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Planets Song with The Zorbits | Science For Kids

456 Views· 09/02/16
Toddler Fun Learning
Toddler Fun Learning
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Sing The Planets Song With The Zorbits and learn their order and remember their names! The Zorbits are 3 alien friends who travel across the solar system learning about different planets including planet Earth! Watch more Zorbits here: http://bit.ly/2ciujxL Join in with Korky, Zaggle and Goobers: We’re going on our holidays yeah yay yay!! But first - let’s choose which place we’ll stay…! There’s Mercury? But then it’s way too hot And next to the sun so we’d burn a lot The planets the planets - there’s eight in all They circle the sun and they’re round like a ball You’ll get tongue tied if you name each one But come let’s try - it’ll be such fun! Neptune’s cool - it’s away from the sun? Though we’d freeze to ice as it’s the furthest one Jupiter? Well l there’s too much breeze Oh give us a planet that’s comfy please The planets the planets - there’s eight in all They circle the sun and they’re round like a ball You’ll get tongue tied if you name each one But come let’s try - it’ll be such fun! Mercury Venus Earth and Mars are the closest planets to our star Jupiter and Saturn (we’ll finish soon) Uranus and last of all Neptune We could float ‘round Venus? We could ski on Mars They both look pretty and they’re not too far? But the atmosphere would make you sick ‘Cos it’s either too thin or exceedingly thick The planets the planets - there’s eight in all They circle the sun and they’re round like a ball You’ll get tongue tied if you name each one But come let’s try - it’ll be such fun Uranus then? Though there’s too much gas And if we swam in the sea there we’d break like glass. We could skate ‘round Saturn on its rings of ice But falling through the rocks might not be so nice The planets the planets - there’s eight in all They circle the sun and they’re round like a ball You’ll get tongue tied if you name each one But come let’s try - it’ll be such fun! Mercury Venus Earth and Mars are the closest planets to our star Jupiter and Saturn (we’ll finish soon) Uranus and last of all Neptune What about earth? - the temperature s fine You can drink the water and there’s nice sunshine The ground is solid - so we won’t disappear And I’ve heard there’s a great atmosphere The planets the planets - there’s eight in all They circle the sun and they’re round like a ball You’ll get tongue tied if you name each one But come let’s try - it’ll be such fun! Mercury Venus Earth and Mars are the closest planets to our star Jupiter and Saturn (we’ll finish soon) Uranus and last of all Neptune _____________ Animated by Chris Lacey The Planets Song Written and produced by Mike Moran and Alan Watson Lyrics by Susanne T Schroder Performed by Lucy Cattell Loved The Planets Song? Subscribe to the Toddler Fun Learning channel here for lots more fun learning videos http://bit.ly/1RyvZEG Toddler Fun Learning makes fun, free and educational videos, nursery rhymes, stories and songs for toddlers all over the world.

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