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Asking BASE Jumpers Why They BASE Jump! - Perrine Bridge Twin Falls Idaho

2,011 Views· 10/22/23
Salvador Chang
Salvador Chang
473 Subscribers

This question has been on my mind personally so I figured I would ask other BASE Jumpers why they do it. Top responses being: 1. The Freedom / Feelings 2. Its Unique 3. The People After reflecting long and hard I ve realized I BASE Jump for similar reasons... 1. The Freedom (ZERO Rules, the only rules you must obey are the laws of mother nature. Respect her) 2. The Adventure (My BASE Rig has taken me many places and I have been able to meet many amazing people on this journey) 3. The Attention (the Unique factor) Its an experience very few individuals will ever have. 4. To prove to myself that I can accomplish ANYTHING I set my mind to and that there is a formula to becoming successful. I had to go on this journey in order to learn more about not only myself as a man but life / the world in general. I believe after I Wingsuit BASE jump I would have completed the Hero s Journey. The Hero s Journey is a narrative pattern or storytelling structure that has been used in myths, legends, and literature across different cultures and time periods. It was popularized by the mythologist Joseph Campbell in his book "The Hero with a Thousand Faces." The Hero s Journey follows a protagonist, often referred to as the hero, who embarks on an adventure or quest. This journey typically consists of several stages and can be divided into three main phases: Departure, Initiation, and Return. Departure: The hero begins in the ordinary world but is called to adventure by a problem, challenge, or a specific event. Initially, the hero may refuse the call or be reluctant to leave their comfort zone. However, they ultimately accept the call and cross the threshold into the unknown or special world. Initiation: Once the hero enters the special world, they face a series of trials, tests, and encounters with allies and enemies. They receive guidance from mentors, acquire new skills or powers, and go through a process of self-discovery and transformation. The hero may encounter a supreme ordeal or face a major conflict that tests their abilities and resolve. Return: After successfully overcoming the challenges of the special world, the hero begins their journey back to the ordinary world, often with a newfound knowledge or a valuable treasure. They may face further obstacles or temptations on their return, and their ultimate goal is to bring back the knowledge, boon, or gift they obtained to benefit their community or the world. Throughout the Hero s Journey, the hero undergoes personal growth, learns important life lessons, and evolves as a character. The story often reflects universal themes and archetypal characters, making it relatable and resonant with audiences. Examples of stories that follow the Hero s Journey include ancient myths like the Greek tale of Odysseus, religious narratives like the story of Moses, and modern works of literature and film such as "The Lord of the Rings" or "Star Wars." However, it s important to note that not all stories strictly adhere to every stage of the Hero s Journey, and variations or modifications are common in different narratives.

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