Growing Potatoes in Moose Manure | Off Grid Gardening in Nature
Building a homestead in the Canadian wilderness has particular challenges, and growing vegetables in moose and deer manure is one of the natural and unusual ways that helps me to become more self reliant at my log cabin. This week, I collect moose droppings from around the forest, including alongside the First Nations longhouse where a couple of moose have been hanging out over the past year. My lower garden is beside a stream that runs behind my log cabin and is a popular crossing spot for moose, deer, bear and wolf so there is plenty of manure in the area that I can use for compost. Good soil is not plentiful here, so I need to build up the organic composition with wild animal manure, green manure, water plants, fish, bird and animal remains and anything else that breaks down quickly. I will continue to compost these organic materials in a large compost pile with leaves and branches making up the bulk of the material. With three separate gardens, I have built redundancy into our food system, which includes not only the cultivated gardens but also consists of wild edibles - meat, fish, fruit and vegetables from the forest, lakes and rivers that surround us here in Ontario Canada. In the newest forest garden that I m currently developing, I have planted potatoes in leaf litter, forest soil and moose manure as well as many other cool weather vegetables that can be grown before the last frost of the season - spinach, beets, carrots, peas and alliums. In the coming weeks, I ll finish building a bear and wolf proof chicken coop and I ll plant the warm season vegetables, including tomatoes, peppers, beans and more by the end of May My Axe and Adze - Thanks for watching! New videos every FRIDAY. Please subscribe. My Other Channel: Shawn James T-SHIRTS: Watch the playlists by clicking on these links: Building an Off Grid Sauna: Building a Log Cabin with Hand Tools: Building an Outdoor Forest Kitchen: Best of My Self Reliance: To see what I’m up to during the rest of the week, please follow me on my other online channels; Website: Facebook – Instagram – My Mailing Address: 51 King William Street P.O. Box 30017 Huntsville, ON P1H 0B5 My Tools, Clothing & Other Gear: Cabelas: