60+ Mundo Passive Interactions! (Urgot R, Poppy R, Blitzcrank Q, Lee Sin R and more...)
Testing the new Dr. Mundo passive for you! ➤ Music by Zero-project: 1. Dance of the Shadows 2. The journey Visit http://www.zero-project.gr/ for more! ➤ Become a member/sponsor: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZ-oWkpMnHjTJpeOOlD80OA/join ➤ Send me your replays here: vandiril88@gmail.com ➤ Follow me on Twitch, Twitter, Facebook, Discord and Subreddit! http://www.twitch.tv/vandiril https://twitter.com/vandiril https://www.facebook.com/Vandiril https://discord.gg/Vandiril https://www.reddit.com/r/vandiril/ I’m part of the official League Partner Program with Riot Games. You can read about the program here: https://partners.leagueoflegends.com/en_GB/ Chapters: 0:00 Intro 0:05 Malphite R 0:11 Urgot E, R 0:23 Lee Sin R 0:28 Malzahar R 0:39 Blitzcrank Q, E, R 0:53 Poppy E, R 1:02 Tahm Kench W 1:08 Alistar Q, W 1:17 Taliyah W, R 1:37 Mordekaiser R (+ passive realm test) 1:51 Zoe E 1:57 Sion Q, R 2:08 Skarner E, R 2:18 Can Cannister bounce behind the wall? 2:27 Lissandra W, R 2:35 Warwick E, R 2:47 Janna Q, R 2:57 Morgana Q, R 3:10 Hecarim E, R 3:21 Bard Q, R + Everfrost 3:35 Nautilus Passive, Q, R 3:52 Nami Q, R 4:03 Azir R 4:08 Fizz R 4:14 Thresh Q, R 4:24 Sett E, R 4:33 Lulu Polymorph, R 4:41 Orianna R 4:46 Gragas E, R 4:53 Trundle E 5:07 Nocturne Q, E, R 5:20 Quinn Q, E 5:29 Galio W, E, R 5:45 Jarvan E+Q, R