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Phil Saves Amelia From The Dreaded Claw! Not All Heroes Have Fur! (Cutest Ever!!)

4,872 Views· 01/10/24
Life with Malamutes
Life with Malamutes
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In Pet

Phil and Teddy both save Amelia from the posessed claw that is Dad s hand! Phil s not happy and starts howling to show he will do something, when he can be bothered getting up haha. Teddy bites it and Phil pounces up on the couch to save the day! He calms the claw down to submission by paw. With great power comes great responsibility he thought to himself as he subdued the beast. Amelia doesn t know how lucky she is to have been saved from certain doom. Nevertheless she graciously thanks him. A dog s work is done now, on to the next adventure....

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