Fascination of the Universe: Cosmic Encounters
“Cosmic Encounters” tells one of mankind’s oldest dreams: to explore what is beyond our planet. For the first time a documentary has been filmed in 3D in space by the astronauts of the International Space Station. It is a tribute to the many scientists who made the dream of conquering space come true. Our guides on this voyage are the astronauts André Kuipers, who filmed on board, and Alexander Gerst, whose demanding training for the 2014 mission is recorded at the Johnson Space Center. ---- This channel offers you full episodes of high quality documentaries. Enjoy and don t forget to subscribe :) ---- Other channels you might be interested in: criminals and crimefighters: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYuXyzwA_w4-c1FJrqOnR0A hazards and catastrophes: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5WE_bClugxSVG1ENir8qzg