Salvador Chang
Salvador Chang

Salvador Chang



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Salvador Chang
0 Views · 6 months ago

What do you think personally? Please comment below and share. I am genuinely curious. Hitlist Playlist; Check out my latest videos here by clicking the links below!!! Asking Random Strangers to SKYDIVE for FREE!! - Skydive Deland NAKED Skydive 2 Girls 2 Guys - Skydive City/ZHills Flamingo Boogie 2022 How Safe Is Skydiving? Is Skydiving Safe? SCARY TRUTH - Skydive Deland How To Pack A Parachute (Packing Tutorial) at Skydive Deland Be sure to like the video por favor, it helps the YT Algorithm. Share the video with your homies or mom or dog and even your next door neighbor. Somebody, anybody. Comment what nonsense you guys want to see next sent out of the plane!! For just one Subscribe from you, you can encourage me to keep the dream alive. Please Subscribe. *Make a Wish music softly plays in the background* Follow me and the boys on Social Media: because im an attention whore Instagram: Snapchat:

Salvador Chang
1,774 Views · 6 months ago

Here some Solid advice you should be doing daily a. acquire knowledge and make a continuing effort to increase and improve that knowledge b. practice and prepare for both the expected and the unexpected c. evaluate the risk factors d. accurately evaluate personal capabilities and limitations e. stay alert and aware of surroundings f. keep options open g. exercise good judgment 14 commandments of skydiving; 1. Cloud Clearance - Do not fly NEAR or THROUGH clouds (4–D, page 57) 2. Don t get complacent. Safety is EVERYONE S responsibility. 3. No alcohol or drugs Pre-flight (Section 2-1 Chapter F) 4. Know jump run direction, ground and surface winds before each individual jump (Section 2-1 Chapter H + K) 5. Know your gear. Gear checks are cool. Don’t be afraid to scan other jumpers gear on the ground or in the plane. You may save a life. (Section 2-1, G, point 1D) 6. Be in the loading area at 5 minute call to organize exit order. Know others pull altitude and what groups are doing. 7. Know & Agree on flight / landing pattern direction with other jumpers 8. Plan the dive. Dive the plan. 9. Review your emergency procedures before every jump. Be mentally prepared for malfunctions and always be ready to perform your emergency procedures. 10. Seat Belt & Helmet on and buckled during taxi, take off and landing (Section 2-1 chapter B point 2) 11. Spot before jumping , give appropriate time delay between jumpers / groups 12. Pull before minimum opening altitude (5k, 3k or 2.5k license dependent) (Section 2-1, Chapter I) 13. Keep your head on a swivel and look for other canopies during your entire canopy flight. 14. No Low Turns. If you are low use flat turns. Bonus; Have fun and enjoy!! That’s why we’re all here. Till next time. Check out my latest videos here by clicking the links below!!! I Wingsuit Skydive Every Day For 1 Week (Here’s What Happened) Squirrel Swift BASE Jump Compilation - The Higher The Risk The Higher The Reward! Miles Dashier BASE Jump Course Twin Falls, Idaho 2022 How to Achieve ANY GOAL! Simple Success Formula Explained! Must Watch! Skydiving Onto Public Beach to Tell People About Their Cars Extended Warrantee Asking Random Strangers to SKYDIVE for FREE!! - Skydive Deland Be sure to like the video por favor, it helps the YT Algorithm. Share the video with your homies or mom or dog and even your next door neighbor. Somebody, anybody. For just one Subscribe from you, you can encourage me to keep the dream alive. Please Subscribe. *Make a Wish music softly plays in the background* Follow me on Social Media: Instagram: Facebook:

Salvador Chang
2 Views · 6 months ago

Darren Avalos, the owner and operator of Black Sheep Wraps in Orlando Florida not only loves the work he does but has made it his full time income! In this interview we get to hear his back story on how he started from nothing in a small house garage working late hours after his regular job to now having his own shop with a hefty clientele list allowing him to quit the jobs he hated. He offers his clients tint services, ceramic coating, vinyl wraps, partial wraps, chrome detailing & commercial wraps. Check out his work here; Instagram; _Durwood_Wrapz Website; Here’s the raw real and honest story of Darren Avalos and Black Sheep Wraps.

