OUR BEST DAY YET! (Camping On The New Boat)
Strick & Fran are exploring and camping on the new boat, join them for their best day onboard yet! Unbelievable fishing, snorkelling and some amazing nature encounters. This was a pretty special one guys, we hope you enjoyed it! Support our mates at Genesis Craft for making this possible! http://www.genesiscraft.com.au https://instagram.com/genesiscraftboats https://www.facebook.com/genesiscraftboats Watch more of Strick & Fran on their New Channel The Castaways : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCf-_9_EaqHr0AKYwYgJxoyQ Join the B2B Tribe with Strick & Az to support the B2B Channel: https://patreon.com/b2badventures Get kitted out with new B2B Merch: https://B2Badventures.com.au #TheGreatAdventure3 #Ep13