Phil Tries To Give Them A Run For Their Money! Excited Dogs Battle For The Ball!!
Niko may have been a bit more excited than the others initially but soon calmed down! Phil gets these bursts of energy where he's all game, it's the taking part that counts though. Teddy of course is the young pup with more energy and faster so we try to give the others a helping hand sometimes (most of the time) It's so good to have dry weather and be able to use the garden as when it's wet its just too dirty and the grass rips up. We also got a ball launcher recently but i think we need more of a professional tennis or baeball launcher to get the distance, the one we bought rated best on market barely throws it the length of the drive. Anyway, the dogs have fun and this is where it's great to have more than one so they can play with each other and extend exercise.