Salvador Chang
2,011 Views · 8 months ago

This question has been on my mind personally so I figured I would ask other BASE Jumpers why they do it. Top responses being: 1. The Freedom / Feelings 2. Its Unique 3. The People After reflecting long and hard I ve realized I BASE Jump for similar reasons... 1. The Freedom (ZERO Rules, the only rules you must obey are the laws of mother nature. Respect her) 2. The Adventure (My BASE Rig has taken me many places and I have been able to meet many amazing people on this journey) 3. The Attention (the Unique factor) Its an experience very few individuals will ever have. 4. To prove to myself that I can accomplish ANYTHING I set my mind to and that there is a formula to becoming successful. I had to go on this journey in order to learn more about not only myself as a man but life / the world in general. I believe after I Wingsuit BASE jump I would have completed the Hero s Journey. The Hero s Journey is a narrative pattern or storytelling structure that has been used in myths, legends, and literature across different cultures and time periods. It was popularized by the mythologist Joseph Campbell in his book "The Hero with a Thousand Faces." The Hero s Journey follows a protagonist, often referred to as the hero, who embarks on an adventure or quest. This journey typically consists of several stages and can be divided into three main phases: Departure, Initiation, and Return. Departure: The hero begins in the ordinary world but is called to adventure by a problem, challenge, or a specific event. Initially, the hero may refuse the call or be reluctant to leave their comfort zone. However, they ultimately accept the call and cross the threshold into the unknown or special world. Initiation: Once the hero enters the special world, they face a series of trials, tests, and encounters with allies and enemies. They receive guidance from mentors, acquire new skills or powers, and go through a process of self-discovery and transformation. The hero may encounter a supreme ordeal or face a major conflict that tests their abilities and resolve. Return: After successfully overcoming the challenges of the special world, the hero begins their journey back to the ordinary world, often with a newfound knowledge or a valuable treasure. They may face further obstacles or temptations on their return, and their ultimate goal is to bring back the knowledge, boon, or gift they obtained to benefit their community or the world. Throughout the Hero s Journey, the hero undergoes personal growth, learns important life lessons, and evolves as a character. The story often reflects universal themes and archetypal characters, making it relatable and resonant with audiences. Examples of stories that follow the Hero s Journey include ancient myths like the Greek tale of Odysseus, religious narratives like the story of Moses, and modern works of literature and film such as "The Lord of the Rings" or "Star Wars." However, it s important to note that not all stories strictly adhere to every stage of the Hero s Journey, and variations or modifications are common in different narratives.

Salvador Chang
2,664 Views · 1 year ago

Building BASE Jump. BASE jumping (/beɪs/) is the recreational sport of jumping from fixed objects, using a parachute to descend safely to the ground. "BASE" is an acronym that stands for four categories of fixed objects from which one can jump: buildings, antennae (referring to radio masts), spans (bridges), and earth (cliffs).

Salvador Chang
2,794 Views · 11 months ago

Here are the top 12 things I ve learned BASE Jumping; 1. Everything in Life is a Mental Game 00:58 2. My Purpose for BASE Jumping 02:27 3. No one is Special 05:23 4. BASE Jumping is Special 06:34 5. Who s All Talk 07:56 6. Ego Kills 10:49 7. Gear Matters 14:36 8. The Group You Choose to Jump With Matter 16:13 9. Gratitude 21:16 10. RANT: BASE is Selfish 22:57 11. BASE is Spiritual 28:03 12. BASE is not forever 29:56 Let me know your comments below, I m curious what you think!

Salvador Chang
0 Views · 1 year ago

BASE jumping (/beɪs/) is the recreational sport of jumping from fixed objects, using a parachute to descend safely to the ground. "BASE" is an acronym that stands for four categories of fixed objects from which one can jump: buildings, antennae (referring to radio masts), spans (bridges), and earth (cliffs).[1][2] Participants exit from a fixed object such as a cliff, and after an optional freefall delay, deploy a parachute to slow their descent and land. A popular form of BASE jumping is wingsuit BASE jumping.

Salvador Chang
2,589 Views · 3 years ago

Still have yet to purchase a camera but that will change soon, hold me to it. I was able to get videos from three jumps I did today. Stoked to have redeemed myself on these and was able to get a bit wild on my last one. its currently 10:23pm at the local Planet Fitness because they have free wifi and the grind doesn t stop. Looking forward to getting my own camera so I don t have to hunt people down for footage. Also looking forward to purchasing Premier Pro because once again this was edited on my phone. I enjoy filming and chopping these videos up for you guys. I hope to bring you educational content so you can fully understand what a commitment skydiving is. Overall hyped for life right now. I planned this work and now I m working my plan. Jumping almost daily and when I m not jumping I m working as a packer on the mat so my life is skydiving 25/8. Next video I drop will be the official intro of my YouTube channel. From there on forward ill be taking things more series. Its been all fun and games till then. (it ll still but fun and games but you know what I mean) Be sure to like the video por favor, it helps the YT Algorithm. Share the video with your homies or mom or dog and even your next door neighbor. Somebody, anybody. Comment what nonsense you guys want to see next sent out of the plane For just one Subscribe from you, you can encourage me to keep the dream alive. Please Subscribe. *Make a Wish music softly plays in the background* Follow me on Social Media: because im an attention whore

