What Happened to the German and Japanese POWs? - COLD WAR DOCUMENTARY
We are continuing our historical documentary series on the Cold War with a video on the German and Japanese PoWs. World War II was brutal in many regards, but it was even more pronounced in the case of the prisoners of war. Millions were imprisoned on either side of the conflict, and the losers of the war suffered even more than the winners. In this video we will discuss the fate of the German and Japanese PoWs. Consider supporting us on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/thecoldwar Sources: Mark Harrison - The Soviet Union after 1945: Economic Recovery and Political Repression Хлевнюк О. В. - Советская экономическая политика на рубеже 1940—1950-х годов и «дело Госплана» Иголкин А. - Фундамент нефтяной сверхдержавы Зубкова Е.Ю. - Послевоенное советское общество: политика и повседневность, 1945 - 1953. М., 2000.