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The 2017 LINE Sir Francis Bacon Skis by Eric Pollard - EP s Most Popular & Versatile Ski

28,668 Views· 05/17/24
519 Subscribers

Click for price & info: http://lineskis.com/s/pollard-yt The new Sir Francis Bacon is a refined, everyday ski that delivers an even better all-mountain ride – the kind of ride that made this ski famous in the first place. Sir Bacon was a scientific revolutionary, and this award-winning ski is LINE athlete Eric Pollard’s contribution to the movement – a narrower waist for a lighter, speedier ride, with five radii blended into the overall sidecut for intuitive control. As Eric describes it, “The Sir Francis Bacon floats through milky snow, carves the hardpack, and has a buttery personality." SPECS: Waist Width mm: 104 Length cm: 178, 184, 190 Shape mm: 135-104-131 Sidecut m: 17.4 (184cm) Stance mm: Eric's Choice -20 / Recommended -60 Weight: Weight: 2,045 g/ski (186) Profile mm: 9-3-9 (Tip Early Rise-Camber-Tail Early Rise) CONSTRUCTION: Partly Cloudy Core™ Sidewall™ Early Rise™ Thin Tip™ Fivecut™ Symmetric Flex™ Thin Tip™ -~-~~-~~~-~~-~- Check out: "Tucker Fitzsimons | Level 1 Superunknown Recap Edit" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V41AyWWEw5Y -~-~~-~~~-~~-~-

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