Salvador Chang
3,659 Views · 3 years ago

This is a compilation of most of the jumps I have been able to get on video this year. Still cant wait until I can jump with my GoPro myself! Hope you guys enjoy. Last week I tested a short video, and that thing took off. Got more views than all my other videos thus far so this time around I am going to mix things up and post a longer video. Lets see how you guys feel about longer type videos. Special Shout out to Charly (Spidy), Craig, Nikki, and Carlos for the sick footage. Couldn t have done it without you guys. Be sure to like the video por favor, it helps the YT Algorithm. Share the video with your homies or mom or dog and even your next door neighbor. Somebody, anybody. Comment what nonsense you guys want to see next sent out of the plane For just one Subscribe from you, you can encourage me to keep the dream alive. Please Subscribe. *Make a Wish music softly plays in the background* Follow me and the boys on Social Media: because im an attention whore Instagram: Snapchat: Nathan Moir; @Nathanmoir Kevin Duffy; @Kevinduffy_ Charly Pary (Spidy); @SkySpidy *On Video* Craig Burger; @Cragy_b_386 *On Video*

Salvador Chang
696 Views · 3 years ago

The boys and myself woke up bright and early for this rare opportunity and it was well worth it. This sunrise high pull skydive was simply breath taking, watching the sun come up over the clouds casting beautiful sun rays like something from a Japanese painting. I left my brakes stowed most of the jump because I wanted as much time under canopy as possible. Me and Nathan flew close together and even touched canopy edges together a few times. I m extremely grateful and humbled by the experience. This skydive was definitely one to remember. Much love to everyone one the jump! First Song; Onycs - Together · [Ambient Background Music] "Together, as we all need to be" – Onycs Second Song; LiQWYD & Carl Storm - Stay Here · [Pop / Chill Background Music] "A chill electronic pop track with vocals!" - @LiQWYD Be sure to like the video por favor, it helps the YT Algorithm. Share the video with your homies or mom or dog and even your next door neighbor. Somebody, anybody. Comment what nonsense you guys want to see next sent out of the plane For just one Subscribe from you, you can encourage me to keep the dream alive. Please Subscribe. *Make a Wish music softly plays in the background* Follow me and the boys on Social Media: because im an attention whore Instagram: Snapchat: Friends/Peeps in the Vid Instagram; Nathan Moir; @Nathanmoir Kevin Duffy; @Kevinduffy_ Luis Carlos Fernandez; @Captain_k22

Salvador Chang
2,970 Views · 3 years ago

This is a detailed, step by step, look at how I pack on the daily as a packer here at Skydive Deland. Once again this is not the only method to packing a skydiving rig. In this video we will cover; - Stretching your rig out - Stowing you brakes - Walking the lines up - Flaking the canopy - Laying down the canopy - How to cock a pilot chute - Putting the canopy in the Deployment Bag - How to create line stows and double stow your lines - How to close a skydiving container - How to fold a Pilot Chute - How to have a good time and SEENNNDDD IIITTTTTTTTT!! Be sure to like the video por favor, it helps the YT Algorithm. Share the video with your homies or mom or dog and even your next door neighbor. Somebody, anybody. Comment what nonsense you guys want to see next sent out of the plane For just one Subscribe from you, you can encourage me to keep the dream alive. Please Subscribe. *Make a Wish music softly plays in the background* Follow me and the boys on Social Media: because im an attention whore Instagram: Snapchat: Friends/Peeps in the Vid Instagram; Nathan Moir; @Nathanmoir Kevin Duffy; @Kevinduffy_

