSTRICH As the world’s largest bird, the common ostrich (Struthio camelus) lays the largest eggs of any living avian species, with each egg weighing around three pounds (1.36 kg) and equaling roughly two dozen chicken eggs. Ostrich eggs are similar to porcelain in thickness and texture, and measure around five inches (12.7 cm) in diameter ((according to Melissa Esposito of Hudson Valley Magazine, who spoke with employees at Highland Farm, an ostrich farm in Germantown, New York. )) 1. GREAT TINAMOU Native to Central and South America, the great tinamou (Tinamus major) is a turkey-like ground-dwelling bird that lives in humid tropical lowland habitats. #birdeggs #uniquebirds #strangeanimals #originsexplained