Salvador Chang
994 Views · 3 years ago

This is a quick first person point of view look at how I pack on the daily as a packer here at Skydive Deland. if you are looking for a slow and more detailed packing tutorial video, click the link below: Detailed Packing Tutorial; Once again this is not the only method to packing a skydiving rig. In this video we will cover briefly; - Stretching your rig out - Walking the lines up - Flaking the canopy - Laying down the canopy - How to cock a pilot chute - Putting the canopy in the Deployment Bag - How to create line stows and double stow your lines - How to close a skydiving container - How to fold a Pilot Chute - How to have a good time and SEENNNDDD IIITTTTTTTTT!! Be sure to like the video por favor, it helps the YT Algorithm. Share the video with your homies or mom or dog and even your next door neighbor. Somebody, anybody. Comment what nonsense you guys want to see next sent out of the plane For just one Subscribe from you, you can encourage me to keep the dream alive. Please Subscribe. *Make a Wish music softly plays in the background* Follow me and the boys on Social Media: because im an attention whore Instagram: Snapchat:

Salvador Chang
4,895 Views · 3 years ago

This is my Personal Experience with the AFF Course Explained. Looking back now I would have gone the traditional route and done a proper AFF Course at another Drop Zone such as Skydive Deland but hey, you live and you learn. Clips From Level 1 - 3 Credited to this AFF Video. Great Overview, Definitely Check it out!! Learn to skydive AFF Course explained. Perth, Jurien Bay WA Also if you need help packing a parachute check out the previous videos I made below. A bunch of people have been able to pack easier using these videos. How To Pack A Parachute (Packing Tutorial) at Skydive Deland How To Pack A Parachute Explained in First Person Point of View - Full Tutorial Be sure to like the video por favor, it helps the YT Algorithm. Share the video with your homies or mom or dog and even your next door neighbor. Somebody, anybody. Comment what nonsense you guys want to see next sent out of the plane For just one Subscribe from you, you can encourage me to keep the dream alive. Please Subscribe. *Make a Wish music softly plays in the background* Follow me and the boys on Social Media: because im an attention whore Instagram: Snapchat: Friends/Peeps in the Vid Instagram; Nathan Moir; @Nathanmoir Gil Guevara; @Flyinggilligan Colbe; @Colbe891.edits

Salvador Chang
1,279 Views · 3 years ago

I recently got a GoPro Max which can shoot 360 video so these are some shots I was able to get from the other day while skydiving at Skydive Deland. The 360 video definitely adds a whole other perspective to the jumps. With this camera there s no way I am missing a shot hahaha Let me know what you think of the shots in the comments. Check out my last video here by clicking the link below!!! I was in a Bunny Suit and Kevin hit 100 Jumps so we pied him! Be sure to like the video por favor, it helps the YT Algorithm. Share the video with your homies or mom or dog and even your next door neighbor. Somebody, anybody. Comment what nonsense you guys want to see next sent out of the plane For just one Subscribe from you, you can encourage me to keep the dream alive. Please Subscribe. *Make a Wish music softly plays in the background* Follow me and the boys on Social Media: because im an attention whore Instagram: Snapchat: Friends/Peeps in the Vid Instagram; Nathan Moir; @Nathanmoir Kevin Duffy; @Kevinduffy_

Salvador Chang
3,226 Views · 3 years ago

This is a simple heart to heart I ve been needed/wanting to have with you guys. I honestly love all of you guys and the support of the channel. Here are some things I ve learned while doing 200 skydives. Enjoy. Check out my latest videos here by clicking the links below!!! Bunny Suit Skydive at Skydive Deland (Kevin s 100th Jump) Skydiving Compilation 2021 (Skydive Deland) How To Pack A Parachute (Packing Tutorial) at Skydive Deland Be sure to like the video por favor, it helps the YT Algorithm. Share the video with your homies or mom or dog and even your next door neighbor. Somebody, anybody. Comment what nonsense you guys want to see next sent out of the plane!! For just one Subscribe from you, you can encourage me to keep the dream alive. Please Subscribe. *Make a Wish music softly plays in the background* Follow me and the boys on Social Media: because im an attention whore Instagram: Snapchat:

Salvador Chang
4,817 Views · 3 years ago

A mash up of all the footage I could get my hands on before i had 200 skydives and one or two once I could actually film my jumps for myself. I hope you guys enjoy. Check out my latest videos here by clicking the links below!!! Bunny Suit Skydive at Skydive Deland (Kevin s 100th Jump) Skydiving Compilation 2021 (Skydive Deland) How To Pack A Parachute (Packing Tutorial) at Skydive Deland Be sure to like the video por favor, it helps the YT Algorithm. Share the video with your homies or mom or dog and even your next door neighbor. Somebody, anybody. Comment what nonsense you guys want to see next sent out of the plane!! For just one Subscribe from you, you can encourage me to keep the dream alive. Please Subscribe. *Make a Wish music softly plays in the background* Follow me and the boys on Social Media: because im an attention whore Instagram: Snapchat:

Salvador Chang
3,798 Views · 3 years ago

This had to be one of the sickest skydives I ve done to date! Huge shout out to my boy Luis for coming through on this one. This jump is one ill remember for the rest of my life! Also this is the first video in a series I m creating called "The Hit List" where I go down a list of 30 wild/crazy jumps I ve always wanted to do! New videos from The Hit List will drop every Monday so Subscribe so you don t miss out. I will also be creating a playlist to make your life easier if you wanted to watch the list from start to finish! Check out my latest videos here by clicking the links below!!! What I ve Learned After 200 Skydives (Not What You Think) From 0 to 200 Skydives Compilation *Skydive Deland* How To Pack A Parachute (Packing Tutorial) at Skydive Deland Be sure to like the video por favor, it helps the YT Algorithm. Share the video with your homies or mom or dog and even your next door neighbor. Somebody, anybody. Comment what nonsense you guys want to see next sent out of the plane!! For just one Subscribe from you, you can encourage me to keep the dream alive. Please Subscribe. *Make a Wish music softly plays in the background* Follow me and the boys on Social Media: because im an attention whore Instagram: Snapchat: Friends/Peeps in the Vid Instagram; Luis Fernandez; @Captain_k22

Salvador Chang
1,235 Views · 3 years ago

Welcome to a series I m creating called "The Hit List" where I go down a list of 30 wild/crazy jumps I ve always wanted to do! New videos from The Hit List will drop every Monday so Subscribe so you don t miss out. I will also be creating a playlist to make your life easier if you wanted to watch the list from start to finish! Hitlist Playlist; Check out my latest videos here by clicking the links below!!! What I ve Learned After 200 Skydives (Not What You Think) From 0 to 200 Skydives Compilation *Skydive Deland* How To Pack A Parachute (Packing Tutorial) at Skydive Deland Be sure to like the video por favor, it helps the YT Algorithm. Share the video with your homies or mom or dog and even your next door neighbor. Somebody, anybody. Comment what nonsense you guys want to see next sent out of the plane!! For just one Subscribe from you, you can encourage me to keep the dream alive. Please Subscribe. *Make a Wish music softly plays in the background* Follow me and the boys on Social Media: because im an attention whore Instagram: Snapchat: Huge shout out to Bryan and Andrew for shooting video!! Appreciate the footage guys. Definitely make the video more dynamic the more angles we have!

Salvador Chang
1,828 Views · 3 years ago

So you re looking to purchase your first skydiving rig?! In this video we will go over; 1. The 4 Main Parts to a Skydiving Rig 2. Renting VS Buying Gear (Pros & Cons) 3. Best way to purchase your own skydiving rig 4. My current set up / What I jump Daily Hitlist Playlist; Check out my latest videos here by clicking the links below!!! What I ve Learned After 200 Skydives (Not What You Think) From 0 to 200 Skydives Compilation *Skydive Deland* How To Pack A Parachute (Packing Tutorial) at Skydive Deland Be sure to like the video por favor, it helps the YT Algorithm. Share the video with your homies or mom or dog and even your next door neighbor. Somebody, anybody. Comment what nonsense you guys want to see next sent out of the plane!! For just one Subscribe from you, you can encourage me to keep the dream alive. Please Subscribe. *Make a Wish music softly plays in the background* Follow me and the boys on Social Media: because im an attention whore Instagram: Snapchat:

Salvador Chang
4,323 Views · 3 years ago

Welcome to a series I m creating called "The Hit List" where I go down a list of 30 wild/crazy jumps I ve always wanted to do! New videos from The Hit List will drop every Monday so Subscribe so you don t miss out. I will also be creating a playlist to make your life easier if you wanted to watch the list from start to finish! Hitlist Playlist; Check out my latest videos here by clicking the links below!!! What I ve Learned After 200 Skydives (Not What You Think) From 0 to 200 Skydives Compilation *Skydive Deland* How To Pack A Parachute (Packing Tutorial) at Skydive Deland Be sure to like the video por favor, it helps the YT Algorithm. Share the video with your homies or mom or dog and even your next door neighbor. Somebody, anybody. Comment what nonsense you guys want to see next sent out of the plane!! For just one Subscribe from you, you can encourage me to keep the dream alive. Please Subscribe. *Make a Wish music softly plays in the background* Follow me and the boys on Social Media: because im an attention whore Instagram: Snapchat:

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